Home > Coaching the Nerd (Nerds Vs Jocks #2)(31)

Coaching the Nerd (Nerds Vs Jocks #2)(31)
Author: Eli Easton

Oh yes, I understood. Heat suffused my groin, and lightning shot into my penis. Oh my God, how could the pleasure keep going, getting more and more intense until—everything exploded. A burst of cum leaped out of me and into Bubba’s big hand as my head filled with light and my body with that wracking pleasure. So much. Too much.

No, never too much. The more Bubba, the better.

I found the energy to grab a tissue from the nightstand, and we wiped off. Then I collapsed onto Bubba’s chest. I thought it entirely possible it was the best place I’d ever been in my life. Certainly, I had no motivation to move.

Bubba rubbed my back. “So. First time doing that, huh?”


I felt rather than saw him smile, though I couldn’t explain how that was possible. He murmured, “And how was it?”

I snuggled closer. “It was far, far superior to cheesecake.” Then something occurred to me. Of course it was good for me. I was gay. I stiffened. “Was that…satisfactory for you as well? I’m sure I’ll improve with practice.”

“It was really hot,” Bubba said in a sexy voice, rubbing a little lower on my back. “Pretty sure you’re a natural.”

That made me smile. “So, we can do it again?”

“I sure as shit hope so.”

Ah, bliss. The joy was nearly as intense as the orgasm. “Good. There are many other things we should try. I’ll make a list!”



Chapter Fourteen




“Um, taste this.” I took a forkful of feta and spinach omelet and reached across the table to hold it at Sean’s mouth. He got that cute grin that seemed to pop up whenever I did something “boyfriendy,” like he couldn’t believe I was doing it. Truthfully, I couldn’t believe it either, but if I found myself wondering, What will people think about something I wanted to do with Sean, like put my hand on his back or hold his hand, I shrugged it off. Enough of that. Twenty-one years of being everybody else’s guy was plenty. I smiled at Sean and ignored everyone else in the restaurant.

I’d slept in my own room last night because making out with Sean for the first time had been a big deal for both of us, and I thought he could use a little space. Maybe I needed it too. Also, his bed was too damned small. But I’d woken early and texted to invite him to breakfast. I ran out of my house before anybody was up, but I’d for sure see them all when we got back. Today was Sunday. We didn’t have a tournament game this weekend, but we had flag practice, and it was important.

Sean took some of his omelet on his fork and returned the favor. He’d gotten the Spanish concoction with cheese, salsa, and peppers, and it had a lot of spicy flavor compared to mine. At least I’d gotten him to eat protein instead of ordering cereal like he often ate.

I smiled, but my stomach was a little flip-floppy. Showing up at a local breakfast restaurant early on a Sunday with Sean was one thing. Most of the people eating were older couples. Going to the ALAs and telling them the Bubba news was a way bigger test.

“So, it’s okay with you if I go tell my brothers about us without you? I mean, you can come too if you want.” Truthfully, I didn’t want to run the risk of somebody being mean to Sean. If they were going to be pissed—not that they had any right—I wanted it to be just at me.

“No, I understand that you need to communicate to your fraternity in your own way. Fend off disbelief. Fight a duel or two. I’ll meet you at flag practice.”

Sean smiled as if he was teasing, but I thought he was a little worried.

“Deal. And I promise, I won’t sing any duets.” I grinned.

“No, I said duel, as in—”

I winked at him, and he shut his mouth and chuckled. “Got me.”

A bubble of happiness burst inside me. Why did it make me feel so freaking good just to talk to Sean? It felt kind of awesome that someone as smart as he was enjoyed hanging around with me.

I looked up for the man who’d waited on us to get the check and, instead, locked eyes with Marla Mahoney who was sitting at a cattycorner table with two older people. Marla was a KAL and best friends with a girl I used to date. Don’t look away. Don’t look away. I smiled at her in as much of an everything’s normal way as I could manage.

She said something to the older couple, got up from her booth, and walked over. “Hi, Bubba. What a surprise seeing you here.”

I gave a little shrug. “A man’s gotta eat.”

She turned her gaze on Sean and extended her hand. “Hi. I’m Marla.”

Sean glanced at me but took her hand and said, “I’m Sean.”

There was a pause. I was pretty sure it was the kind they called pregnant.

Sean jumped in. “Did you enjoy your breakfast?”

“I’m waiting for it now. What did you have?”

Sean said seriously, “The Spanish omelet. It was very tasty. Bubba has been training me how to eat correctly in order to maximize muscle gain.”

Her eyebrows rose, and she smiled. “Oh, Bubba’s your trainer.”

“Yes.” Sean nodded.

I took a breath. “Sean’s my boyfriend, and I also train him.”

“Oh.” Her mouth formed the sound. “I, uh, didn’t know.”

“That’s okay. It’s pretty new.”

“My goodness.” I could practically see her fingers moving she wanted to text her sorority sisters so bad. She said, “Well, I see my food coming. Wow. Congratulations, you two. That’s really great.” She waggled her fingers and hurried back to her table.

The waiter who delivered her food dropped off our check, and in five minutes, we were out in the shivery morning air.

Sean said, “That was very brave of you. She looked like a person who will enjoy sharing her story with others.”

I laughed. “You mean she’s a gossip? Oh yes. Honestly, that’s one reason I said it. If you tell Marla, it saves having to tell a whole bunch of other people. Don’t get me wrong. She’s not mean or anything. She just likes to be the first one to know stuff.” I reached out a gloved hand, and Sean grinned and then put his hand in mine. That’s how we walked back to the SMT house.

After he’d run up his steps, I turned and walked across the street, my heart thudding every time my foot hit the ground. It wasn’t that I was scared for them to know I was dating Sean. It was more about how to tell them. I wasn’t great at practicing shit to say. Sometimes thinking too hard about it just made me all tongue-tied and worse, so I plowed ahead, hoping for the best. This was my life, and I was dating Sean McKinney. Like it or lump it.

I tromped up the porch steps, opened the front door, and stepped into the warmth of the entry. The smell of bacon and the sounds of video games felt familiar and comfortable. I hung my coat on the hall tree over several layers of other big puffer jackets, took a breath, and walked into the living room.

Rand was at his computer at the dining room table. Tray, Rex, and DeWan were huddled on the couch, going over flag plays on Tray’s tablet. Two of the freshman members who lived in the dorms but hung out at the house were playing Mortal Kombat. Pizazz Trask, way too much of a party animal to manage flag football, was zonked out in an armchair. I knew PJ and Jesse had both gone off to Quiz Bowl sectionals with the Poins, so they’d have to find out from everybody else.

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