Home > Risking It(4)

Risking It(4)
Author: Madeleine Labitan

He shakes his head, panic streaking through his face. "But I'm not making anything up. It's the truth."

I cross my arms over my chest and give him a skeptical look. "How so?"

Exhaling a breath, he combs his fingers through his hair. "Remember last weekend? At the lake?" He waits for me to nod before continuing. "She got pissed that I hung out with you for a bit. She thought I was hitting on you or something."

My eyes widen. "You're joking."

"I'm really not."

My heart starts to hammer against my ribcage. Does this mean I'm the reason why they broke up? The idea is so ridiculous and seems so impossible—but so is the apparent fact that Heather is jealous of me.

I swallow hard. "Did she, um, dump you because of me?"

A deep frown creases his forehead. "I wish I could say that, but no. There's another reason." Judging from the reserved look on his face, he has no intention of telling me exactly what it is.

Maybe it's just as well that I have no idea. The less I know, the less inclined I'll be to agree to help him. At least, I hope so.

But, just to be safe, I need to make myself scarce—right about now. I inch away slowly from the wall. "So, I'll be late for class. I'll just, um, see you later, okay?"

I'm almost at the door when he speaks up again. "Allie, please. I need you."

Maybe it's because of the desperation in his voice. Maybe because he said he needs me. Or maybe because I've always been a pathetic sucker when it comes to him.

Cursing under my breath, I wheel around and find myself saying, "Fine. I'll help you."

So much for holding my ground.

Relief floods his features, then before I know it, he's hugging me. "Thank you, Beanie. You have no idea how grateful I am."

If it isn't a painful reminder that he's doing it for her, only for her, then I don't know what is.

Be sure to always keep that in mind, Allie.

Suddenly annoyed, I push him off a little harder than intended. "Don't celebrate just yet. You still have to talk to my brother and give him a heads-up."

His eyes widen. "Shit. I didn't even think of Gray." He gives me a thoughtful look. "Do you think you can—"

"Nope. You're on your own on that one." I'm already out the door before he can even protest.

I've helped enough. He can deal with my brother's wrath on his own.




"You're not doing it."

I glance up from my laptop perched on my study table to my bedroom door where Gray is standing and scowling at me.

I blink at him innocently. "Not doing what?"

He enters my room and walks straight to my iPod dock, which is currently playing "Breathe" by James Arthur. He turns the music off, and before I can grumble about it, he glares at me. "You're not helping Duane get Heather back."

I stare at him, a little taken aback. So Duane finally told him. I wonder how that conversation went. I sure hope no punches were thrown. Boys can be dumb, after all.

I'll have to ask my fake boyfriend about it. Fake boyfriend. Just thinking about those words gives me a fluttery feeling in my stomach. It will take a little getting used to, that's for sure.

"Allie, I'm serious. Let Duane handle his own problem. Don't put yourself in the middle of it. It was dumb of him to involve you in the first place."

I flash Grayson a sweet smile. "It's cute that you think you can order me around."

"Of course I can. I'm your big brother," he growls.

I let out a snort. "Please. You're barely a year older than me. And aren't you being a hypocrite? You helped Indie with her problem, remember? You didn't see me acting like an overprotective sister about it."

"This is different."

"Funny. That's what your girlfriend said, too."

"You should've listened to her then."

That was my intention. But being a sucker for your best friend, I still ended up saying yes. Stupid, right?

Not wanting my brother to read my thoughts on my face, I look away. "I'm just being a good friend, Gray. And you should be, too. He's your best friend. You should be supporting him instead of being such an asshole."

Gray crosses his arms over his chest. "I would have been supportive, if he had decided to leave you out of it."

"Well, I already agreed to help him and there's nothing you can do to stop me. So feel free to save your breath and close the door on your way out, k?"

"Fine. Whatever. Do it your way," he growls before storming out of my room.

Exhaling out a frustrated breath, I lean back against my chair and shut my eyes.

Great. Gray is mad at me. And he probably feels the same toward his best friend, too. As much as I want to blame Duane for it, I can't. He didn't force me to do anything. I made the decision all on my own.

Whatever. It's not like Gray wouldn't get over it. I'll give him a few days tops. If he still refuses to come around, then I'll just sic Indie on him. What's the use of being best friends with your brother's girlfriend if you can't use it to your advantage?

A knock on my open door startles me. It's my dad. "Everything okay, sweet pea? I just saw your brother storm out. He looked pissed. Did you two fight?"

"Oh, everything's fine, Dad. Gray was just being annoying. You know how he is sometimes."

I mean, it's true. He was really being annoying, trying to get into my personal affairs and all, as if Indie isn't monopolizing his attention enough already. If he keeps it up, I'll ask her to never leave his side.

The small frown on my dad's forehead smoothens out and he nods. "Just be sure not to fight at dinner later. Your mother doesn't need that kind of stress."

I give him a reassuring smile. "Yes, Dad. I promise."

Just as long as Gray won't bring up the issue again.






My fingers are interlaced with Duane's as we walk into the school cafeteria. We're holding hands, and I'm not dreaming about it.

Yep. It's really happening.

But there's nothing to smile or swoon about. Aside from the fact that the whole thing is just pretend, I'm uncomfortable with the attention we're currently getting.

Shocked whispers and stares follow us as Duane leads me toward the lacrosse guys' tables, making me feel exposed and judged. It reminds me of To All the Boys I've Loved Before, particularly the scene where Peter Kavinsky and Lara Jean Covey are entering their school cafeteria together. Indie and I had swooned over that scene several times during our numerous rewatch.

And just like Lara Jean and Peter, Duane and I are pretending to be in a relationship to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. Only difference is that their story had a happy ending. I doubt mine will go the same route.

The daggers Heather Nielsen sending our way from the Four Blondes' table should be proof enough.

"Your hand is trembling," my fake boyfriend murmurs, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "Relax. It's going to be fine."

I can't help it. Not when his ex is looking at me like she's going to scream bloody murder any second.

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