Home > Possessed by Passion(304)

Possessed by Passion(304)
Author: Bella Emy

The women embraced.

Diana kissed Maya’s forehead. “We’ve dealt with worse. We’ll make it right. All of it.”

Maya nodded, accepted, and cried a little longer.



AT SIX-THIRTY—WITH Macy’s prompting, Dylan and Jake had lemonade on her front porch. Precisely at six forty-five, a Rolls Royce Phantom limo stopped in front of the Bed & Breakfast.

The driver got out. “Jacob and Dylan Spegal.” He opened the back door.

Jake looked at his jeans and boots. “Are we underdressed?”

“I doubt it matters.” Dylan led the way.

With most of the business on the main strip, there wasn’t much to see beyond the well-kept modest homes. Brick, shaded front porch, two-car driveway: the houses were older but held the same cookie-cutter feel of modern developments. A left took them down a long winding drive to what had to be the largest house in the area. A wide circular driveway with a fountain in the center, a six-car garage, four visible stories, and easily the length of a city block. It wasn’t a house; it was a mansion.

Jake whistled. “I don’t know why I didn’t expect this.”

“They own the town and they summoned you. Why wouldn’t you have expected this?” Dylan didn’t want to be impressed, but he was.

The driver opened the door, and they got out.

A maid greeted them and took their jackets. A second maid had them follow her. In another place, Dylan may not have noticed the servants were white, but in Rain, race was a thing. He was beginning to read it into everything.

In a sitting room, an older couple greeted them.

“Good evening,” the brothers said, almost in unison.

“Good evening,” the man, who looked like a cleaned-up version of JB, said. “Have a seat.” He indicated two chairs across from him. “Who’s who?”

The woman at his side sat down but didn’t speak.

“I’m Jacob. This is my brother, Dylan.”

“I’m Sidney and this is my wife, Diana. We’re Maya’s parents.”

Diana nodded. “Why are you here, Dylan?”

Dylan stood up. “I’m sorry. If this needs to be private, I’ll wait outside.”

“No.” She waved him down. “I mean why are you in Rain?”

Dylan returned to his chair. “My brother is in love with your daughter. He wants to marry her, sooner rather than later. The plan was to have representatives from both sides partake in the celebration.”

She looked at Jake. “It’s presumptuous to plan for a celebration before you get permission.”

“To be frank, Mrs. Harrison, I didn’t know I needed permission from anyone other than Maya. I didn’t know you existed until a few days ago.”

“It doesn’t change your presumption.”

Mr. Harrison took over. “Tell us something about you. Where do you live? Work?”

“I live in Bridgeport, where I met Maya. I’m the Sales Manager of my father’s company, Spegal Auto Club. I don’t know if you’ve heard of us down here, but it is a respected name and business.”

“And you?” Sidney turned to Dylan. “Do you work for your daddy too?”

Dylan ignored the sarcasm. “I do. I work for Jake too. I’m the Finance Officer, but Jake didn’t mention he was the CEO.”

“Dad’s the CEO.”

“No difference. Our friend, Sonny, runs our warehouse.”

“I’m glad you mentioned him.” Sidney crossed his arms. “Do you support or condone his behavior?”

Jake said, “I condone nothing. But, I will admit the retribution is extreme. He admired a pair of beautiful women. That’s all.”

“That is not all,” Diana snapped. “That Confederate flag is ridiculous. You may not have a problem with supremacy where you’re from, but we don’t tolerate that hatefulness in Rain.” She tsked.

Dylan wondered about the supremacy they did tolerate. “Ma’am, racist or not, classy or not, his flag belongs to him. No one has the right to take anything from him.”

Diana’s smiled was dry. “You’d be surprised how many rights fall outside your understanding of the rest of the world.”

Sidney wanted to steer the conversation into another direction. “I need to know something. Help me understand.”

Jake and Dylan were quiet, waiting.

“Why weren’t you curious about Maya’s missing family?”

“I was curious!” For the first time since arriving, Jake released a deep breath. “I asked, I snooped and prodded, but I never got any information.”

“And her lack of transparency didn’t give you a reason to pause?”

“I love her. What should I say? I can’t help that. Despite whatever is going on, I’m here. Doesn’t that count for something?”

“He’s here too.” Diana pointed to Dylan. “That counts for a lot more.”

“I have already offered to leave. Your secrecy may remain intact. I’m interested in my brother’s happiness. Nothing else matters to me.” Dylan shook his head.

“Well, son,” Sidney said, “let’s hope they find a way to believe you.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Diana cut him off. “Maya doesn’t want to marry you. She withdrew her request.”

Jake leaned forward. “Maya is scared, that’s all. Until she convinces me she’s not in love, it doesn’t matter what she says, thinks, or does. I’d like your permission to marry her, but I don’t need it.”

Sidney studied him. “I like you, son. I like you both. Under different circumstances, this would be a non-issue. But we’re in the here and now. You don’t need my permission; Maya is an adult. But, you do need their permission.” He thumbed the wall behind him. “We’re trying to help you.”

“I’m not trying to help you,” Diana hissed. “My daughter has been crying all day. I am petrified. We have already suffered enough because of her foolishness. I won’t do it again.” She stood up. “Stop asking questions and leave. That’s what you need to do!” Done with her outburst, she left the room.

Sidney rubbed his forehead. “They are so much alike. Maya and her mother cause more problems than they solve with their outbursts. How is that not going to make you more curious?”

The brothers agreed.

“Thank you, sir,” Jake said. “I wondered the same thing.”

“At the risk of stepping out of place, may I ask a general question or two?”

“Don’t get too specific, Dylan, and we’ll see.”

“Noted. Whatever the bond, connection—”

Jake interrupted, “Maya called it a membership.”

“Membership,” Dylan continued. “Whatever the membership, is it criminal or some sort of forced servitude?” He held his hand up for the time to clarify. “I’m seeking a general, explainable reason acceptance has to come before understanding. The Mob, by nature of being the Mob, doesn’t advertise killing people before they recruit you.”

“We’re not the Mob.” Sidney patted his belly. “Do I look like I’m in shape for shake-downs? I can tell you, nothing illegal is going on. No one is forced into a life in Rain. We have a responsibility to one another. We take that seriously. And, we have a responsibility to outsiders, to protect them. All we’re trying to do here is protect you.”

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