Home > The Art of Statistics How to Learn from Data(20)

The Art of Statistics How to Learn from Data(20)
Author: David Spiegelhalter

Recent developments in extremely complex models, such as those labelled as deep learning, suggest that this initial stage of data reduction may not be necessary and the total raw data can be processed in a single algorithm.



Classification and Prediction

A bewildering range of alternative methods are now readily available for building classification and prediction algorithms. Researchers used to promote methods which came from their own professional backgrounds: for example statisticians preferred regression models, while computer scientists preferred rule-based logic or ‘neural networks’ which were alternative ways to try and mimic human cognition. Implementation of any of these methods required specialized skills and software, but now convenient programs allow a menu-driven choice of technique, and so encourage a less partisan approach where performance is more important than modelling philosophy.

As soon as the practical performance of algorithms started to be measured and compared, people inevitably got competitive, and now there are data science contests hosted by platforms such as Kaggle.com. A commercial or academic organization provides a data set for competitors to download: challenges have included detecting whales from sound recordings, accounting for dark matter in astronomical data, and predicting hospital admissions. In each case competitors are provided with a training set of data on which to build their algorithm, and a test set that will decide their performance. A particularly popular competition, with thousands of competing teams, is to produce an algorithm for the following challenge.

Can we predict which passengers survived the sinking of the Titanic?


On its maiden voyage, the Titanic hit an iceberg and slowly sank on the night of 14/15 April 1912. Only around 700 of more than 2,200 passengers and crew on board got on to lifeboats and survived, and subsequent studies and fictional accounts have focused on the fact that your chances of getting on to a lifeboat and surviving crucially depended on what class of ticket you had.

An algorithm that predicts survival may at first seem an odd choice of Problem within the standard PPDAC cycle, since the situation is hardly likely to arise again, and so is not going to have any future value. But a specific individual provided me with some motivation. In 1912 Francis William Somerton left Ilfracombe in north Devon, close to where I was born and brought up, to go to the US to make his fortune. He left his wife and young daughter behind, and bought a third-class ticket costing £8 1s. for the brand-new Titanic. He never made it to New York—his memorial is in Ilfracombe churchyard (Figure 6.1). An accurate predictive algorithm will be able to tell us whether Francis Somerton was unlucky not to survive, or whether his chances were in fact slim.

The Plan is to amass available data and try a range of different techniques for producing algorithms that predict who survived—this could be considered more of a classification than a prediction problem, since the events have already happened. The Data comprise publicly available information on 1,309 passengers on the Titanic: potential predictor variables include their full name, title, gender, age, class of travel (first, second, third), how much they paid for their ticket, whether they were part of a family, where they boarded the boat (Southampton, Cherbourg, Queenstown), and limited data on some cabin numbers.1 The response variable is an indicator for whether they survived (1) or not (0).



Figure 6.1

The memorial to a Francis William Somerton in the churchyard in Ilfracombe. It reads, ‘Also of Francis William, son of the above, who perished in the Titanic disaster April 14 1912, aged 30 years’.



For the Analysis, it is crucial to split the data into a training set used to build the algorithm, and a test set that is kept apart and only used to assess performance—it would be serious cheating to look at the test set before we are ready with our algorithm. Like the Kaggle competition, we will take a random sample of 897 cases as our training set, and the remaining 412 individuals will comprise the test set.

This is a real, and hence fairly messy, data set, and some pre-processing is required. Eighteen passengers have missing fare information, and they have been assumed to have paid the median fare for their class of travelling. The number of siblings and parents have been added to create a single variable that summarizes family size. Titles needed simplifying: ‘Mlle’ and ‘Ms’ have been recoded as ‘Miss’, ‘Mme’ as ‘Mrs’, and a range of other titles are all coded as ‘Rare titles’.*

It should be clear that, apart from the coding skills required, considerable judgement and background knowledge may be needed in simply getting the data ready for analysis, for example using any available cabin information to determine position on the ship. No doubt I could have done this better.

Figure 6.2 shows the proportion of different categories of passenger that survived, for the 897 passengers in the training set. All of these features have predictive ability on their own, with higher survival rates among passengers who are travelling in a better class of the ship, are female, children, paid more for their ticket, had a moderate size family, and had the title Mrs, Miss, or Master. All of this matches what we might already suspect.



Figure 6.2

Summary survival statistics for training set of 897 Titanic passengers, showing the percentage of different categories that survived.



But these features are not independent. Better-class passengers presumably paid more for their tickets, and may be expected to be travelling with fewer children than would poorer emigrants. Many men were travelling on their own. And the specific coding may be important: should age be considered as a categorical variable, banded into the categories shown in Figure 6–2, or a continuous variable? Competitors have spent a lot of time looking at these features in detail and coding them up to extract the maximum information, but we shall instead proceed straight to making predictions.

Suppose we made the (demonstrably incorrect) prediction that ‘Nobody survived’. Then, since 61% of the passengers died, we would get 61% right in the training set. If we used the slightly more complex prediction rule, ‘All women survive and no men survive’, we would correctly classify 78% of the training set. These naïve rules serve as good baselines from which to measure any improvements obtained from more sophisticated algorithms.



Classification Trees

A classification tree is perhaps the simplest form of algorithm, since it consists of a series of yes/no questions, the answer to each deciding the next question to be asked, until a conclusion is reached. Figure 6.3 displays a classification tree for the Titanic data, in which passengers are allocated to the majority outcome at the end of the branch. It is easy to see the factors that have been chosen, and the final conclusion. For example, Francis Somerton was titled ‘Mr’ in the database, and so would take the first left-hand branch. The end of this branch contains 58% of the training set, of which 16% survive. We could therefore assess, based on limited information, that Somerton had a 16% chance of surviving. Our simple algorithm identifies two groups with more than 50% survivors: women and children in first and second classes (as long they do not have a rare title), 93% of whom survive. And women and children from third class, provided they come from large families, in which case 60% survive.

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