Home > With Just One Kiss (Seriously Sweet St Louis #4)(24)

With Just One Kiss (Seriously Sweet St Louis #4)(24)
Author: Cindy Kirk


Yes, last night was definitely a step in the right direction, and she couldn’t be more pleased.



Christy rang Sara’s doorbell, eager anticipation coursing up her spine. In Chicago she’d been part of a Bible study group that met every week. She’d missed the fellowship that was such an integral part of these sessions. And she’d missed the girl talk.

The second chime sounded and the door opened. Sara stood in the doorway, smiling a warm welcome. “Hi, Christy. I’m glad you could make it.”

Sara ushered her down the hall to the great room and introduced her to several women who’d already arrived. She’d barely finished the introductions before the doorbell rang again.

“Christy, come and sit by me.” Nancy, from the coffee shop, smiled and patted an empty spot beside her on the sofa.

Christy crossed the room and took the seat, returning Nancy’s smile. “Looks like Sara is going to get a good turnout.”

“She’s expecting at least ten.”

“Is that how many usually come?”

Nancy thought for a moment, then shrugged. “It’s hard to say. We’re a relatively new group. There have been as many as fifteen and as few as six show up.”

“Can I get you ladies something to drink?” Sara returned to the room, looking more like a fashion model than a Bible study hostess in her black Nicole Miller skirt and custom-made shirt. “Lemonade? Iced tea? Soda?”

“Lemonade,” Christy and Nancy said together.

“Great minds think alike,” Nancy said with a smile.


“I told my husband we’d met,” Nancy said. “He thought it would be nice if we had you and David over for dinner some night.”

“I’d like that,” Christy said. A sense of satisfaction flowed through her like warm honey. They were starting to be viewed as a couple.

“Nancy, I’m sorry I’m late.” Lauren hurried across the room, her gaze focused on the woman at Christy’s side. “Did you save me a seat?”

Nancy shook her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think you were coming.”

Neither did I, thought Christy.

Sara had told Christy up front that Lauren came to Bible study only sporadically, when her work schedule allowed. Though she hadn’t expected her today, Christy had accepted the fact that she and Lauren were now in the same social circle and that she’d better get used to seeing her.

“I can move,” Christy said. “It’s no problem at all.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Lauren waved a dismissive hand. “There’s an empty chair by Tina. I’ll go sit over there.”

Lauren shifted her gaze to Christy, surprising her with a slight smile. “I haven’t seen you since Sara’s party.”

“It has been quite a while,” Christy said, thinking it hadn’t been nearly long enough. “By the way, happy birthday. Did you have a nice party?”

“David told you about it?” Lauren’s gaze widened in mock surprise.

“Why shouldn’t he?” Christy asked.

“I was surprised he didn’t bring you along,” Lauren said. “I asked him to.”

Christy didn’t believe for a moment that she’d been invited, but she forced a smile and decided to play along. “I’m afraid it didn’t work out for me.”

“It’s time to get started. Everyone.” Sara’s voice sounded above the conversational chatter. “Could you all take your seats, please?”

Lauren smiled and headed across the room to the empty chair.

The dark-haired woman who greeted Lauren with a broad smile looked vaguely familiar, but Christy couldn’t place her.

“Who is that woman to the right of Lauren?” she whispered in Nancy’s ear.

Nancy shifted her gaze and replied in a low voice. “That’s Tina Getz. She’s Karen’s sister.”

“Karen?” Christy’s voice rose in surprise. “Blake’s wife?”

“That’s the one,” Nancy said. “Don’t you think they look alike?”

Christy’s gaze returned to the woman. Now that Nancy mentioned it, she could see the resemblance. Christy would have liked to ask Nancy more questions, but Sara clapped her hands.

“This week we’re going to focus on the dangers of gossip and judging others. Please open your Bibles.”

Sara led the discussion with ease and by the final prayer Christy knew she’d found the group for her.

After the session she hung back and waited until Sara was alone.

“Thank you so much for inviting me.” Christy gave Sara a quick hug.

“I’m just glad you could come,” Sara said. “Did I tell you the next meeting is at your house?”

Momentarily speechless, Christy could only stare. She tried to remember if she was even going to be in town next week.

Sara laughed. “I’m just kidding. You won’t pop up on the rotation list for another month or so.”

“That’ll be fine,” Christy said. “I’d love to have it at my house.”

Only after the words left her mouth did Christy realize what she’d said. Sometime in the past few months she’d started thinking of David’s house as her home. The thought made her smile widen.

“Are you headed home now?”

“I have some errands to run, then I have to meet with my publicist.” Christy reached for her purse to take out her keys and realized she didn’t have her bag. “But without my purse, I don’t think I’m going anywhere.”

Sara’s brow furrowed. “You lost your purse?”

“No,” Christy said with a wry grin. “It’s around here somewhere. Actually, I think I left it in the other room.”

“I’ll get it for you,” Sara said.

“You take care of your guests.” Christy stopped her with a hand on her arm. “I think I know just where it is.”

She hurried past two women standing in the foyer chatting. They smiled at her before resuming their conversation.

Christy had thought the room would be cleared out, but when she got closer she realized that a few women must have stayed behind to talk.

“I’m telling you, it’s the truth.” The voice had a slight lisp and Christy immediately knew the speaker was Karen’s sister Tina. She’d noticed the lisp when they were introduced during a refreshment break.

“How do you know?”

Although the second voice was soft and low, Christy recognized it, too. Lauren.

Christy stifled a groan. She’d had about all the polite conversation with her old friend that she could take in one day.

“Because her cleaning lady, Suzanne, told Karen’s cleaning lady.”

Suzanne? David’s cleaning lady was named Suzanne. Christy’s steps slowed even as her heart picked up speed.

“And she said they don’t sleep in the same bedroom?” Lauren’s voice was skeptical. “Are you sure?”

Christy’s hand clenched at her side and her nails dug into her palm.

“Positive,” Tina said. “What kind—”

“Excuse me.” Christy walked into the room, her head held high, hoping the color she knew had to be in her cheeks gave nothing away. She retrieved her bag from the floor by the sofa. “I forgot my purse.”

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