Home > Realm Of Flames (Reborn #3)(31)

Realm Of Flames (Reborn #3)(31)
Author: M. Sinclair

The realm may have its problems, but this place had me absolutely mesmerized. I hadn’t even realized I was pressed against the window until Henry gently touched my shoulder. I looked back at him and Marco, who were both watching me with curiosity and a bit of amusement. I blushed and moved to get out of the carriage as we came to a stop.

From the minute that I stepped out, I could feel eyes on me, most of which I could ignore, but I felt far better when Marco tucked me against him, a soft hum of appreciation breaking from my throat at how hard and warm he was. My hands were slightly shaky from the range of emotions I had been feeling but I kept my head up, imagining how Jordan would handle this situation. If my mates could be strong and confident, then I could be as well, even if I didn’t feel the same on the inside.

Men dressed in similar uniforms to my mates but without such elaborate crests led us through a large series of arches that almost reminded me of a driveway towards the large castle. The structure itself glinted with what I realized was a magical barrier, my ears ringing as my phoenix fluttered through my chest, my lips pressing together so I didn’t let out the embarrassing noise of excitement and confusion that threatened to escape. After entering into a long series of hallways, I found myself listening to what Henry and Marco were talking about, Atlas having joined us upfront. Behind us, I could hear Croy and Sai talking to Bella, who was meowing, a lot and happily, as well as the twins, everyone seeming a bit tense but overall in better spirits than I had expected after our conversation this morning. Maybe the castle didn’t have as many bad memories for the twins? I hoped that was the case.

“The royal physician will see us at pretty much whatever time today,” Henry explained, and affection rolled over me. The reminder that these men were here, in a place they didn’t seem to like all that much, purely because they wanted to ensure my phoenix and I were healthy, had me feeling beyond grateful and honestly pretty special. Loved.

I hadn’t been exaggerating when I told Bella that we loved these men. I just hadn’t fully worked out how to tell them that fully without stuttering or sounding like a total weirdo. It was far easier to do so when it was just one on one, but as a group? I just didn’t want to assume that they felt as strongly, although my phoenix completely disagreed. Maybe it would be easier once our bonds were formed more? My lip caught in my teeth again in thought.

“We also have an audience with the queen tonight,” Marco reminded, his hand running over my back softly. “Larry and Edmund weren’t wrong—they are going to want an update about everything going on in the Earth realm.”

“At least we will handle both today, hit two birds with one stone,” Atlas mused. “Although, I’m a bit worried you’re going to be tired after portaling for the first time, angel.”

“I’m okay,” I promised and then narrowed my eyes at him. “And no hitting birds.”

Birds? Why would we hit birds? My magic tightened around me, my phoenix clearly upset with his words. It was odd now, knowing how present she was, and it seemed to be a growing experience ever since shifting, her ability to communicate with me becoming more and more solid and evident.

“What?” Henry asked, looking amused.

Atlas’s eyes lit up with realization as a chuckle left his lips. “Poor phrasing. It’s a figure of speech, I promise, angel.” I softened slightly with the use of the nickname again.

I also tried to not feel stupid for not realizing it was a figure of speech… but then again, who would hit a bird? Whoever came up with that clearly wasn’t a shifter.

Before I could respond back, we arrived at a set of gilded doors that had two sapphire-colored knobs that were in the shape of fierce and dangerous looking dragons. My hand immediately reached out to touch them, ignoring the guards’ attempts, but before I could do so, they creaked open on their own. My brows immediately went up at the pure luxury that seemed to pour from the walls and create a waterfall of white marble, diamonds, gold, and sunlight. I knew I should be getting used to wealth at some point, but this was at a level I had yet to experience back on Earth.

Everything here was just so… sparkly.

“Henry,” I whispered as we walked into the room, the guards shutting the door behind our group.

“What’s up, sweetheart?”

“Is it just me or is everything here sparkly?” I asked sincerely.

His chuckle was warm and soft. “Dragons have a particular love for beautiful things, so it’s not all that surprising.”

“I feel like it’s a bit distracting,” I mumbled, my eyes tracing the way that the walls themselves, a white marble, were embedded with glittery gemstones. “And beautiful, really beautiful.” I couldn’t help the smile that broke onto my face at the excitement fluttering in my chest in reaction to my surroundings.

“That look on your face makes me want to spoil you,” Marco warned while narrowing his eyes at me. I think he may still have been mad at me about the shopping incident and saying that I only needed some of the stuff, not all of it.

“What look?”

“You’re smiling,” Henry translated.

I blushed. “You guys do spoil me. You buy way too much for me as it is.”

“I disagree completely, for the record,” Sai called out.

“Maybe we should just start buying shit, then she’ll have to actively reject a gift,” Anani pointed out, his lips pressing into an amused smirk.

My brows went up as I offered him a shocked expression. “I would never.”

“Point made,” Ledger agreed.

“So that’s the solution?” Croy flashed a smile, his magic brushing over mine. “Just buy her things as a present so she can’t say no to spoiling her?”

“I could get behind that,” Atlas agreed while petting Bella. The kitten jumped onto the floor and began exploring as I watched her with affection.

“No gifts.” I knelt down to pick Bella up as she crawled up my lap.

“Right,” Marco mused. “No gifts, ever.”

I didn’t say ‘ever.’ Plus, did that mean I couldn’t get them gifts?

My head snapped up. “If you buy me gifts, I get to buy you guys stuff. Especially for birthdays… Oh! And holidays. When is the next holiday? I’ve never really celebrated them before.”

“Never?” Croy asked, his voice softening as his eyes turned darker.

“Never.” I shook my head.

“Next on Earth is Halloween,” Atlas explained, a sad look running over his face before offering a warm smile. “Then Thanksgiving and Christmas. We can make sure to celebrate all of them, fully.”

“I love that,” I hummed happily.

Henry began talking about plans for the holidays and something about traveling as I continued to play with Bella on the cool marble floor. My eyes traveled across the room, from the doors we entered to the massive archway that led to a ledge directly across from it. Clearly it was made for shifting and flying out of in dragon form, but it made me a bit nervous that Bella would get too close to it if we left her alone in here by herself.

The rest of the room was covered in gold gilded furniture that was decorated in light, comfortable materials, and the rugs throughout were plush and contrasted the tables and large bookshelves that were scattered along the perimeter. There were doors along the sides as well that I had to assume led to bathrooms and bedrooms, but I’d yet to check. Honestly, the room was beautiful, but it was very clear they had yet to be back for some time, because there were no personal artifacts here. Nothing to show that this room was their home.

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