Home > Not Even Close (A New Generation Series)(40)

Not Even Close (A New Generation Series)(40)
Author: Elizabeth Reyes

“Listen,” he said tightening his hold on Byron’s shoulder just a bit, his intense eyes boring into Byron’s. “My boys have always dealt with any guys who might give their sisters trouble. You know middle school and high school bullshit. Hell, you saw for yourself today even college stuff now that the girls have graduated high school. You seem like a nice enough guy and I trust her judgement, but now that I know my little girl is seeing a twenty-five-year-old man, not some college kid, it’s me you’ll be dealing with if you do anything to hurt her, understood?” Byron nodded swallowing hard. “And if you think my son got hot in there because he thought someone messed with one of his sisters, that boy has nothing on the fury I’d unleash on any man who fucks with either of my girls’ hearts.”

“Alex, honey,” Savannah’s mom called out from her now rolled down window. “Time to go now.”

Before Byron could respond, the man’s expression eased up and he clapped Byron’s shoulder. “So, yeah.” Her dad begun to walk away. “Glad we got a chance to talk. Look forward to chatting with you again.”

“I’ve got nothing but good intentions, Mr. Moreno,” Byron said as her father walked away. “I’d never hurt her. You have my word.”

Her father turned just before walking around his SUV. “Perfect,” he said barely cracking a smile. “Then we should be good.”

“Holy shit,” Byron whispered under his breath as he waited for the SUV to pull out so he could meekly wave at all of them one last time.

As a black belt in jiu jitsu Byron had no doubt he could hold his own even against someone as big as Savannah’s dad. He might even be able to take on both her brothers at once if it ever came down to it. Despite them both being much younger than him, they were still big guys who clearly didn’t take kindly to anyone messing with their sisters. If it weren’t for his nieces Byron wouldn’t even flinch at the no-bones-about-it threat from her dad. But because of them he knew, no amount of skill or brute strength could compete with the wrath of any man protecting his loved ones—especially a daughter. His brother was just that, a Beast when his temper flared, but when it came to his family, there’d be absolute hell to pay if anyone ever even attempted to hurt them. Byron saw it tonight in both her brother’s and dad’s eyes. There was no question about it. If he were ever stupid enough to hurt Savannah they’d be out for blood.

“The hell did I get myself into?” he muttered as he walked to the passenger side door and opened it.

“Did he threaten you?” Savannah asked with a wince as soon as Byron got in and he glanced down to push the ignition button. “Because as big and scary as he might seem, he’s really just a big teddy bear. He doesn’t mean anything by it.”

If Byron’s head had jerked any more violently to face her big doe eyed expression, he might be wearing a neck brace for the next few weeks.




The Twins


If a slap could describe a facial expression, Vannah was certain her face would be stinging hot from Byron’s. But it was true. Her father really was a sweetheart. Sure, he and her brothers could be a bit overbearing and over-the-top at times, but they meant well and would never do anything that might upset her or Nena. If he’d said anything that might upset Byron that would certainly warrant Vannah getting upset. So, whatever it is he’d said to him shouldn’t justify this kind of reaction from Byron, right?

Still wincing she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip. “What did he say to you?”

To her surprise, he actually smirked as he exhaled loudly and pulled out of the parking space. “What any dad would say to a guy they just met who’s dating their baby girl.”

“And what would that be?”

“Basically, if I hurt you, he hurts me.” Vannah gasped and Byron turned to look at her before pulling onto the street and shrugged. “It’s a fair warning, babe. I’d do the same. Just took me by surprise, is all. Guess there’s a first time for everything and since I’ve never actually met any other chick’s dad, or entire family for that matter, I didn’t see that coming.”

Feeling her face heat, Vannah laughed nervously. “Well, you gotta know it’s just an expression. He wouldn’t actually hurt—”

“The hell he wouldn’t.” Glad he was still smirking even though his tone was as adamant as her dads could get. “I don’t doubt for a second if I hurt you; he’ll hunt my ass down.” He turned to her the smirk softening into a smile. “Good thing the odds of that happening are zilch.” Turning back to the road he added. “Especially since we’re just having fun, right?”

She cleared her throat sitting up straight, glad now for her choice in words when answering her dad’s inquiry tonight. Not only had this poor guy been cornered into having dinner with her entire family less than a week after their first kiss, but he’d also just admitted it’s something he’d never done. Likely because meeting, having dinner and being threatened by the little freshman’s daddy was the last thing he’d expected he’d be dealing with this soon, if ever.

“Yeah, uh . . .” She pulled a strand of hair behind her ear as she glanced out the window. “My parents tend to jump the gun a bit. I told you they can be very overprotective.”

“Duly noted.” He turned to her as they came to a stop. “You okay with hanging out at my place or you feel like going somewhere else?”

She smiled feeling the butterflies inside begin to swarm. “Your place is fine.”

As soon as they were out of his car, Byron came around it, took her hand, pulled her to him and nearly took her legs out with a knee weaking kiss. How in the world could someone be so good at this?

Practically in a daze when he finally pulled away and took her face in his hands, Vannah inhaled deeply gazing into those probing eyes. “How many friends do you do this with, Savannah?”

Feeling her eyes widen, her mind was suddenly racing. Was this a trick question? Would it freak him out if she told him the truth? That she’d never even been kissed by a man. Boys yes, back in high school but that didn’t even compare.

“I, uh.” She cleared her throat willing the right answer to come to her as his hardening eyes searched hers. “None. L-like I told my parents. I’ve been focusing on school and I’ve been swamped with homework so—”

“Look, I don’t have an issue with you wanting to focus on school.” He pressed his lips together for a moment. “It’s what you should be doing. But there’s no point in me trying to hide it anymore so I wanna get this straight right now. Clearly, I will have issue with seeing you doing this with any of your other friends.” Despite making an effort not to, her eyes widened at his outright admission. “Don’t get me wrong,” he added quickly, the resolute tone softening a bit. “I’m all for us just having fun. I stay really busy anyway. This past week was a perfect example of that. The only downtime I had I spent talking and video chatting with you. It’s just that . . .” For the first time since he’d begun to address this, he glanced away looking a little . . . unsure? Bringing his eyes back to her, he took a deep breath. “It . . . it wasn’t a good feeling, okay? I know it’s only been a week and I’m not even sure how to explain it but—”

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