Home > Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(37)

Model Behavior (Wrecked Roommates, #1)(37)
Author: Kelsie Rae

And why does it feel like I’m about to film my first porno?

“You sure?” Brett prods.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to help out a friend.”

“Friend.” That same knowing smirk graces Brett’s lips. “Noted. Trish is in the back room, and she’ll take care of your makeup and hair. Once you’re finished, she’ll give you a few outfits to change into. Then we’ll get started. Any questions?”

I shrug but stay quiet.

With an amused chuckle, Brett motions to the back room. “Then, off you go.”



As I stare at myself in the full-length mirror, a single thought comes to mind.

This is a terrible idea.

“Girl, you look hot!” announces Trisha, admiring her work. The girl’s either a miracle worker or made a deal with the devil for her expertise. I haven’t quite decided which one fits the bill.

Brushing a perfectly curled strand of hair away from my face, I inspect myself closer and gulp. Hard.

I do look hot. That’s the problem. Not because I don’t want to look attractive but because I don’t feel like me. Maybe that’s a good thing, though. Maybe if I don’t look like me, I can pretend I’m whoever the stranger is staring back at me in the mirror. Still, the white lacy lingerie-style dress that I would never in a million years wear in public makes the top of my small breasts play peek-a-boo with any spectator within a two-block radius.

Okay, maybe I’m being a little ridiculous.

I turn to the side and take in my silhouette.

Nope. Not being ridiculous.

I didn’t even know I had a body like this. I’ve always been a hoodie and shorts kind of girl. This? It’s like a second skin, accentuating my tiny curves in a way I didn’t even think was possible. I’m finally, kinda, sorta pulling off the whole sexy vibe, and I didn’t even know I was capable of it. With another deep breath, I smooth down the lacy material across my abdomen, then turn around and look at my butt. The thing is so short I’m not even sure it fully covers it. If I bend down, I’m screwed.

“Stop questioning it,” Trisha orders. “I already told you that you look hot. Embrace it, girl. And lick River for me, would ya? You have no idea how jealous all the girls are that you’re actually doing a session with him.”

“What do you mean?”

She shrugs. “I dunno. He’s always insisted on doing singles versus couples. Personally, I think it’s because he likes the spotlight, but what do I know? He’s doing this with you, right? You’re a lucky girl.”

“Lucky, my ass. I’m just helping the guy out. He owes me big time for this.”

Trisha’s light laughter turns wicked as she leans forward and whispers, “I’m sure he could think of a way or two to pay you back. A big cock for a big favor sounds like a pretty even trade to me.”

My cheeks redden. “No, thank you. I’ve never really had a thing for manwhores.”

“At least you know what you’re getting into with a manwhore,” she argues. “I used to only date stand-up guys. You know, the ones that seemed like they wanted to settle down and commit to a girl instead of sleeping their way through half the state?”

An image of Jake pops into my head before I catch myself nodding. “I know the type.”

“Yeah, well, once upon a time, I was seriously dating one of them when he yelled out another girl’s name while we were having sex. After that, I ditched the prince charmings and decided to stick with manwhores. My heart’s safer that way, and the orgasms are an added bonus.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I mutter.

My breathing quickens when River’s deep voice echoes through the closed door and cuts our conversation short. “Hey, are you guys ready? Brett’s getting anxious.”

The stylist nudges me toward the exit. “She’s coming!”

I can hear his retreating footsteps as I turn back to Trisha. “Thanks. For…”–– I motion to my body––”this.”

“Don’t mention it. Now, go get ‘em, tiger. We can chat more during your next outfit change.”

I look down at the tiny piece of material covering my body that barely passes for a dress. “Are you sure I should wear this?”

She grins. “Yup. This is just round one, girl. What else did you think you’d be wearing?”

“I don’t know? A pair of jeans would be nice.”

“Jeans? Honey, this is a lingerie shoot. But don’t worry. You’ll get used to it. And once you’re in front of the camera, Brett has a way of making you feel comfortable in your own skin. Now, go! We don’t want to keep either of them waiting.”

With a final glance in the mirror, I take a deep breath then head out the door.

River is helping Brett with the lighting equipment as they set up the first shot. Obviously, he isn’t wearing a shirt because why the hell would he? The guy was made to be naked, and it’s easy to see he’s comfortable in his skin. If only I could manage to channel his confidence and make it my own.

My mouth waters at the view while I mentally curse Milo for his stupid clothes rule. I could stare at this all day long. I probably wouldn’t get much work done, but it’d be worth it. Tearing my gaze away from the Greek god in front of me, I take in the rest of his ensemble before realizing he doesn’t look much different than usual. The dark red waistband of his boxers plays peek-a-boo an inch or two above a pair of dark jeans that hang low on his hips. So low that I can see the damn ‘V’ that leads to his––

I clear my throat, then focus on the cement ground beneath my crimson, sky-high stilettos.

How the hell am I supposed to walk in these things?

On shaky legs, I make my way toward them, then cross my arms as I wait for further instruction. I’ve never felt so out of my element in my entire life. My hair even has hairspray in it, for Pete’s sake, and my lips are lacquered with gloss that tastes like cotton candy. I feel like a damn barbie. My nose wrinkles before I wring my hands in front of me in hopes of hiding their shaking.

“Perfect, you’re here,” Brett greets me when he catches me out of the corner of his eye. “Come stand right here.” He points to the ground where River is standing, then turns to him. “All right, man. I’m not going to give you a ton of direction unless you look lost. The only thing we’re trying to sell today is chemistry, and if you can make your clothes look good while doing it, then that means we’re successful. Because your counterpart had to bail at the last minute, you’re basically carrying this. Any questions?”

“Um…I have one,” I pipe in. Two sets of eyes turn to me. “What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to act natural, ignore the camera, and pretend you want to have sex with River. Anything else?”

I gulp but stay silent.

Pretend I want to have sex with River?

Did he really just say that to me? I’m so not cut out for this.

Brett smirks, taking in my ashen complexion, but he doesn’t comment on it. “Let’s get this started.”

My heels click against the cement as I close the rest of the distance between Riv and me while Brett grabs his camera and starts adjusting a few settings. With wide eyes and a slack jaw, I ignore Riv and watch Brett fiddle with a few buttons, unsure what the hell act natural even means.

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