Home > Possessed by Passion(440)

Possessed by Passion(440)
Author: Bella Emy

“Now take what I’ve taught you and use it because you will need it soon.

Remember that you and Kass are most powerful together. Light and dark.”

I nodded, thanked her and left.

I ran back to the house and told Colt we needed to go see Kass right away.



KASS AND I STOOD IN the dead center of the city of New Orleans. For once, it was empty. No cars, no people. Nothing.

“Hey. We’ve got this,” Kass said without looking at me.

I nodded. “I know.”

A group appeared in front of us. The man in the middle stepped forward and laughed.

“Cute. Two little witches.”

“What do you want?” Kass asked.

“I want you two dead. You’ve both caused quite a stir in our world.”

“In your world?” I asked.

“Yes. See my world mirrors yours. And when something gets shaken here, it gets shaken there, but only it’s different.”

Kass shrugged. “That’s not our problem.”

“It damn well is! You will fix what you messed up, or else!”

“Or else what?” I huffed.

“You’ll regret it. I’ll tear you two apart piece by piece letting the whole world listen to your screams.”

“And what if we tear you piece by piece?”

“Won’t happen. I’m undefeatable.” He laughed.

“You haven’t met the Mayfield sisters until now.”

“You two are nothing but two girls.”

I cocked my head to the side. “We are much more than that,” I muttered.

Kass took my hand and looked at me.

“Ready?” she questioned.

I nodded. “Let’s do it.”

She squeezed my hand, and I watched dark and light collide between us before shooting forward at the small army that was before us.

It was our destiny. To fight together and show the world that light and dark can work together. I didn’t need a tattoo to tell me where my future was. I just needed my family, and I was determined to get that back one way or another. Screams echoed in my ears as the light and dark surrounded the area. I didn’t need to see Kass to know that she was feeling just as badass as I was in that moment. Our destiny was just beginning.



His Soul to Keep

Rheanon Nicole




“Holland! Holland, wake up! Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Panic was rising in his husky voice. “Dammit, Holland. If my wife finds out I was here with you, she’s going to fucking kill me. I can kiss my career goodbye. Wake the fuck up!”

I could hear his voice next to me, but I couldn’t make my body move even though he was shaking me like a ragdoll. My heart raced in my chest, but my breaths were becoming shallower and shallower by the minute. How the hell was that even possible? True, I had never overdosed before – I had definitely come close once or twice – but surely this wasn’t how it was supposed to feel, was it?

“Hello? I need an ambulance at the penthouse in the Belvedere Suites. What’s my name? Umm, Bartholomew James. I was meeting my client here to go over some legal documents and found her here passed out.”

Bart’s words were crystal clear in my ears, but I couldn’t snap out of whatever the hell was happening. He wasn’t lying, he had shown up here and I was passed out, but what he had failed to mention was that we had been here all weekend together while he was in town working on a case for an A-list actor in LA.

Bart was an attorney for the rich and famous and we would meet up every time he was ‘on a case’ and had to be away from home for a few days. He was one of the many wealthy men I would spend my time with.

“What is her name? Well, it’s uh...it’s Holland Ellenberger. Yeah, the Ellenbergers. Just please hurry. I think she’s overdosed.”

The Ellenbergers: That was a name the tabloids were very familiar with because I was an heiress. The only heiress to Ellenberger Films. My father was a well-known director, one of the highest paid actually, and Los Angeles was where our company's headquarters were located.

I probably shouldn’t have done that last line of coke when Bart stepped out to make a phone call to his wife, pretending he was working late and tied up with a client, but how can you pass when there’s those perfectly cut white lines sitting on streak-free glass and you’re having amazing, passionate, coke-induced sex with a hot as hell Los Angeles attorney the entire weekend in an immaculate penthouse that overlooked all of LA? When in Rome, right? The Romans fucking sucked, never ever follow that rule of thumb.

The sirens were getting closer until they were localized in front of the building. I heard the front door fly open and multiple voices circled around me.

“Thank you for coming. I don’t know what happened. I just found her lying here unconscious and called 911. Holland, you’re going to be okay; they’re taking you to the hospital.”

Those were the last words I heard before I felt my body being hoisted up on the gurney.

Heaven was pretty much how I pictured it. There were those huge golden gates that everyone talked about in books. I believe it’s the bible. I wasn’t raised in a religious home so I couldn’t be certain. Behind them were rolling clouds and solid gold roads that went on forever in the distance.

I had woken up in front of the gates completely alone and really, really pissed at myself. I was only 26 years old; I had a life to live, money to spend, men to woo.

A man with thick wavy blond hair a couple shades darker than mine, tanned skin, and crystal hazel eyes opened the gates and now stood in front of me. He was draped in white cloth that showed the incredible body of a Greek statue peeking through the areas that weren’t covered by the fabric. He was absolutely beautiful and unlike any human I had ever seen in my life.

Massive white wings extended from his broad shoulders, almost touching the ground.

I couldn’t believe how perfect the man standing in front of me was. Where the hell were men like this in LA?

“Hello, Holland, my name is Azriel. I am the angel of death. I will be the one addressing the wrongs that you committed during your life on earth and finding where you stand with our Father. Have you repented your sins to our Father, Holland?”

I was still in awe at the magnificent creature in front of me. “Repented? Whose father? My father?”

“No, to God our lord and savior. When you’ve committed a sin, have you asked our Father for forgiveness?”

“Um...yes? Look, I’m a good person. I’m an heiress, I had a reputation to withhold. I even donated to that charity bullshit.”

He cringed and thumbed through a book he held in his hand. “Okay, let’s start with the last year of your life.”

I couldn’t even remember the last month of my life, how was I supposed to remember the last year?

“Richie Lawson, Marcus Samuelson, Jarod Kline, Vincent D’Angelo, Alexander Gray, Jordan Johnston, and Bartholomew James. You had sexual relations with them and almost all were married.”

“Oh come on, how is this even relevant to me being here? They’re men; men and women sleep together. It’s how we were created. Adam and Eve, hello?” I did remember that story from the bible. Not like I had read it, but everyone knew about the forbidden fruit. I twisted my platinum blonde hair around my finger to keep my nerves at bay. It’s not every day you're standing in front of an angel. I think the guy said he was Azriel, shit, I couldn’t remember.

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