Home > Work Me Good(79)

Work Me Good(79)
Author: Ali Parker

“Why don’t you come over to my place and we can talk?” she cooed.

“I can’t tonight. Maybe tomorrow? You can come over to my place. I’ll make us dinner.”

“Uh, no. You live in a shoebox.”

I cringed at the thought of spending time with her at all. “Fine, I’ll go to your place. I can’t do it tonight. I’ve got things to do. I’ll call you later.”

“Nash, you better call me,” she said. “I’ve got a string of men waiting for their chance with me. You snooze, you lose. I’m only calling you because I like you. Don’t stand me up.”

The phone went dead. I rolled my eyes. I was seriously making a deal with the devil with this one. Mel, short for Melanie Hightower, was the daughter of a real estate tycoon. She didn’t have any money herself, but she would inherit, and she did have connections. Her name opened doors I would never even get to look at. She was a beautiful woman, if not a little obnoxious.

I had done my homework and I was certain she was the woman I needed. I wasn’t going to marry her. It was just a means to an end. We would date for a year. She would introduce me to her father and his friends. It would get my foot in the door.

We had one official date and we did get along for the most part. She was just a little needy. I was certain we could grow to like each other. It was just going to take an open mind and some time. I could do that. My future depended on it. My phone rang again. I cringed when I saw Saige’s name on the caller ID. I hit the decline button. I couldn’t face that situation just yet.

I got home from work knowing I didn’t have any real plans, but I wasn’t quite ready to make that move with Mel. I needed to talk to Saige. I was not looking forward to that conversation. I needed liquid courage.

I opened the cupboard and pulled out my bottle of whiskey. I poured a shot and slammed it down before pouring another. I stared at the wall while the liquid burned a path down my throat and straight to my belly. “How in the hell are you going to do this?” I asked myself. I mulled over the words while envisioning her face. Damn I was going to miss her face.

A knock on the door pulled me into reality. I pulled it open and found her standing there. She looked pissed. “Saige, what are you doing here?” I asked.

She pushed her way inside. “You won’t answer my calls.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ve been busy.”

I closed the door and stayed put. I didn’t dare sit down.

“You couldn’t shoot me a text?”

“I’m really sorry.”

She put her hands on her hips. She looked pale and there were dark circles under her eyes. “Nash, I know this thing with us isn’t important to you. I knew that going in, but I think you could at least have the decency to tell me to get lost. If this is over, just say it.”

I took a deep breath. “Saige, I wasn’t looking for a relationship when you and I hooked up.”

I saw the hurt in her eyes. “I know. But why did you make me think we had something?”

“I didn’t mean to do that. I like being with you, but I don’t want to be tied down.”

“I wasn’t tying you down. I never asked you for anything. You’ve treated me like a booty call.”

I put up a finger. “I have never treated you like that.”

“I saw the picture,” she said in a voice so low I almost didn’t hear her.

“What picture?”

Her eyes met mine and I saw the pain. “Are you with someone else?”

Shit. “What do you mean?”

“Answering a question with a question says it all. I saw the picture of the two of you this weekend. How long have you been seeing her?”

I didn’t have to ask anything else. She was talking about Mel. We attended a party with some of the elite in the city. There were photographers but I never imagined Saige would ever see the pictures. “I’m not seeing anyone,” I said.

“We were just fucking, right?” she snapped.

“We never said we were exclusive,” I reminded her.

“I didn’t know we had to. You could have told me you were dating other women. You led me on and made me look like an idiot.”

“I didn’t lead you on. I made it clear I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship.”

“You said the words, but your actions said otherwise,” she said. “Why would you do that to someone? What did I do? Why are you willing to be with her and not me?”

“I’m not with her,” I argued. “We’ve gone on one date. We talk on the phone.”

She nodded. “I see.”

“Saige, I like you, but we are in different places in our lives right now. You’re ready to settle down and have a family. I’m not there. I don’t want that. I’m still building my business. I don’t have time to deal with a relationship.”

“You know they called you the new hottest couple,” she said. “Is it because she’s wealthy? She can fit into your world better than I can?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to,” she said. “You just did. I can’t believe I thought you were different. I thought you were just misunderstood and deep down you really were a good guy. I fell for your bullshit. I hope that makes you proud.”

“I never tried to be anything but who I was with you Saige. I am who I am. You know how important my business is to me.”

“I know how important wealth and prestige are to you,” she snapped. “I’m too low on the social totem pole for you. You’re a coward. You have no honor. You only do what’s best for you and don’t give a shit about the people you hurt to get what you want.”

“That’s not true,” I argued. “I did not want to hurt you. I tried to pull back, but you just kept coming back to me. That’s on you.”

Her mouth fell open. “Seriously? You’re going to say it’s my fault you kept seeing me? Be a man, Nash. Grow a pair of balls and just say it. You were using me. You needed to get laid, and I was a willing victim.”

“You are not a victim.”

She shook her head. “You are wrong. You made me a victim. You made me believe there was something more between us. I thought you were changing.”

I shrugged. “I’m sorry you feel that way, but you want to play house and settle down in the suburbs. I’ve got goals. A wife and kids dragging me down is not in the cards for me.”

She flinched and literally took a step back. “Okay.”

She walked toward the door and tried to push me out of the way. I didn’t miss the tears in her eyes. “Saige, wait. I want us to be friends.”

“I would never be friends with a man like you.”

“Don’t be mad,” I insisted and refused to move. Inside, I was hurting just as much as she was. I didn’t want to do this to her. If I didn’t do it now, it would only happen down the road. I was heading off a problem before it got worse.

“I don’t care, Nash. I’m done. You no longer have the power to hurt me. In fact, I’m not even mad. I just don’t care. Now move out of my way before I have to knee you in the balls.”

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