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Axel (Ride Series #3)(34)
Author: O'Brien, Megan

“It was fun.” Connie smiled, clinking her glass with mine. “You ready?” she asked with a grin.

“Yeah, I really am,” I nodded. “It’s fast but nothing about our relationship has been conventional so far; might as well stick with the trend.” I laughed with a shrug.

“I think it’s really freaking romantic,” Ettie sighed. “The man is practically salivating to marry you as soon as possible. If you hadn’t been the one talking to your mother, I’d have thought he made the whole thing up just for an excuse.”

“Right?” I laughed. Axel had been…enthused by the prospect from the moment I’d agreed to marry him. It endeared him to me in a totally new way.

We sat around talking and laughing for a while before I heard the front door open. When Axel walked in with Jill and a sleepy Mason in tow, I almost fell out of my chair.

“Jill! Oh, my God!” I squealed, running over and throwing my arms around her. “How did you? When did you?” the words tumbled from my mouth as Axel chuckled.

“Your man here flew us out,” she grinned, cocking her head toward Axel.

I turned to him with wide eyes brimming with sudden tears. “Babe,” I tried to finish my thank you but the words were trapped in my throat.

He kissed me chastely, running a thumb over my tears. “It was nothing, baby,” he replied simply.

Maybe to him. To me it meant the world and he knew that.

“Thank you,” I managed.

“You’re welcome,” he replied, stooping to touch his forehead with mine. “Now, I’ll let you ladies have your fun. See you in a few hours, baby,” he grinned, his eyes alight.

“Yeah,” I beamed, watching my gorgeous man stride out of the room before turning my attention back to my friends.

We put Mason down in the guestroom where Jill would also spend the night. I was so beyond excited to see her I could barely stand it.

“Tim couldn’t come?” I wondered aloud as I grabbed her a drink and we all got situated in the living room.

“No,” she shook her head, not offering further details.

“Everything all right?” I asked carefully, not wanting to pry in front of the rest of the girls but wanting to make sure she was okay.

She shrugged. “It could be better but I’m not here to talk about me.” She forced a smile. “I’m here to watch my best friend get married.”

I eyed her thoughtfully for a minute, trying to decide if I should push the subject.

“Really, Soph,” she added quietly. “I want to enjoy myself.”

“Okay,” I agreed, reaching over to grab her hand. I’d let it go but we were going to talk – and soon.

By the time Axel got back with Wes and Mack in tow, Ettie was passed out on the couch, Connie was dancing to music only playing in her head and Scarlet, Jill and I were immersed in a very serious conversation about the TV show Scandal.

I’d taken it easy on the alcohol, not wanting to be hung over the next day, but I couldn’t say the same for the rest of the ladies.

“Have fun?” Axel asked with a lifted brow, eyeing Connie with evident amusement.

“Yeah,” I laughed as Wes sauntered over to his lady and twirled her, despite the lack of music. It was as though they were in their own little world as he grinned down at her with obvious adoration. Connie was a free spirit through and through. I loved that about her. Obviously, Wes did too.

Mack lifted Ettie off the couch and with a chin lift, carried her out to his truck. “Come on, ladies,” Wes said to Scarlet and Connie. He draped an arm over his

wife, and headed out with Scarlet following as they both called their goodbyes.

“I’ll turn in,” Jill announced, rising to stand a bit unsteadily on her feet.

“Okay,” I hugged her close. “I’m so glad you’re here,” I murmured in her ear.

“Me too,” she agreed, hugging me tightly.

“Come on, baby,” Axel coaxed, quietly taking my hand. “Night, Jill,” he called over his shoulder as he led me to our room.

“I think something’s really wrong with Jill,” I professed through the darkness after we crawled into bed. “She won’t talk about it but she’s always been dodgy about Tim.”

“I’m sure she’ll talk when she’s ready,” he replied, his fingers stroking through the hair at my temple. “For now, try not to worry about it. She wouldn’t want you worried about her – not with the wedding.”

“You’re right. I’ll try.”

“You ready to be Mrs. Black?” I could hear the smile in his voice as I lay with my cheek pressed to his firm chest.

“Very ready,” I grinned.

“I got you something,” he surprised me by saying. I eyed the beautiful diamond ring he’d slipped on to my finger the same evening he’d proposed and wondered what else he could possibly have to give me. He gently moved me so he could sit up, pulling what looked like a jewelry box out from his bedside drawer.

“What’s this?” I asked, sitting up cross-legged on the bed.

“Open it.” He shrugged, his intense expression countering the casual movement.

I opened the box and sucked in a gasp. Inside, sat a beautiful silver necklace, almost identical to the one my grandmother had given me. The one I’d been forced to leave behind. I was floored that he’d remembered.

I simply stared at it for a few beats feeling warm tears slide down my face.

“Hey, what’s this?” he asked, quietly swiping my tears away. “It wasn’t supposed to make you sad.”

“It doesn’t,” I assured him hoarsely, my eyes lifting to meet his. “It’s just so beautiful and so incredibly thoughtful. I’m just so…” I searched for the right word settling on the one that eclipsed everything I felt. “Happy.” I smiled through tears. “Thank you.” I leaned in to kiss him deeply.

“You’re welcome, darlin’. Is it close?” he asked with a wrinkled brow and I knew he meant the likeness.

“Very,” I nodded, unclasping the necklace and putting it around my neck. He moved my hair over to my shoulder and fastened it securely in place around my neck.

It was close to my heart where, like Axel himself, I planned to keep it for the rest of my days.



Chapter 17

The small part of me that had been concerned Ryker wouldn’t take his officiant duties seriously, needn’t have worried. From the moment I walked down the aisle with Sal, watching Axel’s eyes grow bright and his chest heave with a shuddering breath, Ry had led us through the ceremony with a type of assured calm I hadn’t seen in him before.

I clasped the large hands of my gorgeous husband-to-be and let Ryker’s soothing voice wash over me. Holding Maddox for part of our vows, we promised to devote our lives to each other, to be the family we’d never had. With tears obscuring my vision, I put my gold ring on his finger where it would stay forever.

“I love you, Sophie,” he said with a fierce growl after Ry had pronounced us husband and wife. He kissed me with a passion not entirely appropriate given the fact that we had an audience. I didn’t give a damn and gave as good as I got. He pressed his forehead to mine, our breathing labored and a different kind of warmth spread across my skin.

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