Home > The Happy Camper(51)

The Happy Camper(51)
Author: Melody Carlson

“That’s true,” Vivian told Dillon. “We only reserved enough spots for the members of the club. And this time of year, Silver Lake Campground is always full.” She made a sympathetic smile. “Maybe next year.”

“But it’s Dillon’s birthday,” Chloe declared loudly. “She has to come camping with us. Don’t you, Dillon?”

“It’s your birthday?” Janelle asked Dillon.

“It’s on Sunday,” Emma declared. “She told us so.”

“Isn’t there some way to squeeze in another trailer?” Janelle asked Jordan. “After all, you’re president of the club.”

“It’s too late,” Vivian answered for him—perhaps a bit too quickly and eagerly. Or else Dillon was imagining things.

“Like Vivian suggested, maybe I can come next year.” Dillon wanted to be a good sport despite intense disappointment. How fun would it be to take her little trailer on a real campout—and at the lake?

“But it’s her birthday, Uncle Jordan,” Chloe insisted. “She has to come.”

“As a matter of fact, the Mortensons called yesterday. Rob has to travel for business this week and Rachel said there’s no way she’s towing the trailer and three kids on her own,” Jordan told Vivian. “No reason Dillon couldn’t use their spot. I haven’t canceled it yet.”

“But she’s not a member,” Vivian reminded him.

“Well, we can easily induct her.” Jordan grinned. “It’s not like we have a secret handshake or some painful initiation rituals.”

Vivian nodded with a smile, but she didn’t look overly pleased with this new development.

Janelle looked at her brother. “I think if you’re letting the girls and me come, Dillon should be welcome too.”

Jordan turned to Dillon. “So how about it? Wanna go camping with a bunch of fun-loving kooks?”

“If it’s really okay with everyone else, I’d love to come.” Dillon was afraid to be too happy. Especially since Vivian was still resistant. What if she lobbied other members and pulled the plug?

“It’s okay with me,” Jordan said.

“And he’s president,” Chloe declared. “Uncle Jordan can make the rules.”

“Well, just because you’re president doesn’t mean you make the rules,” Janelle explained. “To do that, you’d have to be king.” She grinned at Jordan. “And I don’t plan to start bowing down to my big brother.”

“What about Dillon’s trailer?” Vivian asked. “She hasn’t even taken it out yet. What if it’s not road worthy?”

“That’s a good point,” Jordan agreed. “It hasn’t been out for years. Anything could go wrong.”

“And what about that old pickup? Is it really able to tow on the highway?” Vivian asked.

“I think Jack will do just fine.” Dillon instantly regretted telling her the name.

“Jack?” Vivian’s brows arched with amusement.

“I mean my pickup. I, uh, I named it Jack.”

“And her trailer is Rose,” Jordan explained. “They’re a matched pair.”

“Well, that’s cute, and the pickup probably goes well with your trailer. That’s nice for photos, but doesn’t mean it’s ready for the road,” Vivian said with a superior tone. “There are mechanical things to consider.”

“That’s true.” Jordan turned to Dillon. “Your bearings, axle, tires, and a few other things should all be checked by a mechanic.”

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them,” Dillon assured Jordan, but judging by his expression she knew he was doubtful. She wanted to say more in defense of her pickup and trailer, but the twins were so excited about the camping trip that she couldn’t get a word in edgewise. She hoped she hadn’t bitten off more than she could chew by agreeing to this little expedition. But she felt determined to prove herself—and Jack and Rose too. She wanted to show everyone, especially Vivian, that she and her trailer were worthy of membership in their exclusive trailer club.

After dinner, the twins eagerly opened their gifts. By the time they came to Dillon’s present, she felt unsure. She’d thought her choice was perfect this afternoon, but now she was worried these snorkeling sets could be expecting too much of the girls—even worse, they might hate them. So she braced herself for the reaction. To her relief, the girls were delighted. With Jordan’s help, they tugged the pieces out from the packaging and put on everything, making them resemble a pair of miniature frogmen and causing all the grown-ups to laugh.

“You’ll want to save the flippers until you get used to the masks,” Dillon explained as the goofy-looking girls marched around the yard. “And you’ll need some help learning to use the snorkels. But a lot of kids get really good at snorkeling.”

“Can we try them now?” Chloe asked her mom.

“You still have presents to unwrap.” Janelle pointed to the few remaining gifts. “But afterwards. Maybe Dillon can help you with it.”

“Sure,” Dillon agreed.

“Will you get in the pool with us?” Chloe asked.

“Well, I don’t have my swimsuit.” Dillon felt relieved that her pool bag wasn’t still in her car. The idea of performing snorkeling lessons with everyone else looking on was a bit unsettling. She already felt like a fish out of water. Of course, she might feel more comfortable in the water.

“We’re about the same size. I can loan you something,” Janelle offered. Before Dillon could decline, the twins were rejoicing that Dillon was going to give them snorkeling lessons. She knew she couldn’t tell them no—not at their own birthday celebration, with a gift she’d given them—and so she simply smiled and agreed.


Dillon tried to repress her self-conscious feelings as she and the twins came back down in their swimsuits. Fortunately, she’d also borrowed an oversized T-shirt to use as a cover-up. Then, ignoring the onlookers and pretending she was at the community pool, she told the girls to get into the water and began helping them adjust their masks.

“To start with, you’ll just hold your breath like when you’re doing the face-float,” she explained. “But after you get the hang of it, you’ll be ready for the snorkel.”

To Dillon’s relief it sounded as if the other party guests had returned to visiting among themselves and were not paying much heed to the pool. Then, knowing Emma was the braver of the two girls, Dillon decided to start with her.

“We’ll take turns,” she told Chloe. “You watch how Emma does this and then you can be next.” She was about to start Emma off when, to her surprise, Jordan came to the edge of the pool, removed his shirt and flip-flops, and, wearing only his cargo shorts, eased himself down into the water. “Looks like you could use some help.” He grinned at her. “How about we both take a girl?”

“Do you know how to snorkel?” she asked.

“You bet. I might be a little rusty, but I took scuba diving in college.”

“So did I,” she told him.

Jordan grasped Chloe’s hand. “Wanna work with me or Dillon?”

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