Home > Take a Breath (Take #1)(32)

Take a Breath (Take #1)(32)
Author: Jaimie Roberts

With a smile on my face, I pull on his arm, tightening it around me. “I’m so glad my loose mouth gave me away in the end.”

He pulls me closer to him. “Me too. Now get some sleep. Goodnight, my sweet Ana.”

I melt at his words, and I know sleep will soon be upon me. “Goodnight, Jake.”






His kisses start to trail down to my belly, and prickly heat pinches my skin. I have had plenty of dreams about Jake, but none so realistic. I don’t ever want to wake up. His tongue is licking down towards my clit, and before I can even think straight, he’s there, licking and sucking with relish.

An enormous cry of pleasure escapes my lips, making me aware that I’m waking up. I know I’m close; I can feel that familiar sensation rising. I don’t want to wake up, because I don’t want this feeling to end.

I scream out, waking myself up to find it isn’t a dream at all. Jake is mercilessly continuing his delicious torture with his tongue. I’m close, oh, so gloriously close.

“Jake,” I cry, panting. My toes curl up tightly, and my hands instinctively grip the sheets.

“I want you to come all over my face.” He’s back on my clit again, and I can feel the familiar tingles running through me. The heat is rushing to my head, and before I know it, I come violently around him, wriggling my hips and arching my back against his bed.

“I can never get enough of your sweet cries of pleasure. You’re so beautiful when you come.”

I’m breathless, still feeling the effects of my climax. “I think I see stars,” I giggle.

Jake hovers over me and smiles. “I would reach for one if I could.”

I try getting up, but Jake halts me with one hand. “Where do you think you’re going?”

I smile cheekily at him. “It’s your turn now.” I try to move again, but Jake isn’t having any of it.

“I didn’t do that so you could return the favor. In fact, I’m returning one for you. Remember what you did to me in the shower?”

I frown. “Yes, but surely you must want—”

“Of course I do, but not right now. Later on, I promise. This right here was me worshipping you in the way you deserve to be worshipped. I never did this to expect sex in return. I already know I’ve found my vocation.”

“Oh, and what might that be?” I ask on a laugh.

He pulls his head up to my face and stares at me with those blazing green eyes. “Being with you, inside you. Feeling you around my cock. It was like you were meant to have me. A perfect fit.” My eyes glaze over, and a tear drops down the side of my face. He gently wipes it away. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“I know,” I sigh. “But you don’t know how long I have waited for you to … say those words to me.”

He tenderly strokes my hair. “It hasn’t been easy for either of us.” He rubs the tip of his nose against mine before maneuvering himself off me.

Suddenly, I think back to Bill’s words. “He’s not a predator, and his intentions were always honorable towards you. I believe he just wanted to be with you—to protect you—even if it did torture him in the process.”

I smile as I watch Jake stand up and put his boxer shorts on. I pout and he catches me, setting off his laughter. “Where are you going?” I ask.

He looks agitated by my asking. “Well, someone has to feed you, since you’re obviously not going to do it yourself. I’m going to make some breakfast, but if you have something in mind, I’d rather you tell me first.”

I ponder this for a minute and soon come up with something. “Now that you mention it, I am hungry—very hungry, actually. I think I will have the Jake Special, please. I’d like mine with extra tongue lashings on the side, if it’s not too much trouble?” I offer him the sweetest, most innocent expression I can muster before fluttering my eyelashes at him.

He amusingly shakes his head as he heads towards the door. “I will give you plenty of that. That is one thing you don’t have to worry about. But for now, you need to eat.”

He makes his way down the stairs to the kitchen, and I suddenly realize just how badly I need the toilet. I get up quickly, a bit too quickly. Feeling lightheaded, I sit back down again. Maybe I do need to eat.

Eventually getting up, I walk to the bathroom and wash my hands. I check the time and realize it’s already ten-thirty. I quickly rush to my room to get one of my pills. I certainly can’t forget to take these—especially after my little speech last night about having children.

I grab my toothbrush and phone on the way out. I need to contact John about Sunday. As I light up the screen, I notice I have three text messages. I open the first as I start brushing my teeth. It’s from Jessie.

Jessie: How are you getting on, missy? Spill the beans! I feel like a freak in this pissing dress. Can’t wait for later when Jerry peels it off me! The wedding went well, and the family loves Jerry. Did you knock the mystery man’s socks off? xx

I completely forgot about Jessie with everything that has happened since. I clock the time that the text was sent. It was eight-thirty last night. I know she’ll be pissing mad at me by now. Sighing, I look at the second one sent at eleven o’clock from Jessie again.

Jessie: Answer me, woman!

Laughing, I check the third one sent at ten this morning.

Jessie: Where are you? Is everything OK? I didn’t hear from you last night.

After brushing my teeth, I sit down on Jake’s bed and decide that I must reply to Jessie’s text, but I’m not sure how to word it. First things first, though, I have to text John.

Me: Hi, John. I hope you’re OK? Unfortunately, I can’t make it on Sunday. I will call you later to explain. Sorry.

I hit SEND, knowing it’s a cop-out, but also knowing that I will talk to him in person later. I’m still too busy enjoying my moment with Jake. Next up is Jessie.

Me: Hi, Jessie. I’m glad all went well last night. Everything went well with me too!! See you next week. xx

It isn’t the best of text messages, and I know she will be pretty pissed off with me once she reads it. As if on cue, my phone rings.

“Jessie, hi.”

The first sound I hear is her sigh of displeasure. “Don’t Jessie, hi me. What’s been happening? I want to know. Did you get laid last night?”

I gasp. “Don’t be so crude,” I reply with a huge grin on my face. Boy, did I get laid last night! I’ll be adding “after breakfast” as well … if he lets me have my way.

“Come on. We’re both adults here. Now give it! Did my virginal Ana finally pop her celibacy cherry?”

Jake chooses that precise moment to walk in, making me jump. He’s carrying a tray with toast, orange juice, butter, jam, and a side of strawberries. He sets it down at the end of the bed as I sit there, marveling at his physique. Heat surges through me, making my pussy ache for him yet again.

“Jessie, I have to go. I’ll call you later.” I can hear her objections as I pull the phone from my ear to hit END.

“So how is Jessie?” Jake asks, picking up the glass of juice and handing it to me.

“She’s fine. The wedding went well, and she just wanted to know how the barbecue went last night.”

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