Home > The Art of Statistics How to Learn from Data(26)

The Art of Statistics How to Learn from Data(26)
Author: David Spiegelhalter

Acknowledging uncertainty is important. Anyone can make an estimate, but being able to realistically assess its possible error is a crucial element of statistical science. Even though it does involve some challenging concepts.

Suppose that we have collected some accurate data, perhaps with a well-designed survey, and we want to generalize the findings to our study population. If we have been careful and avoided internal biases, say by having a random sample, then we should expect the summary statistics calculated from the sample to be close to the corresponding values for the study population.

This important point is worth elaborating. In a well-conducted study, we expect our sample mean to be close to the population mean, the sample inter-quartile range to be close to the population inter-quartile range, and so on. We saw the idea of population summaries illustrated with the birth-weight data in Chapter 3, where we called the sample mean a statistic, and the population mean a parameter. In more technical statistical writing, these two figures are generally distinguished by giving them Roman and Greek letters respectively, in a possibly doomed attempt to avoid confusion; for example m often represents a sample mean, while the Greek μ (mu) is a population mean, and s generally represents a sample standard deviation, σ (sigma) a population standard deviation.

Often just the summary statistic is communicated, and this may be enough in some circumstances. For example, we have seen that most people are unaware that unemployment figures for the UK and US are not based on a full count of those officially registered as unemployed, but instead on large surveys. If such a survey finds that 7% of the sample are unemployed, national agencies and the media usually present this value as if it is a simple fact that 7% of the whole population are unemployed, rather than acknowledging that 7% is only an estimate. In more precise terms, they confuse the sample mean with the population mean.

This may not matter if we just want to give a broad picture of what is going on in the country, and the survey is huge and reliable. But suppose, to take a rather extreme illustration, that you hear that only 100 people were asked if they were unemployed, and seven said they were. The estimate would be 7%, but you probably wouldn’t think it was very reliable, and you would not be very happy at this value being treated as if it described the whole population. What if the survey size were 1,000? 100,000? With a large enough survey, you may start feeling more comfortable with the fact that a sample estimate is a good enough summary. The sample size should affect your confidence in the estimate, and knowing exactly how much difference it makes is a basic necessity for proper statistical inference.



Numbers of Sexual Partners

Let’s revisit the Natsal survey in Chapter 2, in which participants were asked how many sexual partners they had had in their lifetime. In the age band of 35–44 there were 1,100 female and 796 male respondents, so it was a large survey from which the sample summary statistics shown in Table 2–2 were calculated, such as the median number of reported partners being 8 for men and 5 for women. Since we know the survey was based on a proper random-sampling scheme, it is fairly reasonable to assume that the study population matches the target population, which is the adult British population. The crucial question is: how close are these statistics to what we would have found had we been able to ask everyone in the country?

As an illustration of how the accuracy of statistics depends on sample size, we shall pretend for the moment that the men in the survey in fact represent the population in which we are interested. The bottom panel of Figure 7.1 shows the distribution of their responses. For illustration, we then take successive samples of individuals from this ‘population’ of 796 men, pausing when we reach 10, 50 and 200 men. The data distributions of these samples are shown in Figure 7.1—it is clear that the smaller samples are ‘bumpier’, since they are sensitive to single data-points. The summary statistics for the successively larger samples are shown in Table 7.1, showing that the rather high number of partners (mean 21.1) in the first sample of ten individuals gets steadily overwhelmed, as the statistics get closer and closer to those of the whole group of 796 men as the sample size increases.

Let’s now go back to the actual problem at hand—what can we say about the mean and median number of partners in the entire study population of men between 35 and 44, based on the actual samples of men shown in Figure 7.1? We could estimate these population parameters by the sample statistics of each group shown in Table 7.1, presuming that those based on the bigger samples are somehow ‘better’: for example the estimates of the mean number of partners are converging towards 15, and with a big enough sample we could presumably get as close as we wanted to the true answer.



Figure 7.1

The bottom panel shows the distribution of responses of all 796 men in the survey. Individuals are successively sampled at random from this group, pausing at samples of size 10, 50, 200, producing the distributions in the top three panels. Smaller sample sizes show a more variable pattern, but the shape of the distribution gradually approaches that of the whole group of 796 men. Values above 50 partners are not shown.






Table 7.1

Summary statistics for the lifetime number of sexual partners reported by men aged 35–44 in Natsal-3, for successively larger random samples and the complete data on 796 men.

Now we come to a critical step. In order to work out how accurate these statistics might be, we need to think of how much our statistics might change if we (in our imagination) were to repeat the sampling process many times. In other words, if we repeatedly drew samples of 796 men from the country, how much would the calculated statistics vary?

If we knew how much these estimates would vary, then it would help tell us how accurate our actual estimate was. But unfortunately we could only work out the precise variability in our estimates if we knew precisely the details of the population. And this is exactly what we do not know.

There are two ways to resolve this circularity. The first is to make some mathematical assumptions about the shape of the population distribution, and use sophisticated probability theory to work out the variability we would expect in our estimate, and hence how far away we might expect, say, the average of our sample to be from the mean of the population. This is the traditional method that is taught in statistics textbooks, and we shall see how this works in Chapter 9.

However, there is an alternative approach, based on the plausible assumption that the population should look roughly like the sample. Since we cannot repeatedly draw a new sample from the population, we instead repeatedly draw new samples from our sample!

We can illustrate this idea with our previous sample of 50, shown in the top panel of Figure 7.2, which has a mean of 18.8. Suppose we draw 50 data-points in sequence, each time replacing the point we have taken, and get the data distribution shown in the second panel, which has a mean of 14.5. Note that this distribution can only contain data-points taking on the same values as the original sample, but will contain different numbers of each value and so the shape of the distribution will be slightly different, and give a slightly different mean. This can then be repeated, and Figure 7.2 shows three such resamples, with means of 14.5, 26.5 and 22.5.



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