Home > Take a Breath (Take #1)(34)

Take a Breath (Take #1)(34)
Author: Jaimie Roberts

“You’re fucking killing me.”

Jumping up, I remember something. All thoughts of playing my little game are lost now that I’ve heard him swearing. “That reminds me. How come I can’t swear, yet you’re Mr. Potty Mouth all the time? That isn’t fair.”

With a simple grin, he starts up the engine and presses the button for the garage door to open. “Well, that’s simple. I am a man, you are a lady, and ladies don’t swear. Anyway, I’m sure you like it when I swear. It adds to the caveman qualities you’re always nicely pointing out to me all the time.”

I huff my annoyance. Even though I hate what he said, I can’t help the longing ache in my belly that starts at the very thought of Jake being so commanding. What woman wouldn’t love a caveman like Jake? I would take him and his domineering self any day of the week, but I won’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing that.

Looking across at him, I frown, causing him to smile in satisfaction that he has one over on me.

“Oh, look, Ana-Lucia Sinclair rendered speechless at last. Who would have thought?” Not knowing what else to do, I play-smack his arm. “Hey, you keep doing that and I may have to report you for domestic violence.”

“Oh, shut up,” I growl.

He starts laughing hard, and the sight of it has me smiling. How can I be angry with him for long?

He pulls out of the garage and pushes the button to close the door. We set off with Jake grabbing my hand and holding it nearly the whole journey to the mall. He’s taking me to Tyson’s as he knows I like it there.

We find a parking space after a while of looking. It’s a Saturday afternoon, so, of course, it’s going to be heaving with people. We climb out, and the heat hits us with more force than ever, especially after being in such a comfortable, air-conditioned car. I shut my door and I’m immediately catapulted into the hard, taut muscles of Jake’s chest. I smile as he traces his hand from my hair down to my back before squeezing me to him—green eyes like pools of lust burning into my soul.

“Do you know how damn sexy you look? You’re like a drug; I can’t ever seem to get enough of you. I could easily have you right now over my car.”

My breathing hitches up a few notches as he bends down to kiss me. The kiss is fierce, like he’s staking his claim. He owns me, and he knows it.

Out of breath, I finally manage to utter the words, “Okay. Take me now.”

He pulls back with a laugh. “As much as I really want to, we can’t do such lewd acts in public—and besides, no one gets to see my Ana in the throes of passion other than me. Now come on, let’s get you those panties so I can rip them off you when we get home.” I start laughing as he drags me to the stairs heading towards the mall.

As predicted, it’s packed, but it’s nice to be inside, away from the blistering heat. It must be at least ninety degrees outside, and it’s only going to get warmer.

We make our way into a few shops, finding some lace panties along the way. I think they nearly give Jake a heart attack. He pays for them quickly as I stare at a lovely silk basque. It’s black and red with bows at the end. It also has suspenders attached to add more sex appeal. I can practically hear my thoughts as they tick away in my brain.

Should I get it, or should I forget about it? It must be really expensive. But look how sexy it is! Jake would love me in this. I really need to get it!

With that last thought, I ask Jake to meet me by the frozen yogurt counter. He smiles as if he knows what I’m up to but heads out anyway.

I quickly find a size 6 and rush to the counter to pay before Jake can see me. As I pay for the item, I’m quite surprised to find that it’s only thirty-five dollars. It’s still a bit more than I would usually spend on lingerie, but it will totally be worth it to see Jake’s face when I wear it for him. As I walk out of the shop, I find Jake standing at the frozen yogurt counter. When he sees me, he raises an eyebrow at the sight of my bag.

“What would you like to eat?”

I give him a cheeky smile. “Is that a rhetorical question?”

He gives me back a reproachful look. “Don’t start this. I’m already having second thoughts on getting you one. I’m having a hard time picturing you licking the yogurt up with that tongue of yours.”

I let out a small giggle in response. “Well, in that case, I will have the wild berries please.” He shakes his head but makes his order. I’m going to enjoy this. Once paid, he hands me the yogurt and we quickly find a quiet corner to eat.

I take the spoon and place some into my mouth. I close my eyes on a moan. “Mmmm, that’s so good.” Opening my eyes, I find Jake glaring at me with an open mouth. He’s about to say something when we hear the sound of someone clearing their throat. We both jump, snapping our heads to find Bill and Alison staring at us. Bill’s grinning from ear to ear. He obviously caught the Ana and Jake show.

“So would you look who we have here, Alison. Jake and Ana together, eating yogurt. I see we’ve been shopping for lingerie. Pick up anything nice?” He wriggles his eyebrows at us like he knew what we were up to.

Alison elbows Bill. “Now stop teasing them, Bill, and let them be. I must say, you two both look radiant today. I wonder what’s changed since last night. Whatever it is certainly suits you.”

Bill, appearing startled, turns to his wife and says, “Who’s the one doing the teasing now?”

I gape at the two of them, wondering what to say. “We were just. I mean, we were—”

It’s then I feel Jake’s hand lightly touching my cheek. It immediately stuns me into silence. I stop, look into Jake’s eyes, and smile. He’s telling me he doesn’t care.

Staring intently into his eyes, I suddenly forget where I am. This man is so beautiful, and he’s mine.

All mine.

I feel like I’m under his spell, and boy, what a wonderful spell to be under! All parts of me from my heart to my body to my soul—you name it—are completely his and only his.

“Well, we won’t keep you any longer. But before we go, I really must say that it is about time! I’m so happy for you both. I really am.” I’m snapped back to reality when Bill speaks.

Bill extends his hand to Jake, and he accepts it wholeheartedly. “Thank you, Bill.”

“You kids take care now.” Alison gives her best winning smile, and off they go.

I turn to Jake with a frown. “You don’t mind that he knows?”

He grabs my hand. “I told you, I don’t give a shit about it anymore. Bill is a good man; he won’t be spreading this around like gossip. I trust him to see us how we are.”

I carry on eating my frozen yogurt, transfixed on Jake and wondering just how ‘we are’. I decide in the end that I just want to enjoy these moments. Despite longing for this man for a year now, we only just got it together yesterday.

Baby steps.

“Just looking at you eat that yogurt is making me twitch. What are you doing to me?”

I brandish the most innocent smile I can muster. “I don’t think I quite know what you mean.”

Dipping the spoon in, I very lightly trail some over my lip. Then seductively, with the tip of my tongue, lick around the edges of my lips with a moan.

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