Home > Risking It(8)

Risking It(8)
Author: Madeleine Labitan

“Hello.” He grins at Indie then at me, and I’m suddenly assaulted by his dark gray eyes.

I push my glasses up my nose and give him an awkward wave, regretting it the moment I did.

Indie shoots me an amused glance before asking the boy what he’s looking for.

“I was wondering if you have a copy of the latest book in the Forbidden Kingdom series by J.B. Farroway?”

“I think we have that in stock,” she says, leading him toward the bookshelves.

I just stare after them, wondering why I’ve never seen the boy before. He seems to be our age, but he doesn’t go to our school. I’d know if he were.

“I haven’t read this book yet, but I’ve read great reviews about it so I think you’ll love it,” Indie tells him as she rings him up at the counter.

He gives her a sheepish smile. “It’s actually for my little sister. She’s a book nerd and a fan of the author.”

“Your sister is my kindred spirit then,” she chuckles.

“You don’t go to Maple Grove High, do you?” I can’t help but ask. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around school.”

“That’s right.” He smiles at me. “I go to Maple Grove Prep.”

“Oh.” I figured as much. Maple Grove Prep is all the way across town and known as an exclusive school. “One of the rich kids then, huh?”

His cheeks redden. “I wouldn’t call myself rich, but my classmates sure are. Do you know the souvenir store across the street? It’s my mom’s. It’s relatively new though, only around a few months.”

With wide eyes, Indie snaps her fingers. “That’s why you look familiar. I’ve seen you a few times before. Ugh, where are my manners? I’m Indie and this is my best friend, Allie.”

“Well, nice to meet you Indie and Allie. I’m Justin Samuels.” He’s smiling, but his eyes are on me even as he talks to the two of us. We just smile at each other until he visibly startles and fishes his phone out of his pocket. Frowning at the screen, he says,” I have to go. Mom is already calling for me. Guess I’ll see you both around?”

“Sure,” Indie and I say in unison, watching him walk out the door and cross the street.

“He’s cute, isn’t he?” She nudges me.

Yeah, he is.






"I think you should join us for dinner tonight," I tell Duane as I grab some books from my locker.

He's waiting so he can walk me to my next class. I'm getting used to being escorted by him that I'm practically dreading the day it stops. All I have to do to prevent that from happening is to make sure that he won't go back to Heather. Should be easy, right?

His eyes bore into the side of my head. "Why do you think that?"

"Because it's already been a week and you're still not talking to Gray. You need to fix things with him. I swear he's getting grumpier by the day. It's driving me crazy!"

He winces. "That sounds like a bummer."

"Oh, you have no idea."

An audible sigh escapes his lips. "But every time I try to talk to him, he walks away or simply ignores me." His eyebrows pinch together. "I don't think he'll ever forgive me."

"He's just being an idiot. Which is why you need to come over tonight." So you and I can spend more time together, and you'll fall in love with me in no time. "You need to put more effort into groveling."

He smirks, his cerulean eyes gleaming in amusement. "You make it sound like we're a couple."

"Maybe you should have asked Gray to pretend to be your girlfriend then," I joke, keeping my voice low.

"Huh. Why didn't I think of that?" We bust up laughing. "Come on, let's walk you to class." Taking my books from my hands, he hooks his arm over my shoulders and ushers me away from the locker.

His clean, soapy scent envelopes me, and it's all I can do not to sniff him like a dog.

Duane is a touchy "boyfriend." He has to have his hand on me all the time. Either he's holding my hand or resting his hand at the small of my back or hooking his arm over my shoulders. Butterflies flutter in my stomach every single time. And it's getting harder and harder to pretend like I'm not at all affected by his touch. Especially when he kisses my cheek or forehead as a form of goodbye.

Like right now as we stand outside my next class where I try not to gawk at our clasped hands.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to show up at your house tonight? You think your brother won't throw me out?" he probes with a cute crease on his forehead.

"Well, I can't promise that. But I can promise that I'll at least try to stop him. Does that sound better?"

"Maybe a little," Duane chuckles nervously.

"It's going to be fine," I assure him, squeezing his hand. "Dinner is going to be so uneventful it will be boring. But if the worst happens, I'll have your back. I promise."

He opens his mouth to respond, but then his eyes wander over my shoulder, the expression on his face telling me he just decided against whatever he planned to say. Then before I know it, his lips descend and slant over mine.

It's just a quick kiss, maybe three seconds tops, but it knocks my whole world off just the same. My lips throb from the contact, my heart going haywire in my chest, my knees threatening to give out under me.

My eyes are wide as saucers as I stare up at him, hope flickering alive in my chest. "W-What was that for?"

He looks over his shoulder then grins at me sheepishly. "Heather walked past and I just...blanked. Sorry, Beanie. I didn't mean to."

Disappointment hits my gut like a suckerpunch. He kissed me not because he wanted to. He kissed me because he wanted to make her jealous. Isn't reality check a giant bitch?

"Right," I say tightly, clearing my throat. "Guess I better head inside before Mr. Ronson gets in." I step inside the classroom without waiting for his response, the loud thud of the door behind me seeming like the sound of my heart hitting the floor.




"I'm glad you decided to join us for dinner, sweetie." Mom smiles at Duane from across the table as she scoops chicken casserole into Dad's plate.

"It's been a while," Dad nods in agreement before frowning a moment later. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen you around lately. Been busy at school, son?"

Gray visibly stiffens, his lips flattening into a thin line.

"Something like that," Duane says with a chuckle, sending my brother a wary glance.

Which is completely unnecessary. Gray isn't stupid to make a scene in front of our parents. He doesn't want them to know about the current rift between him and Duane.

Still, I have to make things less awkward. "You know how it is, Dad. School is crazy as it is, but paired it with lacrosse? Duane is practically a busy bee. Right?" I elbow Duane—who's sitting right next to me—with a laugh.

Gray snorts loudly, drawing everyone's attention.

I cast him a glare, and it doesn't escape our parents' sharp eyes. Their gazes bounce between the three of us, sensing that something is amiss.

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