Home > Axel (Ride Series #3)(36)

Axel (Ride Series #3)(36)
Author: O'Brien, Megan

Axel led us through the dimly lit house, the first hint of dawn barely making a dent through the darkness.

Ryker caught up with us in the living room, his expression taut as he and Axel flanked me. Both men wore shoulder holsters, guns at the ready and the whole situation was more than a little daunting considering I was still half-asleep.

Ax clipped Maddox into his car seat before drawing me around and hoisting me into the passenger side, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips before shutting my door.

I heard him exchange a few words with Ryker, though I couldn’t make them out.

“Seatbelt,” he instructed when he’d slid in the driver’s seat. He looked over at me. “I’m gonna drive fast but I know what I’m doin’. Got it?”

“Got it,” I nodded, my heart thumping painfully hard in my chest.

“Good,” he muttered, hitting the garage door.

He wasn’t kidding.

The second we could clear the door, he floored it, shooting us off into the rose-colored morning, kicking up gravel as we went. I heard the roar of a bike behind us and knew Ryker wasn’t far behind.

I risked a glance in the passenger side mirror and shuddered at seeing a black town car giving chase.

“Don’t worry about it,” Axel muttered before I could comment.

He was in complete control. He didn’t even appear stressed and I had to admit I was impressed. I’d never seen someone so calm under pressure.

I, on the other hand, was about to pee my pants.

His phone rang then and he answered with a barked, “Yeah?” He listened for a moment, his eyes glancing to the rearview every few moments. “Just one for now. At the speed I plan to drive? Ten minutes tops. Yeah, bud, see ya.” He clicked off, shoving his phone into the console.

We got closer to town, hitting the main road, and Axel really picked up speed as I heard another bike’s engine behind us.

“Tag,” Axel explained calmly before I could ask.

When we arrived at the club, Axel and the guys pulled directly into the garage bay with Hank there to pull the large metal door shut before we’d even turned the engine off.

“Okay?” Axel turned to me to ask.

I managed a nod though my heart was still pounding. I climbed down from the large truck and wrapped my arms around myself protectively as Axel lifted Maddox out of his car seat.

Axel moved to stand beside me, taking my hand in his. The gesture nearly made me forget our current circumstances as my heart melted a bit. “Coffee?” he asked me quietly.

“Coffee,” I agreed.

I was surprised to see so many people already there when we entered the main room. Cole, Mack and Ettie, Cal, and Wes and Connie were milling around when Axel and I walked in along with Hank and Tag.

“How you holding up?” Connie asked, approaching with a reassuring smile and a brief hug.

“Not a great way to wake up,” I mumbled. “But I’m okay. Do we know who it is or how many there are?” I asked the room in general.

“Ry’s out scouting,” Wes replied, taking a sip of coffee, his dark gaze steady. Everyone seemed so relaxed, like this happened every day and the effect was contagious. I calmed down as well and went to grab a cup for Axel and me.

“Scar’s with Gracie?” I asked Connie.

She nodded, sitting in Wes’s lap.

I’d managed to eat something and had ingested enough coffee to fuel a jet when Ry swept into the club with a clenched jaw.

I immediately sat up straighter, watching as he walked directly to Cole and Axel, exchanging quiet words.

Axel looked over to me briefly, his face very intentionally devoid of emotion, which I didn’t take as a good sign.

“Oh, shit,” I breathed quietly to no one in particular.

“We’ve got this covered,” Wes’ voice surprised me as he moved into view and sat next to me on the couch.

“I know you do,” I agreed quietly, meaning it.

“He’s been preparing for this eventuality – even without knowing the state of play,”

“And what eventuality would that be?” I asked cautiously.

“Ax can talk to you about it,” he waved his hand dismissively before his expression grew serious. “You’re covered, Soph, by all of us.”

“Thanks, Wes,” I nodded.

“Sophie!” I heard Axel’s deep voice call from the office. “Come here a second!”

I rose to stand with an exasperated huff at his bossy bellow.

“Hey, sis, don’t let him give you any shit,” Wes grinned, lightening the mood.

“Right,” I muttered, tossing a grin back at him as I handed Mad off to Connie.

How anyone thought I could contain a man like Axel was beyond me. But I was more than willing to give it a shot.

I found Axel, Cole and Mack all huddled around Cal’s desk as I leaned on the doorway, eyeing them all with apprehension. “Okay, which one of you is going to tell me what the hell is going on?” I demanded.

They all looked up at me, surprise on their faces at my tone.

Then Axel grinned, clearly liking my sass. “That would be me,” he replied, crooking a finger in my direction.

“Good luck, dude,” Mack muttered as he and Cole exited the room with alarming speed.

“Why do you need luck?” I asked with a narrowed gaze.

“Come here, babe,” he beckoned, gesturing to the couch as he moved to sit down.

I huffed, my lack of sleep and caffeine jitters getting the best of me.

“What is it?” he pressed.

I threw up my hands. “I’m tired and overwhelmed. I’m just trying to hang the hell on,” I tried to explain.

He surprised me then by grabbing my hand and pressing it to his firm chest. “Then hang on to me,” he commanded.

I looked down at where his hand covered mine against his firm chest. Then I looked into his grey eyes so steady and sincere. “Okay,” I rasped.

He blew out a breath. “Your father has goons all over this fuckin’ town, honey,” he shared.

I felt my eyes widen. “What? Why?” I demanded.

He shook his head. “The man isn’t right in the head, babe. Who knows what he’s thinking. He might want proof you’re married. He might be making a grab for you. Or it could just be an intimidation tactic.” He snorted at the last part. “Whatever the reason, we need to take care of this shit. That includes getting rid of the men he’s sent and dealing with your father.

“I don’t imagine you want me to put him in the ground,” he paused, waiting as I promptly shook my head. “Right. Well, then my next best option is to put him in jail.”

“How are you going to do that?” I asked, feeling numbness seep through my veins. Despite everything that happened, moments like this still took on a surreal quality that I had trouble grasping.

“Leverage,” he shrugged. “Listen,” he grasped my upper arms gently for emphasis as his gaze held mine. “Me and the club well, we’ve done a lot of work to prepare for this eventuality. But at the end of the day, shit like this – it has a way of goin’ a couple of different directions. I don’t want to tell you the plan and have you panic when it doesn’t play out the way I expected. You okay with trusting me on this one?”

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