Home > Possessed by Passion(455)

Possessed by Passion(455)
Author: Bella Emy

“Hey, I just gave up going to Heaven for you. So, do we have a deal?”

He smiled, kissing me. “Deal, but only because you gave up Heaven and almost died for me.”

“It isn’t Heaven unless you’re there with me anyways.”

“Awww, are you being romantic, Holland Ellenberger?”

“Don’t push it.” I winked kissing him one last time.

Once we were back at the apartment, I immediately headed to the bathroom and filled the oversized clawed foot tub with steaming warm water so I could soak my aching body. Even though Azriel had healed me, I was still really sore from the events that had happened that night. I poured in some bubble bath underneath the faucet, piling bubbles to the edge of the tub, and tested it with my foot before I submerged my entire body into the soothing water.

“I’m really, really going to miss this place. It’s so gorgeous. Are you sure we have to go back?”

“Holland!” Roman yelled from the bedroom that adjoined the bathroom. He walked in giving me a warning look.

“I’m just kidding. But I do want to thoroughly enjoy our last night in this beautiful apartment. I’ll even let you ravish me.”

“Oh, I am definitely going to ravish you all night.”

“You could start by joining me in here.” I winked, blowing him a kiss.

He wasted no time ripping his clothes off to get in the tub with me. I scooted up so he could sit behind me and then leaned my body back against his perfectly toned chest.

“So, do you think Lucifer knows what happened?”

“I’m sure he does. He’s always watching one way or another. We will be back tomorrow though to fill him in on Lilith; I’m sure he will be glad to know she is gone for good and to have the dagger back where it belongs.”

“I wonder why he didn’t just kill her with the dagger instead of banishing her. Had he done that, it would have saved us a lot of trouble.”

“I assume he never thought some heiress would arrive in Hell and demand a new job to be given to her and, in the midst of it, fall in love with her watcher demon. I’m sure he thought we would never have to deal with her again after he banished her.”

“That makes sense, I suppose.”

“She had laid dormant for a very long time until you.”

“Dormant makes her sound like a disease.”

“She was. She infected men's heads just like your friend Devon.”

“He was not my friend. He was a piece of shit. He didn’t deserve to die though.”

He kissed along the back of my neck sending goosebumps down my back. “I’m so happy I didn’t lose you tonight. I finally found a love I never knew existed and I almost lost it as quickly as it came.”

“Me too, Roman.” I turned around to kiss him, instantly turning him on.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him, kissing me harder and with more passion than ever before. He stood up, wrapping a towel around his waist, and held my robe up for me to throw over my shoulders as he led us to the bedroom.

Gently laying me back, he kissed down my stomach and then moved back up to my lips as he spread my legs apart with his hips. I gasped as he slowly pushed himself inside me. I held onto his back, feeling his muscles tense with each push. He held my face in his hands, kissing me, as we continued to move together, and I enjoyed every second of us being together in the place that began our love story. Afterwards, we laid together in silence until we fell asleep in each other's arms. The arms that we would wake up and fall asleep in forever.




Morning came faster than I had expected or wanted. The sooner the morning came meant the sooner we were to return back to Hell. I had made an absolutely crazy decision last night, giving up my only chance to go to Heaven, to spend the rest of eternity in Hell with Roman. Looking over at his unnaturally handsome face as he slept, I knew I had made the right decision. Hell sucked, but at least it would suck a little less with him by my side. As long as I was with Roman, I didn’t care where we were, I just had to be with him.

The sun was just rising, shining brightly into our room from the large windows. It was something I was going to miss terribly once we were back in the one place that remained forever dark.

Roman was still sleeping soundly but woke up when he felt me pull back the covers to get out of bed.

“Good morning, gorgeous.”

“Good morning. How did you sleep?”

“Better than I have for a long time. I can definitely get used to waking up next to you every day for all of eternity.”

“Well, it’s your lucky day because that’s exactly what you’re going to do.” I leaned over him, kissing his full sexy lips before throwing on my black short shorts and red crop top. He stretched his arms up to yawn, making the muscles of his torso flex without even meaning to, and climbed out of bed pulling his black fitted jeans up over his hips and letting them hang where his sexy hip indents showed, teasing me to the brink of insanity.

“I’m going to make us some coffee before I pull you back in bed and never let you leave.”

He smiled showing his white teeth and the dimple by the side of his mouth.

I made us some coffee and brought it over to the couch where he was sitting.

“I have made Lucifer aware we are coming back today. When we are ready, the portal will open for us to return. We are to report back to him as soon as we arrive.”

“Does he know what little mishap we had?”

“He knows. You have definitely made it on his good side. Not only did you kill Lilith, but you turned your back on going to Heaven. That’s pretty big in his book. I know it doesn’t mean much to you, but it will make living there much smoother for you.”

“Well, I guess we should get ready then for our big homecoming.” I laughed.

“It will be a completely different experience this time around. I was thinking you should move into my living quarters...I mean, only if you want to.”

“You live in a penthouse. I wouldn’t turn that down even if I wasn’t in love with you.”

I paused. “But first there is one more person I need to see.”

He threw his head back and exhaled loudly. “Seriously!? You’ve given enough souls; can’t we just leave?”

“I promise you I’m not trying to stay, but there is something I need to take care of while I still have the chance. We aren’t coming back to earth, so this is my only chance.”

“Who is it?”

“My father.”

His eyes were full of concern, but he knew why I needed to do this, so he didn’t argue.

“Do you need me to go with you?”

“No, this is something I have to do by myself. My father is a bad man, and it took the devil, the king of deception, to shed light on my father’s own deception to his flesh and blood. I went my entire life thinking he was a savior when really he was as evil as they come.”

“I understand. If you need me, you know where to find me. I’ll be waiting for you.” He tenderly kissed me goodbye before I left. I knew he was worried, but he knew why I had to do this.

I was in front of our family's mansion in the hills that was kept hidden away from any neighbors by a large wrought iron fence and tall trees lining the fence. My father had always been paranoid and took extra measures to keep the house on lockdown, including security cameras and a gate at the front entrance. Luckily for me, I knew the code. I punched the numbers in and walked up to the huge oak door and pressed the code to unlock that as well. The code was 666, which now knowing what I did, it made complete sense.

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