Home > The Art of Statistics How to Learn from Data(23)

The Art of Statistics How to Learn from Data(23)
Author: David Spiegelhalter


We over-fit when we go too far in adapting to local circumstances, in a worthy but misguided effort to be ‘unbiased’ and take into account all the available information. Usually we would applaud the aim of being unbiased, but this refinement means we have less data to work on, and so the reliability goes down. Over-fitting therefore leads to less bias but at a cost of more uncertainty or variation in the estimates, which is why protection against over-fitting is sometimes known as the bias/variance trade-off.

We can illustrate this subtle idea by imagining a huge database of people’s lives that is to be used to predict your future health—say your chance of reaching the age of eighty. We could, perhaps, look at people of your current age and socio-economic status, and see what happened to them—there might be 10,000 of these, and if 8,000 reached eighty, we might estimate an 80% chance of people like you reaching eighty, and be very confident in that number since it is based on a lot of people.

But this assessment only uses a couple of features to match you to cases in the database, and ignores more individual characteristics that might refine our prediction—for example no attention is paid to your current health or your habits. A different strategy would be to find people who matched you much more closely, with the same weight, height, blood pressure, cholesterol, exercise, smoking, drinking, and so on and on: let’s say we kept on matching on more and more of your personal characteristics until we narrowed it down to just two people in the database who were an almost perfect match. Suppose one had reached eighty and one had not. Would we then estimate a 50% chance of you reaching 80? That 50% figure is in a sense less biased, as it matches you so closely, but, because it is only based on two people, it is not a reliable estimate (i.e., it has large variance).

Intuitively we feel that there is a happy medium between these two extremes; finding that balance is tricky, but crucial. Techniques for avoiding over-fitting include regularization, in which complex models are encouraged but the effects of the variables are pulled in towards zero. But perhaps the most common protection is to use the simple but powerful idea of cross-validation when constructing the algorithm.

It is essential to test any predictions on an independent test set that was not used in the training of the algorithm, but that only happens at the end of the development process. So although it might show up our over-fitting at that time, it does not build us a better algorithm. We can, however, mimic having an independent test set by removing say 10% of the training data, developing the algorithm on the remaining 90%, and testing on the removed 10%. This is cross-validation, and can be carried out systematically by removing 10% in turn and repeating the procedure ten times, a procedure known as tenfold cross-validation.

All the algorithms in this chapter have some tunable parameters which are mainly intended to control the complexity of the final algorithm. For example, the standard procedure for building classification trees is to first construct a very deep tree with many branches that is deliberately over-fitted, and then prune the tree back to something simpler and more robust: this pruning is controlled by a complexity parameter.

This complexity parameter can be chosen by the cross-validation process. For each of the ten cross-validation samples, a tree is developed for each of a range of different complexity parameters. For each value of the parameter, the average predictive performance over all the ten cross-validation test sets is calculated—this average performance will tend to improve up to a certain point, and then get worse as the trees become too complex. The optimal value for the complexity parameter is the one that gives the best cross-validatory performance, and this value is then used to construct a tree from the complete training set, which is the final version.

Tenfold cross-validation was used to select the complexity parameter in the tree in Figure 6.3, and to choose tuning parameters in all the models we consider below.



Regression Models

We saw in Chapter 5 that the idea of a regression model is to construct a simple formula to predict an outcome. The response variable in the Titanic data is a yes/no outcome indicating survival or not, and so a logistic regression is appropriate, just as for the child heart surgery data in Figure 5.2.

Table 6.3 shows the results from fitting a logistic regression. This has been trained using ‘boosting’, an iterative procedure designed to pay more attention to more difficult cases: individuals in the training set that are incorrectly classified at one iteration are given greater weight in the next iteration, with the number of iterations chosen using tenfold cross-validation.

The coefficients for the features of a particular passenger can be added up to give a total survival score. For example Francis Somerton would start with 3.20, subtract 2.30 for being in third class and 3.86 for being titled ‘Mr’, but then have 1.43 added back on for being a male in third class. He loses 0.38 for being in a family of one, giving a total score of—1.91, which translates to a probability of 13% of surviving, slightly less than the 16% given by the simple classification tree.*

This is a ‘linear’ system, but note that interactions have been included which are essentially more complex, combined features, for example the positive score for the interaction of being in third class and a male helps counteract the extreme negative scores for the third class and ‘Mr’ already taken into account. Although we are focusing on predictive performance, these coefficients do provide some interpretation of the importance of different features.

Many more sophisticated regression approaches are available for dealing with large and complex problems, such as non-linear models and a process known as the LASSO, that simultaneously estimates coefficients and selects relevant predictor variables, essentially by estimating their coefficients to be zero.




Table 6.3

Coefficients applied to features in logistic regression for Titanic survivor data: negative coefficients decrease the chance of surviving, positive coefficients increase the chance.



More Complex Techniques

Classification trees and regression models arise from somewhat different modelling philosophies: trees attempt to construct simple rules that identify groups of cases with similar expected outcomes, while regression models focus on the weight to be given to specific features, regardless of what else is observed on a case.

The machine learning community makes use of classification trees and regressions, but has developed a wide range of alternative, more complex methods for developing algorithms. For example:

• Random forests comprise a large number of trees, each producing a classification, with the final classification decided by a majority vote, a process known as bagging.

• Support vector machines try to find linear combinations of features that best split the different outcomes.

• Neural networks comprise layers of nodes, each node depending on the previous layer by weights, rather like a series of logistic regressions piled on top of each other. Weights are learned by an optimization procedure, and, rather like random forests, multiple neural networks can be constructed and averaged. Neural networks with many layers have become known as deep-learning models: Google’s Inception image-recognition system is said to have over twenty layers and over 300,000 parameters to estimate.

• K-nearest-neighbour classifies according to the majority outcome among close cases in the training set.

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