Home > The Happy Camper(55)

The Happy Camper(55)
Author: Melody Carlson

Dillon did find a few items, and as she set a cute plastic platter in her cart, she heard Vivian greeting her. Dillon turned to smile at her.

“I thought your trailer was all set up.” Vivian studied the red-and-white plastic platter in Dillon’s basket. “And that doesn’t exactly look like your color scheme.”

“It’s not for me.” Dillon picked up a stainless steel soap dispenser, then seeing the price, set it down.


“No, you’re right. My trailer is pretty much set. Didn’t I show you photos?”

“Yes. Of the interior.”

Dillon picked up a black-and-white plastic pitcher, examining it. She knew it would make an attractive and usable accent in Jordan’s trailer, so despite being overpriced, she put it in her basket. “I mostly came to check out your fabric selection,” she told Vivian as she headed for the fabric.

“Looking for anything special?” Vivian trailed her.

“I’m not really sure.” Dillon wanted to be elusive, but it only increased Vivian’s curiosity. “I need a plain white cotton fabric. Something to line curtains, you know?”

“I have some muslin. Would this work?” Vivian pulled out a bolt.

“Yes, that’s good. I think I’ll need, say, five yards.” Dillon pointed to a bolt of black-and-white gingham—with big checks. “And I’d like . . . about three yards of that.”

“Okay.” Vivian removed the bolt. “I guess I’ll have to cut it myself since Lilly’s on her break.”

“I’ll keep browsing while you do that.” Dillon went over to the soft goods section and was happily surprised to see a thick polar fleece throw in red-and-black buffalo check. Perfect! She continued to look around, but didn’t find anything that looked worth the price on the tags. Vivian’s markup had to be pretty high. As Dillon waited at the register, she decided it would be worth the half-hour drive to the closest superstore to get some of the bedding Jordan would need for his sister and nieces.

Vivian’s brow creased with curiosity as she carried the fabric pieces to the register. “So you didn’t mention what you’re working on, Dillon.” Her tone was sweet as sugar. “Is this for a trailer by any chance? Are you working on another project?”

“Yes, it is for a trailer,” Dillon answered pleasantly.

“Red, black, and white . . .” Vivian began to ring up the merchandise. “Whose trailer might that be?”

Dillon didn’t like this cat-and-mouse game and decided to be up-front. “It’s for Jordan’s trailer. I’m fixing it up for him.”

“Really?” Vivian blinked. “Does Jordan even know you’re doing this?”

“Of course.” Did Vivian really think Dillon would do this without his okay?

“Because Jordan is quite protective of his trailer. I’ve offered to help him before—and not that long ago—but he always makes an excuse.”

“Well, I guess he wants it to be comfortable for Janelle and the girls, you know, since they’re going on the camping trip.”

“Maybe . . . but Jordan always claims he has a very specific plan for his trailer. Did he discuss that with you?”

Dillon shook her head. “He didn’t mention anything specific.”

Vivian looked skeptical. “Well, I’ll be curious to see how this turns out.”

“So will I.” Dillon’s smile was stiff. She, more than anyone, knew that her décor decisions could go sideways on her. But it was a risk she wanted to take.

“You don’t sound too confident.” Vivian told her the total.

“To be honest, this is still new to me. But I had such fun doing my own trailer and, well, Jordan likes how it looks . . . I guess I’m hoping he’ll like what I do to his too.”

“If he doesn’t and if you need to return your purchases, remember to save your receipt. Of course that doesn’t apply to the fabric.” She held up the black-checked material and then slid it into the bag. “I suppose that might go nicely in there. But if it’s for curtains, I doubt you’ll have enough.”

Dillon shrugged. “I guess I’ll find out.”

“Well, I can’t wait to see how it turns out.” Vivian’s smile looked catty and Dillon suspected she was hoping for a good laugh. But this only added to Dillon’s determination to make it look good. She paid Vivian and, thanking her, made a quick exit.


By five thirty, after scrambling all afternoon, Dillon was prepared for Jordan to show up. She hadn’t put the steaks on her little barbecue yet, but the rest of the meal was ready to go. This would be the first time she’d entertained at her trailer, and she was excited for the evening to begin. All of today’s trailer treasures were safely stashed in her car, and she didn’t want to tip her hand to him in regard to her design plan. She wanted to have his trailer completely done before her big “unveiling.” Hopefully by tomorrow.

Her plan for tonight was to serve dinner outside—as if they were camping. She’d even put a pretty tablecloth on her little camp table, complete with fresh flowers in a mason jar. Her string of lights was ready to plug in, and she had a couple of oil lanterns ready to light for more ambience after the sun set. Everything looked perfect and she couldn’t wait for Jordan to arrive.

It was close to six when she spotted his pickup and trailer coming down the driveway. She went out to meet him, explaining that he could park in her old spot next to the barn. She watched as he expertly backed it in—without any help from her. She felt a mixture of awe and envy. Why couldn’t she do it like that?

“We’re going to eat at my trailer,” she explained as he got a small toolbox from the back of his pickup.

As they walked over to the pond, she asked about his day—eager to get him talking so she wouldn’t have to describe her whirlwind of activity in acquiring things for his trailer. Especially since Vivian’s questioning had been reverberating through her mind for the last several hours. What if Vivian was right and Jordan really did have very specific expectations—and what if Dillon’s design plan didn’t meet them? She knew she never would’ve entrusted her trailer to anyone else. Why had he allowed her to help?

At her little campsite, Jordan set down his toolbox then looked around with what seemed like approval. “Very nice place you got here, Dillon. Looks like you’re a serious camper.”

“I’ve been loving my setup. There’s just one more thing I’d like—I ordered a turquoise-and-white striped awning from that place you told me about.” She paused to light the grill. “It’s supposed to arrive this week. Hopefully in time for this weekend.”

“That’ll be good.” He kicked a trailer tire as if testing it.

“I’ve got some of Grandpa’s New Yorker steaks to grill,” she told him. “I thought while they’re cooking, you might give Rose her checkup. Hopefully she’ll pass the exam.”

“Dr. Jordan at your service.” He picked up his toolbox.

And so for the next half hour, Dillon busied herself with grilling steaks and corn on the cob . . . and Jordan poked around on her trailer. When she announced dinner was ready, he went inside her trailer to wash up.

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