Home > Come Fly with Me : A Collection(132)

Come Fly with Me : A Collection(132)
Author: Whitney G.

I ignored the wetness between my thighs and walked away, slamming his door on my way out.



Seventeen (B)






Two weeks later



This asshole really isn’t going to fire me or let me out of this contract.

I slumped in my office chair, shaking my head at my completed list of ways to get Preston to fire me. No matter what I attempted to do, he wouldn’t allow himself to get too angry, and he was always ten steps ahead of me in the end. He also had the audacity to look sexier than sin with each passing day, and although I wanted to deny it, the sexual tension between us was now so thick and palpable, that I was sure that everyone in the office could feel it.

To make matters worse, now that Sweet Seasons was operating in the basement, every employee I ran into couldn’t help but stop and tell me how “thankful” they were for me suggesting the idea to Mr. Parker. I wanted to correct them, to say to them it was a twisted play on his behalf, but part of the licensing agreement called for every cup to have the words Courtesy of Tara Lauren, EA to Preston Parker printed on its side. There was no point in attempting to explain it to anyone.

I picked up my notes for my mock presentation and groaned. A part of me wanted to skip it and go home, but another part of me actually wanted to help him close the deal he’d been chasing since we met.

I’ll get there when I feel like it …

I looked at my employee contract for the umpteenth time, rereading all the lines I’d missed over the years, hoping for some type of loophole.

“There are no loopholes.” The deep sound of Preston’s voice made me look up. “If you’re going to do most of the talking in our London meeting this weekend, I would suggest heading upstairs for your mock presentation.”

I looked down at my contract again, finishing a paragraph before standing to my feet. “You know, if I was a CEO and I had an employee who hated me, I would just let her go.”

“Miss Lauren, if I did that, I wouldn’t have any employees left.”

“You’re not going to ask me why I want to quit after all this time? You’re not interested in my reasoning?”

“You can’t quit, so your reasoning is irrelevant.”

“You’ve never said the words ‘thank you’ to me once.” I stepped closer to him. “Not one goddamn time.”

“Neither have you.”

“What?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “You think I should be thanking you? For what?”

“For not pressing charges against you for all the breakfasts you stole, for neglecting to file credit fraud for all the free coffee you’ve covered for people at Sweet Seasons behind my back.” He narrowed his eyes at me, too. “For hiring you when you had no real hotel experience. I had a file cabinet full of qualified applicants.”

“That you’d probably already ran through because you’re an asshole boss.”

“I’m not done listing all the things I’ve done for you.”

“You honestly think there’s more?”

“You have the highest salary, the most benefits—”

“The most headaches, the worst insomnia, the highest stress level.” I gritted my teeth. “So, yes, you’re right. Thank you. Thank you so much.” I rolled my eyes and walked away from him, ignoring his calls for me to come back. I headed straight for the conference room, ready to get this mock presentation over with, so I could at least enjoy tonight in my own bed before being confined to yet another unwanted business trip with him.

I took my place at the front of the full twenty-person boardroom table, waiting for Preston to arrive, ignoring the fact that his face was red.

I was more than prepared for his rude behavior, since mock presentations were always brutal. No one spoke except the presenter and him, and his feedback was often beyond harsh.

“Good morning, everyone.” I started speaking the second he sat down. “My name is Tara Lauren, and I’m very happy to be here. I’m the executive assistant to Mr. Parker and the lead project manager for these potential negotiations.”

“I think you should just lead with being the project manager.” Preston interrupted me, his glare glacial. “Seeing as though you’re not actually happy to be here, and you just told me that you’re not happy as my executive assistant.”

“With all due respect, Mr. Parker, that’s not what I said.”

“That’s what you wrote.”

I clenched my fists at my sides and cleared my throat.

Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let him get to you.

“Good morning, everyone.” I gave a fake smile. “My name is Tara Lauren, and I’m the project manager for these potential negotiations. I’m honored to be here.”

“If you were honored, then you wouldn’t be trying to leave,” Preston mumbled under his breath.

“I would like to start my presentation by telling you, Mr. Von Strum and company, why you should consider selling your company to us.” I clicked a remote, and the screen behind me lit up with my Power-Point presentation. “Even though our brands are different, I feel as though we’ve come up with a great solution to handling the blend.” I changed the slide. “So, first, I’d like to discuss our differences.”

“We’re already well aware of our differences, Miss Lauren.” Preston leaned back in his chair. “How about you start with your solutions to finally fixing them?”

“I’m not sure our differences can ever be fixed.”

“Excuse me?”

I took a long sip of my water. “My apologies.” I clicked to the next slide. “I’d like to start with the employee integration.”

“No, start with the financial integration.”

I resisted the urge to scream and clicked through to that part of the presentation. “Financial Integration. We’ve put together a team of accountants from an independent firm to oversee our plans, and once that’s complete—”

“It’s already complete, Miss Lauren.” He looked angrier than I’d ever seen him before. “Which is why you’re giving this presentation. Although at the rate you’re going, we may need to hire an actress to play your part.”

“I think that’s more than fine, as long as we can hire someone who knows how to shut the fuck up to play yours.”

A collective gasp filled the room, and someone dropped a glass to the floor, shattering it against a sudden silence.

Preston blinked, then he leaned forward in his chair. “What did you say to me, Miss Lauren?” His voice was strident.

I said nothing. I was in utter disbelief that I’d said those words aloud. In front of everyone.

“I need everyone except for Miss Lauren to leave the room.” He glared at me. “Now.”

Everyone made a beeline for the exit doors, forcing papers and glasses to wobble in their wake.

I stood rooted to my spot, feeling the weight of Preston’s gaze as he rose to his feet. He strode over to the door and locked it, and then he slowly stepped closer to me.

“What did you say to me?” He took the papers from my hand and set them on the table. “I need you to repeat it.”

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