Home > Betrayal and Redemption(22)

Betrayal and Redemption(22)
Author: Abby Ayles


“I think Lady Irvington would want to know about something like this, though I can see why you wouldn’t want to worry her. I am honored you are talking to me about it, but I must admit, I don’t see where the confusion comes from. Surely you must ask the baron why he called you Mrs. Rowley?”


“I thought that myself, at first, but then Ambrose convinced me otherwise. In fact, he made it seem as though it was the last thing I should do…”


“Whatever for?” Lucy exclaimed incredulously. “As fond as I am of Mr. Rowley, I think he has missed the mark in this case. After all, this will doubtless keep bothering you until you understand it, and Baron Bartlett is the only one who can offer an explanation.”


Georgiana paused to consider the line of thought, tempted to shake her head at herself as it sank in. “It sounds so simple when you say it like that.”


“Pardon me for saying so, but I believe it is that simple, Miss,” Lucy told her as she finished the last few details on her hair.


Turning around to give her lady’s maid a hug, she said, “Thank you for your advice. I think I will do just as you say. I am only disappointed we didn’t have this talk sooner, as I might have had my answer before now. However, I still have to gather the courage to talk to him…”


She sighed as Lucy patted her arms consolingly. “I know you can do it, Miss. You are far too determined to do otherwise.”


“Thank you again, Lucy, though I doubt I will get the opportunity to ask him today.” With a smile, she then left her room, making her way down the staircase to find her aunt, who was no doubt waiting for her.


However, before she could find Adelaide, she ran into Ambrose at the bottom of the stairs. “Ambrose, I am glad you are here already! The first guests should be here soon.”


“I thought I should be here about this time,” he replied with a smile as he looked at her, his whole demeanor brightening. “And you are obviously ready for the party. You look absolutely beautiful.”


“Thank you,” she replied without the faintest trace of a blush. After all, weren’t honorary older brothers supposed to give their honorary sisters such compliments? “So, shall we go and find my aunt to see where she wants us?”


Ambrose opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the sound of Jonas’ voice. “There you are! I heard you had arrived and was wondering where you were. I should have known you would be with Georgiana,” he said as he walked closer to the two of them.


“Do you need my help with something, my lord?” Ambrose asked.


“Well, yes and no. I was hoping I could convince you to accompany me into town. There is an auction today for some pregnant mares and the earliest of the spring foals, and I intend on buying one or two.”


“I suppose I could. When were you planning on leaving?”


“Right now,” Jonas quickly replied.


Georgiana and Ambrose both frowned. “But, Uncle, Ambrose is accompanying me to the garden party. It will be starting shortly.”


Jonas laughed a little. “And that is why I am leaving now! These tea parties are full of ladies and girls. I intend to make my escape before it starts, and I am sure Ambrose would much rather view horses with me than be stuck at a tea party, even with such delightful company as yourself.”


“I don’t mind attending tea parties,” Ambrose quickly interjected.


“Yes, and I want him to attend with me,” Georgiana added.


“There will be plenty of other social events Ambrose can accompany you to, dear,” Jonas told them as he took her hands. “It is perhaps for the best if you don’t attend every single event with him. And this is going to be such a small party, it will be a great opportunity for you to go without him.”


Looking at Ambrose, she could tell the plan did not appeal to either of them. She had more interest in horses than he did, and he did not mind small gatherings like this at all. However, she also knew Ambrose held her uncle in great respect.


He was obviously doing his best to hide his disappointment as he reluctantly nodded. “Your uncle is probably right. You will be fine without me this once. You will have to tell me how it went when I see you next.”


She sighed and pouted a little. “I suppose I can do without both of you. Just know I wish to meet any new horses you get as soon as possible!” She looked at her uncle as she said the last part.


“Certainly,” Jonas replied and kissed her forehead. “Come on, Ambrose, let’s leave before Adelaide delays us.”


Georgiana waved goodbye sympathetically to Ambrose as the two left. Then she headed towards the garden, where she hoped to find her aunt.


Though it was strange and made no sense to her, she felt less nervous about things than she had earlier. Somehow, the mere knowledge she was going to talk to Walter, even though it made her stomach twist, also set a part of her mind at ease. She steeled herself, telling herself she was up to the task.


By the time she found Adelaide, she had a genuine smile on her face and a spring in her step, which her aunt quickly caught onto. With a beaming smile at her niece, she led the way to their spot just as the first guest arrived…



Chapter 12

Walter had been none too pleased when his mother had told him to be ready to go to a tea party with her. He had grumbled about it but hadn’t had time to truly object until they were already heading towards the carriage to leave.


“Mother, are you certain-”


“Yes. You must come with me,” she cut him off as he helped her into the carriage. “You said I could accept any invitations on your behalf which I found it necessary to do, and so I have accepted the invitation to us both the attend to this tea party.”


“Perhaps I should have made a stipulation to accept only evening invitations. I have work to do during the day, and now is the best time of day to work and talk with other gentlemen when everyone is in London for the season. I highly doubt there will be many gentlemen at a tea party.”


“Now is also the best time to attend tea parties, especially tea parties where certain young ladies are to be found.”


Reluctantly, he finally climbed into the carriage and shut the door, so the carriage could begin the short journey. “I presume you have one particular young lady in mind who is going to be there.”


“Of course, I do. Perhaps today you might actually ask to officially call on her instead of either forgetting to ask or simply asking to see her again.”


Walter knew his mother felt he had done poorly. Not only had he asked Miss Rutherford to go for a ride instead of asking to call on her, but during that ride he had done nothing more than arrange a time and day for another ride with her.


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