Home > Reluctantly Alpha (The Barrington Billionaires #8)(42)

Reluctantly Alpha (The Barrington Billionaires #8)(42)
Author: Ruth Cardello

Connor stopped pacing and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. It might have been a mistake to ask his assistants to come in early to help him prep for seeing Angelina again. So far they weren’t calming him down. “I didn’t say I was going to dress up as a gorilla. I’m just sharing what Dax said about how I could be an alpha without being an asshole. I think that’s what he was trying to say, anyway.”

“I thought the whole badass act was working for you,” Kimmie said.

Linda shook her head. “The point is he doesn’t want to act with Angelina anymore.”

“Oh, then definitely don’t pretend to be a gorilla.”

Connor smacked himself in the forehead. “In about fifteen minutes Angelina will be here. Do I wave to her like the other day was no big deal? Call her into my office and give her a great big kiss? Casually appear at her office door and ask her to lunch? I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable at work. What do women want in this situation?”

Linda motioned toward his desk. “I’d want to be hauled in here, hear the door lock behind me, and see if you know what to do with the blessings God gave you. First, I’d like it on the desk. Then the couch. Next against the window. I’ve always liked sex with a view.”

Connor’s mouth dropped open.

Kimmie laughed behind her hand.

In response to their reactions, Linda arched an eyebrow. “I thought we were here to be honest. Kimmie, you’ve seen the two of them together. What do you think Angelina is hoping for?”

After taking a moment to compose herself, Kimmie said, “She does seem really into you.” She paused to chew her thumbnail. “And you have a date with her tomorrow?”

“Yes. Maybe. I don’t know. She originally agreed to go. And she did text me last night but I was out with my dad and missed it. I’m going with yes. We have a date tomorrow.” Connor referenced his plaid shirt and jeans. “I brought these back from my dad’s last night. Normally I wouldn’t wear them to the office, but I wanted to show her the real me. Now I feel like an idiot.”

Linda made a tsking sound. “Sweetie, if Angelina doesn’t like your plaid you open that door and toss her ass right out. I could show up in a hospital johnny and my fuck buddies wouldn’t blink. It’s not what you’re wearing that matters, it’s what happens when it comes off.”

Kimmie’s face was bright red, but she was smiling. “And this is why Linda is rewriting all my sex scenes. So, maybe you should take her advice.”

Connor ran several erotic scenarios through his head. As painfully arousing as they all were, he grimaced and said, “I’m her boss. This is a job she needs. I can’t put her in a position where she might feel pressured.”

“Oh, Lord,” Linda said with a sigh. “The young make it so difficult. Do you want me to ask her to sign a waiver?”

“No,” both Connor and Kimmie said in unison.

“Well, at least we agree on two things: Don’t act like a gorilla and don’t make a big deal out of something that should happen naturally. If Angelina comes in here and that door closes behind her, consider me and Kimmie gone for the day. We’ll clear your schedule, close the outer door, and you two can make as much noise as you please. I can’t believe I’m going to ask this, but you’ve had sex before, right, Connor?”

“Of course.”

“Then what is your problem?” Linda asked impatiently.

Connor hunched his shoulders forward. “She’s special.”

Kimmie clasped her hands over her heart. “That is so beautiful.”

Linda was harder to impress. “She sure is special. She’s pretty, young, intelligent . . . and kindhearted. That combination doesn’t come along often, but you’re overthinking this. She’s a woman. You’re a man. There’s a desk over there. A wall if you prefer it that way. Get her in here and figure it out.”

Beginning to relax, Connor laughed. “How did you ever work in a school?”

Linda tapped her temple. “I kept all my thoughts in here.”

Kimmie grinned. “I’m glad she doesn’t anymore. You should see my books now, Connor. H.O.T. I’ll forward you a file. I read one of her scenes to Javier and he lived up to his new caveman costume.”

“Caveman?” Connor asked, cocking his head to one side.

“Oh, yes. I’ll give you the name of the place Javier and I find unique costumes,” Kimmie said with a wink. “For when you need to spice things up later.”

“Text me the info. Who knows, maybe she’s into dinosaurs.”

Linda burst out laughing.

Kimmie joined in.

Women are awesome. And they enjoyed sex as much as a man did. Not every man saw that, but that was their loss. Some men spent their life fumbling around like someone trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube with his teeth. Prime example—the dick pic. One guy looked down at his favorite appendage and thought . . . you know who wants to see this? Random women. He told his friends what he’d done and they thought, “Well, hell, if women want to see his dick, I’m sure they want to see mine.”

No one stopped to actually ask the women what they thought when they received one of those gems. Connor thought all women should start drawing little faces on those pricks, eyes, mustaches, maybe some teeth. Possibly add bunny ears . . . and send them back. If a man could receive a cartooned-up photo of his dick and not realize how ridiculous sending it had been in the first place, well then, he was beyond hope. And, at least the woman would have had a little fun with an otherwise offensive experience.

A man could save himself a lot of grief by simply asking a woman what she wanted.

Hang on.

That’s genius.

“Ladies, feel free to return to your own office. I know exactly how to handle this.”


After hiring a car to drop her off at her office building, Angelina clasped and unclasped her hands nervously as she waited for the elevator. A young woman who also worked for the Landon Foundation joined her and said, “Thank God it’s Friday, huh?”

“Yes.” Angelina’s nerves were working overtime. She’d tried on and changed her attire countless times that morning. She and Connor were on kissing terms, but she didn’t know how that would affect their ability to work together. She really liked her new job. But she also really liked Connor. She told herself to play it cool, but not so cool he’d think she wasn’t still interested. She’d finally chosen a simple dress, but kicked her underclothing up a notch and had gone with a pink lace bra and matching thong.

“Any plans for the weekend?” the woman asked politely.

Yes, I’ve given myself permission to fuck my boss. Angelina bit her lip to hold back a laugh as the thought almost came out of her mouth. She cleared her throat. “Nothing worth mentioning. You?”

“No. Not yet. Hey, what’s it like to work with Connor Sutton? Is he incredible? I haven’t had a chance to meet him yet, but I’m looking for a way to. That man is gorgeous. Any chance you can claim to have a tech issue with your computer?”

“He’s seeing someone.” Oh, my God, I really am territorial when it comes to him.

The woman frowned. “Really? I hadn’t heard that. Bummer. Is it serious? Not that I’d care. If they’re not married, it means he’s still fair game, right?”

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