Home > Possessed by Passion(305)

Possessed by Passion(305)
Author: Bella Emy

“Shouldn’t we have a say in whether we want protection?” Jake asked.

“No. That wouldn’t be protecting you.”

Back to his questioning, Dylan asked, “Is there anything you can tell us about the Bishops? We botched things up first by being here, and then Sonny. How can we get off bad ground?”

“That’s why he’s here, to keep things reasonable,” Jake said.

Sidney nodded. “Ronald and Keisha aren’t hard people. Most of this day could be forgotten if one, that was all there was to it, and two, it was entirely up to them. But their kids have a say in this matter. They are being groomed for leadership. I hate to say it, but because of another incident, leniency would be a fallacy.”

“So Maya and I have to suffer because some jackass screwed-up?”

“Knock it off,” Dylan said.

Sidney cut Jake a hard stare. “He’s the thinker; you’re the doer. You make snap decisions, like showing up with guests. Quick judgments are dangerous. That jackass who screwed things up for you and Maya was Maya.”



Chapter Ten

Sidney led Dylan and Jake into a dining room. The table was set for sixteen. The sideboard which ran almost the length of one wall was fast filling up with tray after tray of food. People spread around the room, drinking and chatting. At the far end, a fireplace large enough to walk into cast orange-red light and heat.

“Oh, the guests of honor have arrived,” Tigris called the room to attention. “Maya, introductions, please.”

Overcome by the grandeur, Dylan hadn’t noticed Maya or her mother. They were there with another Caucasian woman. Everyone else was black.

Maya walked over and cleared her throat. “Everyone, I’d like to present my friends, Jacob and Dylan Spegal.” She took Jake by the hand and led him around the room.

Dylan followed.

“This is Mr. Ronald and Miss Keisha, our hosts. Mr. Ronald’s brother, Mr. Nick, and his wife, Miss Earlene. Over here are their kids, Ernest, Valerie, and—”

“Call me Sugar,” Valerie inspected each man and pumped Dylan’s hand a few extra times.

Sugar was thick, Dylan noticed. Not fat, but solid. She was darker than her girl-cousins, with larger breasts, a booming voice, and a commanding presence. The total package was nice, but not for him. Ernest, her brother, was solid too. The tallest person in the room, he had the essence of a linebacker. For all Dylan knew, he may have been a gentle giant, but his stance was protective. The dude was intimidating.

Maya pointed to the last cousin. “That handsome young man is Mackey. He runs the joint.”

“Yes, I do.” Mackey flexed his muscles. As the youngest person in the room, he commanded the most attention.

Maya moved on. “You’ve met my parents. This is my sister, Toni.”

A younger version of Maya, but with strawberry-blonde hair instead of the champagne color Maya preferred. They were close to the same height, with Toni boasting a rounder figure verses Maya’s sharp angles.

Dylan wondered what form of Morrison did Toni’s middle name take.

“Pleasure, Jacob. Dylan.” Like Sugar, Toni’s hand lingered on Dylan’s.

Normally, he was fond of female attention, but there wasn’t much normal about this situation. Besides, he wanted to hold a different girl’s hand.

“And finally, the crew,” Maya’s perkiness was believable to the point of bewilderment. “Whom you already know, but since there was no formal introduction, Tigris.”



“What’s up?”

“And, Nile...no s.”

“Good evening.”

Dylan forgot himself. Damn. She hadn’t changed clothes or restyled her hair. She didn’t look any different, but damn, she was beautiful.

Tigris stepped between them, pulling Dylan along with her. “Can we eat now, Mom? I’m starving.”

With a few discreet head nods and finger-pointing, everyone was placed to Tigris’—the seeming orchestrator—satisfaction. She sat at her father’s right hand, across from Jake. The twins were on the right and left of their mother with Maya beside Jordan and Nile scoring Mackey for company. Dylan was closer to the middle with Sugar on one side, Toni on the other, and Diana staring holes into him from across the table. If this was his punishment for being here, it was gruesome.

Jordan gave the blessing. Despite the mystery surrounding the situation, the food was excellent and the conversation lively. Ronald and Nick traded old-school tales while Jordan and Ernest kept the jokes running. The women talked of children, recipes, and shops. Earlene and Sugar ran the town’s only other eatery. An upscale down-home establishment if Dylan understood the description accurately.

The questions the brothers received were nonthreatening. Polite inquiries about their jobs, their schooling, their hobbies, details about their bikes, and the places they traveled. Toni made her interest known but didn’t press too hard. Dylan didn’t know if it was because her mother was across from them or because Sugar had also shown interest. Either way, he was grateful for the back-down. He had no desire to be in Jake’s shoes.

Sugar was almost unbearable. She was loud and used to getting her way. Her constant pull for his attention was starting to wear. After one particularly crass remark, Nile rolled her eyes heavenward. Dylan caught it and they shared a smile.

Dessert earned applause. Upside-down Blood Orange Cake, Tiramisu, and Red Velvet Cake portioned in thirds and served in sets. Dylan tried them all, loved them all, and hoped he wasn’t out of line for requesting seconds.

Ronald laid his napkin aside, indicating dinner was officially over. They put their forks down and returned their glasses to their coasters. People sat up straight and waited for him to speak.

“We might have to give a praise offering for that wonderful meal.”

Everyone said amen.

“Well now, I guess, it’s time for business. Jake, or do you prefer Jacob?”

Jake spent the meal at Ronald’s left hand being charmed and disarmed. He was relaxed and hopeful his earlier anxiety towards the Bishops was unfounded. “Either is fine, sir. I hear them both equally.”

“Okay, Jacob. I like calling people and things by their name, but I like people to like what they are being called.” He chuckled as if he made a joke.

Everyone chuckled with him.

“On behalf of my family,” Ronald waved a hand around the room. “We’re all family here. On behalf of the family, I apologize to you and Dylan.” He found Dylan’s eyes. “We’ve asked more of you than we’ve given. But trust me, it’s for a good reason. I hope you aren’t too offended.”

“Not at all, sir,” Jake said. “We...” he pointed to Dylan, “we accept that there are things we can’t understand.”

“Good man,” Ronald spoke to the rest of the table. “Anybody need to add an opinion?”

Dylan looked to Nile; she was the one he trusted. She gave an almost invisible head-shake, which may or may not have been directed at him. He took it for an indication to be quiet and willed Jake to do the same.

Earlene said, “I know the privilege started strong, but they know how to reel it in.”

“What about the other one?” her son, Ernest, asked.

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