Home > Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(35)

Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(35)
Author: Kelsie Rae


“Then what the hell am I supposed to do? It’s not my fault that I can’t show Brett my potential when the girl I was supposed to do the photoshoot with is getting her appendix removed.”

Inching forward, I sneak a peek around the corner. River’s pacing back and forth in the kitchen. His hair is a mess, as if he’s been running his fingers through it in frustration. The question is, is it from our encounter in my room? Or is it from his phone call?

He pauses then barks out, “I can’t miss out on this opportunity just because Olivia won’t be able to make it.”

Scratch that. It’s definitely because of the phone call.

“I need––” His eyes catch mine before his eyebrows wrinkle with concentration. I don’t think I could move even if I wanted to, regardless of how guilty I feel for being caught eavesdropping.

“Sorry,” I mouth, inching back to the stairs, but he holds up his palm and mouths, “Stop.”

I freeze.

“I think I found a solution,” River murmurs into the speaker. “Tell Brett to keep me on the schedule and that I’ll see him at the session this afternoon.”


“I’ll take care of it.” After ending the call, he sets his phone down on the counter then gives me his full attention. “Hello again, Roomie.”

I roll my eyes and enter the kitchen fully. “Why, hello, Manwhore. Sorry if I interrupted something.”

He waves me off. “Not at all. Have you eaten breakfast yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Can I make you something?”

“I heard you don’t cook.”

“I make a mean bowl of cereal.”

I laugh. “You? Cereal?”

“It’s my only weakness.”

“Your only one, huh?”

His mouth quirks, but he doesn’t comment.

“What kind of cereal?” I ask. “‘Cause if it’s Wheaties or something that isn’t covered in sugar, then I’m gonna have to pass.”

“You’re in luck. I just replenished my secret stash.” With a wink, he rummages in the back of the cupboard and retrieves an unopened box of Reese’s Puffs cereal.

“That’s not where we keep the cereal,” I point out while ignoring the way his muscles bunch and flex beneath his T-shirt as he finds a bowl and spoon. A small part of me wishes we could go back to the no-clothes way of living that disappeared the moment I moved in, and Milo set a new batch of rules.

Party pooper.

“That’s not where we keep the boring cereal,” he clarifies before setting a bowl and spoon down at the center island. “And like I said, it’s my secret stash. I expect you to keep it that way.”

“If it’s so secretive, then why’d you show me?” I ask as if I didn’t already know where it was.

Sweet, naive River.

“Because I need your help with something,” he admits.

I quirk my brow. “Oh? And you think you can buy me off with cereal?”

“A guy can dream, can’t he?”

With a grin, I sit down on a barstool in front of River’s freshly prepared breakfast while he steps away to grab the gallon of milk from the fridge.

“Thank you,” I tell him as he pours the perfect amount into my bowl.

“You’re welcome.”

I can feel him watching me as I take a big bite of peanut-buttery goodness, but I try to ignore it as I chew and swallow. “So, what do you need help with?”

“Remember the night I brought you home from SeaBird wasted? And you told me about your dreams of becoming an actor?”

“Childhood dreams,” I clarify. “But go on.”

He smirks. “Well, do you remember that photoshoot I told you about? The one that could land me the role in a big movie production?”

Taking another bite, I nod and watch as he rounds the corner and sits down on the barstool beside me.

“Olivia had to cancel at the last minute, and without a woman to take the pictures with, then the couple’s photoshoot won’t be a couple’s photoshoot, and I won’t be able to show off my skills to the photographer, which means the director will go with someone else for the part.”

I grimace. “That sucks, Riv. I’m sorry.”

“I haven’t gotten to the favor part…”

Setting my spoon down on the counter, I tilt my head and ask, “And?”

“And I’m curious if you’d like to earn a few bucks by helping me out with something. Who knows? It might even look good on your resume.”

Even though I know where he might be going with this, I purse my lips. “Spit it out, River.”

“Will you come to the photoshoot with me? It’s in an hour, and there’s not enough time for me to find another suitable replacement.”

My heart leaps in my chest. Convinced I’ve heard him wrong, I ask, “A photoshoot?”


“With me?”

“Yeah. I need you to take a few pictures with me and possibly run some lines if the photographer offers to record an audition tape for me.”

He can’t be serious.

I shake my head. “River. I’m not a model. And I’m definitely not an actress despite my drunken rambling that night.”

“You don’t need to be either of those things. If anything, your lack of talent will help mine shine.”

“Gee. Thanks.”

He laughs. “That’s not what I meant. I’m just saying that you don’t need to be a famous model or actress to help me out today. You just need to show up, trust me, and do what the photographer says.”

Sighing, I rub my hand over my face and weigh my options. I could use the money, especially since I won’t be getting my deposit back on the apartment. And it would help River out too. I know him. He wouldn’t be asking for my help if he didn’t really need it. He’s too prideful for that. Plus, it could be fun.


“Please?” he murmurs in a quiet voice.

My teeth dig into the inside of my cheek before I hedge, “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“But it’s the only choice I’ve got.”

Those damn pleading eyes are what finally do me in. I give him a jerky nod. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

His stupidly-perfect smile widens, causing my heart to gallop in my chest. “Seriously?”


“Yes,” I grudgingly confirm.

“Thank you, Reese.”

“You’re welcome,” I whisper. My anxiety spikes at the prospect of actually going through with this, but I try to ignore it and take another bite of my now soggy cereal.

“Do you think you can be ready to leave in thirty?”

“I guess?” I look down at my red crew neck and jean shorts. “What am I supposed to wear?”

“They’ll have clothes for you at the place,” he returns like it isn’t a big deal.

My eyes widen. “Whose clothes?”

“The designer’s.”

Designer? What designer?

I feel so far out of my league right now it’s not even funny. My damp hair hangs around my shoulders, and I toy with the ends before asking, “And what am I supposed to do with my hair?”

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