Home > Not Even Close (A New Generation Series)(43)

Not Even Close (A New Generation Series)(43)
Author: Elizabeth Reyes

“Did you not get it on time?” Byron asked as he walked into the kitchen.

Glancing down at his phone, she picked it up just in time to see the text preview that popped up now from Irma.

I’m outside are you still. . .

“It was your phone ringing, not mine. Irma?” She made sure he knew she’d seen who’d called him back-to-back and apparently was now outside.

Before he could read the text or respond to her question, a buzzer rang downstairs. His jaw going taut wasn’t missed as he slipped the phone in his pocket. He opened his mouth about to say something when the buzzer rang again.

Frowning, he lifted a finger up at her. “Let me take care of this and I’ll explain as soon as I’m back.”

Vannah nodded as he rushed off. In his haste to rush out he left the door cracked open. At first, she wasn’t going to be nosey, but curiosity got the best of her and she started toward it. This could still be nothing. Maybe it was a client or associate or even family member who needed something from him.

“Wouldn’t be unheard of, right?” she whispered as she reached the cracked open door and peeked out.

Byron reached the door downstairs and opened it for Irma who stood outside. Pushing the door open a little wider, Vannah took in the tall thin girl with the oddly pale red hair. She watched as a scantily dressed Irma instantly tried to hug him. To Vannah’s relief, Byron backed away shaking his head, making it obvious he wanted no part of it. There was no missing the awkward disappointment on Irma’s face as the rejection seemed to set in. Then her eyes glanced up at the door and met with Vannah’s.

Vannah stood there frozen as the understanding of why Irma was being rejected seemed to sink in for the girl now too. Clearly upset, she turned back to Byron and pointed at Vannah. At first Byron didn’t turn, instead continued to speak adamantly, until Irma said something loudly that Vannah couldn’t make out and lifted her hand to point at her again. This time Byron did turn, his expression said it all as their eyes locked. Despite his claim that any and all his downtime this week was spent on Vannah. Judging by the girl’s reaction to seeing Vannah there now, this had to be someone he’d made time for very recently.




Strike One


Damn it all to fucking hell!

Rushing down the stairs, Byron did his best to remind himself he’d never been in a place in his life where he felt the need to set boundaries for chicks. So, he never had. There’d been times he’d even appreciated unannounced booty calls.

Not tonight.

This was the last thing he wanted tonight. Especially not after just having dinner with Savannah’s family, but especially not after being explicitly threatened that his ass would be grass if he did her wrong.

One look at Irma and he knew without a doubt she was here to finish what they hadn’t last night. Tonight. On the night he’d just gotten shit straight with Savannah and thankfully so. Because after the scene at the gym today he’d wanted to make sure she knew he would not be okay with her doing anything that might set him off again and have him losing his shit. It’s why he’d been so quick to make sure he got that straight. Now this!

“Fuck my life,” he muttered as he opened the door.

“Hey!” Irma said smiling broadly as she reached out to hug him.

Feeling like a dick, but having no other choice, he held her at bay and shook his head. “Can’t do this, Irma.”

Her face jerked back. “What do you mean? The game got boring, so we left, me and my cousin, that is. I figured I’d come back here, and you and I could go back to where we left off last—”

Byron closed his eyes when she looked up behind him and went silent suddenly. Her face turned back to him. “You have company? Is that it?”

“Yeah, I’m busy right now. I can’t—”

“Are you kidding me?” She got louder. “Does she know your bed is still warm from my naked ass?”

“Lower your fucking voice,” he said hushing his own words, even as he felt his heart spike. “You and I have never—”

“What is she sixteen? You fucking little girls now, Byron?”

“Shut the—"

“Look at her!” She pointed up again.

Taking a deep breath, Byron reluctantly turned up to look at the cracked open door of his apartment as his eyes locked with Savannah’s. He was only locked in her eyes for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity before she closed the door.

He turned back to Irma feeling a fire inside him. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I don’t mess with minors.”

“She sure as hell looks like one.”

“I don’t give a shit what she looks like to you,” Byron spat back feeling his insides flare with every inference she made regarding Savannah. “All you need to know about her is she’s the only one who belongs up there now.”

Her eyes went wide as she jerked her face back. “Is that right? So, just this morning it was okay for me to be lying naked in your bed, and suddenly you’re in a committed relationship?”

“Something like that.” He squeezed the door he was still holding open. “So, now that you know, I need to get back to her.”

“You’re a fucking asshole!”

“You can feel however you want, Irma.” He lifted and dropped an indifferent shoulder. “Just go do it somewhere else.”

“Yeah?” She leaned into the doorway getting loud. “Did you tell her about—”

“Look!” He startled her as he stepped out suddenly, slammed the door closed behind him and spoke through his teeth. “I’m sorry shit changed so fast I didn’t get a chance to give you a heads up, but it did. But now you know and I sure as fuck am not gonna stand here and allow you to do or say anything to upset her. I know you’re still on probation. So, unless you want me calling the cops on your ass, I suggest you get the hell out of here.”

If a glare could kill, he’d be six feet under already. “Go fuck yourself.”

Byron watched as she stalked away. “I know how bad a restraining order can be for someone on probation. Don’t make me have to get one. You hear me?” He called out loudly. “I won’t put up with any bullshit, Irma.”

No, he sure as fuck wasn’t. Not when it came to Savannah. He was done trying to understand it, but in as short a time as he’d known her, he felt as protective over her as he did his own nieces. Just hearing this bitch say anything about her, had him ready to roar. Waiting until he was sure she’d driven away; he took a deep breath opening the door to the shop. He was about to walk back in ready to face the music, when the dimly lit parking lot brightened as another car drove in.

“Now what?” he muttered.

He turned back inside when he heard the door to his apartment open and Savannah walked out and started down the stairs. Turning back to the car in the parking lot, he saw it was a dude in the car.

Pummeled with the urge to roar again, he failed miserably at trying not to sound too demanding. “Where you going?”

“I’m leaving.” Before he could demand to know who the fuck with, she added. “I called an Uber.”

Instantly panicked, he rushed to her. “Wait, wait, wait.” He met her at the bottom of the stairs, putting a hand at either of her shoulders and searched her hurt eyes. “I’ll explain. Give me at least that much. If you still wanna leave, I’ll take you home myself. I promise. J-just wait right here. Please.”

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