Home > Lemon Drizzle Mondays at the Little Duck Pond Cafe (Little Duck Pond Cafe, Book 9)(31)

Lemon Drizzle Mondays at the Little Duck Pond Cafe (Little Duck Pond Cafe, Book 9)(31)
Author: Rosie Green

I swallow hard, tense as a wound-up spring, but I refuse to look away, even though staring at his mocking face is almost more than I can bear.

‘No, actually, Molly, what I’m here for is to let you know that from today, I’m increasing the rent to the going rate.’ He shrugs. ‘That’s perfectly reasonable, isn’t it? I mean, I’ve gone out of my way to help you, even though you haven’t exactly shown much gratitude. None at all, really. But…I’m not here to criticise. I just need you to know that the rent is due on Wednesday and I’m going to need the full amount for the month.’

He names a figure that’s more than twice what we’re currently paying for his shitty dump, and I have to grip my hands together to stop them from trembling.

‘You’re an intelligent woman, Molly. You know what happens when people don’t keep up their rental payments. By law, the landlord can evict them. Now, normally, the landlord would have to give you a month’s notice. But since we never signed an agreement, I don’t need to abide by that. So…’ He folds his arms and smiles at me. ‘Pay the full rent by Wednesday, otherwise you’ll have to leave. Immediately. I’m a reasonable man, but I have to make a living, don’t I? It’s just business, Molly.’

My mouth is trembling so much, I can’t speak.

He gives a philosophical shrug, as if to say: I hate to do this to you, but what choice do I have?

‘See ya, then.’ And he walks away, whistling.



‘Our days are happier when we give people a piece of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.’




After a terrible night’s sleep, I wake up feeling as if I’ve been sleeping on a washing line all night. Every muscle aches and my eyes are glued together and gritty as sandpaper.

First thought: It’s Saturday so I can just doze on the sofa while Eva plays or watches TV.

Next thought: Oh, f***! I’m running the 10k today.

I haul myself out of bed and move around like an automaton, making breakfast and calling Eva through. I can’t get Jaxon’s threat out of my head, and Eva has to ask me three times for milk for her cereal before her request filters through.

My head was in turmoil during the wee small hours, trying to fathom out a plan.

So much for standing up for myself and calling a spade a spade. All I’ve managed to do is get us thrown out of the only home available to us. Because that’s what will happen now that Jaxon has decided to put up the rent. The little money I’ve managed to put aside from the café work isn’t enough to bridge the gap. I’ll only be able to cover two weeks at the new rate.

It breaks my heart, the thought of handing over our ‘get out of jail’ fund. But the fact is, I need to do whatever it takes to keep a roof over our heads. Even if Jaxon agrees to me paying just half of the rent on Wednesday, that only gives us a stay of execution for a fortnight.

What will I do after that?

Panic takes over my body, and the high-pitched whine in my head makes me reach for a chair.

Short of robbing a bank, it just can’t be done…

The thud of a glass being knocked over brings me back to the present. Eva’s orange juice is pooling over the table, travelling towards the edge, and instinctively, I grab whatever is to hand to stop it spilling over, before dashing for a proper cloth.

I can’t think about Jaxon’s threat now. I need to get Eva ready for her play-date with Jess and Mr Taylor, and try to wake myself up for the race. I make a strong black coffee and gulp it down, burning my mouth in the process. A quick glimpse out of the window reveals a blue-sky day with just a slight breeze disturbing the nearby trees. At least it’s a nice day for the run. Where’s the map of the route? It would be handy knowing where I’m supposed to be running (or more accurately, running and mostly walking). Fen gave me a copy of the route yesterday…

After a frustrating search, I eventually locate the map in the bin, soaked in orange juice. I hold it up with a grimace, and Eva shouts, ‘Yuck!’

‘Yuck indeed.’ I smile at her and drop it back in the bin. I don’t need a map anyway. I’ll just follow everyone else.

At least Eva seems in good spirits. Her excitement about the play-date is clearly uppermost in her mind this morning, and I’m grateful for that. It’s one less thing to worry about…

With Eva deposited next door, running in to play with Jess, I thank Mr Taylor (I still can’t get used to calling him Sean) and when the door closes, I stand there for a second, taking some deep breaths to bolster me up for the morning ahead.

When I run downstairs, my muscles ache already and I haven’t even started the race!

Everyone is assembled on the village green, looking like professional runners in their lycra, tracksuits and colourful trainers – while personally, I feel like I should be standing in a field, scaring off the birds. There are a lot of people I don’t know and shyness makes me a little awkward.

‘Over here!’ calls Fen, and I join her and the rest of the Little Duck Pond Café girls, grateful to feel I belong with them.

‘Anyone want a mint?’ asks Madison, waving a bag around.

‘You’ve already asked us three times,’ snaps Jaz. ‘Stop being kind, Madison. It’s bloody spooky!’ snaps Jaz.

Madison turns to glare at her, and Jaz starts to laugh.

‘Who was that Dickens character who acted so obsequious and ingratiating all the time?’ Jaz rubs her hands together with a disgustingly oily expression.

‘Uriah Heep!’ shouts Primrose.

‘That’s the fella,’ grins Jaz. ‘That’s who you remind me of, Madison.’

This, of course, only prompts Madison to act even more ‘Uriah Heep’ ingratiating, bowing down to Jaz and asking if madam would like to be fed grapes while being fanned with the feathers of the extremely rare Pain-in-the-Ass bird.

‘I seriously prefer the normal you. The one who doesn’t think before she speaks.’

Madison pretends to look hurt. ‘It’s not my fault I’m outspoken. I’m Sagittarius.’

Everyone laughs. Then Patrina claps her hands and calls for attention, and we all assemble where she wants us. And a few minutes later, we’re off.

The route apparently takes us on three circuits of the village green, before we all peel off onto the high street.

I manage the first few laps okay, but fatigue hits as we circle around for the third time. Not being able to face breakfast has done me no favours at all. It’s clear that my one strong black coffee has barely touched the sides. I need more caffeine if I’m going to magic up the energy to run the next seven or eight kilometres, and prove worthy of the group of mums at Eva’s school who are sponsoring me to do this run. I don’t want to let them or the charity down.

Passing the newsagent’s, I take my chance and dart inside. An energy-boosting drink is just what the doctor ordered. Plumping for the largest I can find, I pull the ring and stand outside the shop, leaning against the wall to drink it. It tastes disgusting, frankly, but if it can buy me some much-needed get-up-and-go, it’s worth the fizzy after-effects.

Throwing the can in a nearby bin, I’m dismayed to see the race stragglers disappearing round a bend at the top of the high street. I need to catch them up, otherwise I’ve no idea where to go.

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