Home > Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(20)

Signal 99_ Freeing Felicity (Signal #2)(20)
Author: L.C. Taylor

“What are you doing, Felicity?”

“I realized something.”

“What’s that?”

“You’re not Jasper. I feel safe with you… you gave me something I thought I’d never get back.”

Liam kissed her cheek, “I love you.”

Felicity snuggled into his arms, his warmth wrapping around her. Liam rested his head against hers as his eyes began to close. Everything about this woman made his heart soar.



Chapter 27

Almost a month passed since Liam and Felicity had been intimate… and Liam was losing his mind. He sat on the bench in the locker room, staring at the metal door. He didn’t hear anyone come in, so when Chase said his name, he nearly fell off the wooden seat.

“Damn, Liam – you ok?”

Liam righted himself, “Yeah – I was lost in thought, you scared the shit out of me.”

“Must have been some serious thinking to have you oblivious to my loud ass.”

Liam ran his palm across his face, “Yeah.”

“Whoa,” Chase sat down beside him, “What’s wrong? This isn’t like you.”

“Just confused. I’ll be alright.” Liam stood, grabbing his duffle bag.

“Is it Felicity?” Chase eyed his friend.

Blinking, “Yeah – I just… I don’t know. I thought everything was going good, but then we…” Liam paused.

“You what?”

“She wanted to feel human – her words. So I let her have control.”

“Control with what? You’re not making any sense, dude.”

“Sex, Chase. We had sex.”

“Oh…” Chase paused, “Oh shit.”

“Yeah. Now she is avoiding me like the plague. I fucked up. She wasn’t ready.”

“Have you talked to her?”

“Every time I try, she blows me off. Saying she’s just busy at work.”

“Maybe she is, busy.”

“Nah – I can sense something else. Something she’s not telling me.”

“I don’t know. You should talk to Arden – he’s the married one, maybe he can help.”

“True, but I think I’ll talk to my dad. She’s pretty close to him now – perhaps she’s said something to him.”

Liam patted Chase on the back as he walked out. He hoped his dad could shed some light on the matter. Because right now it felt like she was pulling away – Liam didn’t know if he could survive losing her again.

The drive to his house, rather the house he’d shared with his dad before Felicity came back into his life, seemed to take forever. He was relieved to see his dad was home.

“Dad?” He called out as he walked inside.

“Son?” His dad appeared from the kitchen, “Whatcha doing here?”

Liam stared at his dad, the emotions he held inside spilling from him like a raging bull.

“Liam,” His dad pulled him into a hug, “What’s happened? Is it Felicity, is she alright?”

“She’s fine, I think.”

“Come on, sit down.” His dad guided him to the couch, “Talk to me, what’s got you so upset.”

Liam wiped the tears from his face, “I messed up, dad.”

“What do you mean you messed up?”

“Um…” Liam took a breath, “Felicity and I… well,” he shifted nervously in his seat.

“Sex?” His dad asked.

Liam’s head popped up, “How…”

His dad cut him off, “Son, you always got nervous when you talked about sex. Am I right?”

“Yes – she wanted to feel normal. I knew she wasn’t ready, but she pushed, and I gave in. But I let her be in control – and it was amazing. But now… she won’t talk to me.”

“Give her time.”

“TIME? Dad, it’s been almost a month. She avoids me like the plague. I told her then, I didn’t need sex and I’d wait until she was ready. SHE wanted this. Now she acts like – hell, I don’t know.”

His dad sat silently for a minute, “Have you pushed the conversation?”

“I’m afraid to push it. Dad, I can’t go through losing her again. It’ll break me this time.”

“You’re assuming the worst without talking to her.”

“Has she said anything to you?”

“You should talk to her.” His dad gave him a pointed look.

“Wait, she has said something to you. Tell me, dad. Please.”

He sighed, “Liam, you really need to talk to her. I don’t want to break her trust.”

“HER TRUST. What about mine?” Liam stood, pacing the floor. “I’m. Your. Son.”

“Liam, calm down. Christ,” his dad slapped the chair arm, “She thinks you don’t want her.”

“WHAT?” Liam spun, pinning his dad with a glare, “What do you mean?”

“She came to me a few days ago. She was worried she’d messed everything up by forcing you to have sex with her. She thinks you’re avoiding her.”

“OH MY GOD. Are you fucking serious?”

“Liam, she has been through something awful. Felicity is trying to find a normal balance now that part of her has been robbed – she doesn’t know who she is. And even though you gave her something by allowing her to have control… she worries that’s the only way she can ever feel intimacy. She thinks you see her as glass. Does that make sense?”

Liam realized he was hurting her more by keeping her at a distance. Well, he knew right then he needed to change that, “Yeah – It does. Thanks dad, I need to go.”

“Liam,” his dad stood, “fight for her – she needs you as much as you need her.”

Liam nodded, rushing from the house. He was about to show Felicity how much he wanted her. He knew it could potentially send her in a downward tailspin, but he didn’t care. It was time to stop treating her like a fragile doll.



Chapter 28

Felicity stood at the counter, listening to Lila complain about a patient as they closed up for the day. Her mind was not focused. She couldn’t stop thinking about Liam and how he seemed so distant. It was her fault – she’d pushed him to have sex.

“Are you listening to me?” Lila interrupted her train of thought.

“Yeah – no.” She shrugged, “I have a lot on my mind.”

“You’re still worried about Liam?”

“Yeah – I think I fucked up.”

“I think you are overreacting. You should talk to him.”

“He avoids me.”

“You sure you’re not the one avoiding him? I’m just saying – I know how you are.”

“What does that mean?”

“You have a tendency to get quiet and avoid the hard stuff. Think about how long it took to get you to talk to a therapist after Jasper.”

Felicity winced. Lila was right – she found it easier to avoid the issue than face it head on.

“Yeah – ok. Maybe it is me. I’ll try and talk to him tonight.”

“Um – don’t think that’s going to work.” Lila smiled.

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