Home > Perfect Harmony (Harmony Falls #2)(17)

Perfect Harmony (Harmony Falls #2)(17)
Author: Elizabeth Kelly

“I don’t… I mean, it’s my job to watch out for the citizens of Harmony Falls,” Gideon said.

“Yeah it is, and you’re fucking good at it. It’s why you’re the youngest sheriff ever in the Falls. But that isn’t what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the fact that Kira isn’t the only one battling the demons your parents’ deaths caused. You are too. The only difference is – Kira’s getting help for her demons while you let yours rule your life. You’re afraid to admit to Gracie that you love her because you think that she’ll die just like your parents did.”

The heat was rising up his neck. Gideon wanted to tell Preacher to shut up already, but he couldn’t seem to spit the retort out.

“You’re fucked up, buddy,” Preacher said. “There isn’t anything wrong with that – hell, we’re all fucked up in some way – but you’re missing out on the best fucking thing that ever happened to you because you’re too chickenshit to get some therapy or admit to Grace what you’re afraid of.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Gideon finally said. “And what have you done with my best friend?”

Preacher laughed before reaching out and tapping his beer bottle against Gideon’s. “I’m the son of a bitch who will always have your back but isn’t afraid to call out your cowardly ass. You’re welcome.”



Chapter Six


“Okay, you’re all finished, Wanda.” Grace unhooked the paper bib from around Wanda’s neck and hit the lever to move the dental chair into a sitting position.

Wanda wiped her mouth with the heel of her hand. “Thank you, Grace.”

“You’re welcome. So, Dr. Grant said your teeth are looking as beautiful as always, which means you’re good to go until your next cleaning. The girls up front will book your next appointment for you.”

“Before I go,” Wanda smiled in a way that made Grace nervous, “I have a favour to ask.”

“What’s that?” Grace peeled off her gloves and tossed them in the garbage can.

“You know I’m doing a charity fundraiser for cancer, right?”

“I do. It’s a silent auction and dinner.”

“That’s right.” Wanda smoothed out the wrinkles in her pants. “I need some volunteers. I had a few cancel on me and if I don’t fill their spots, the fundraiser will be a bust.”

“Oh, um…” Grace couldn’t think of a single excuse for why she couldn’t do it.

Wanda grinned at her and checked her watch. “Here, I’ll give you another thirty seconds to try and come up with a lame ass excuse for why you’re going to leave your favourite patient in the lurch. After that, you’re mine.”

“You know I can’t think under this type of pressure,” Grace said.

“Twenty seconds,” Wanda said.

“Um… I’m already volunteering at, uh… shit.”

“Fifteen seconds,” Wanda said.

“I’m going on a cruise to Alaska for five months!”

“A real excuse, not a lie, Gracie-Lou. Five seconds…”

“I never learned to read!” Gracie said.

Wanda burst into laughter before tapping her watch. “Aaaand, time. First meeting is tonight at my place. Seven pm. See you there, sweetheart.”

“You’re no longer my favourite patient, Wanda.”

Wanda blew her a kiss and walked down the hallway. “Don’t be late, sweetie.”

“Should I bring anything?” Gracie hollered after her.

“Just your lovely self.”

Gracie slumped in her chair as Keisha, one of their receptionists, stuck her head into the room, “What was that about?”

“Nothing, just a little forced volunteering,” Gracie said.

Keisha laughed. “Cool. Your next appointment’s at the front.”

“Thanks. I’ll be right there.”


* * *



Grace turned in Wanda’s driveway, a smile crossing her face. She hurried over and embraced the older man. “Hi, Warren. How are you?”

“I’m good.”

She studied him for a moment. “You look good.” Warren was Dr. Warren Brandt, owner and head veterinarian of Brandt Veterinary Clinic, and Harper’s father.

He smiled at her as they walked up the driveway toward Wanda and Murray’s bungalow. “How are you doing?”

“I’m good, thanks. I was texting with Harper a few nights ago and she said you hired another vet at the clinic.”

“I did,” Warren said. “A young fellow named Nathan. He’s been working a few weeks now, real smart guy.” A grin crossed his bearded face. “A lot of my younger female clientele have been especially eager to book appointments with him.”

Grace laughed. “Harper said he’s also been doing the emergency calls at night now?”

“Yes. I’m too old to be getting up at three in the morning to help a mare foal or pull some quills out of a dog’s mouth. He’s been a real help, that’s for sure. I’m glad I finally bit the bullet and hired someone.”

“Maybe you’ll finally get to take that cruise you’ve always talked about.”

“Maybe,” he said. “Wanda pulled you in for this volunteer thing too, huh?”

“She did,” Grace said. “How’d she trap you?”

“You know she’s been fostering a cat for Little Whiskers Rescue, right? She brought him in for a check up on Monday and before I knew it, I was volunteering for her fundraiser.”

“She’s a wily one,” Grace said.

“That she is,” Warren said with a laugh as the front door opened and Wanda waved them in.

“What are you two whispering about?” she said.

“How good you are at getting people to volunteer,” Grace said.

“I am good at it, aren’t I?” Wanda said with a saucy grin. “It’s my superpower.”

“I’m sorry I’m late,” Warren said. “Got held up at the clinic.”

“And I’m late because I got lost on the drive over,” Grace said. “Being lost is my superpower.”

Wanda laughed. “Neither of you are even late. We’re just meeting in the dining room. Follow me.”

They followed her to the dining room. The table had a few trays of veggies and dip, a fruit tray, some bowls of pretzels, and a platter with cheese and meat. A pitcher of lemonade sat in the middle.

Grace smiled at the woman closest to her before sliding into the chair next to her. “Rayna, how are you?”

“Hey, Grace. Same as always.”

“What happened to your arm?” Grace said.

Rayna glanced at the bandage wrapped around her forearm. “Rescuing a dog. He got me good, but he didn’t mean it. He was just afraid.”

Rayna was the founder of Little Whiskers Rescue, an animal rescue that focused primarily on cats and dogs. Rayna also worked as a plumber for Sneaky Leaks Plumbing Services, but Gracie knew most of her free time was focused on the rescue. She and Rayna had attended the same elementary school and high school, but they ran in different social circles. Grace’s family fell smack dab in the middle-class category while Rayna hadn’t been quite so fortunate. Raised by an alcoholic single mother, Rayna had grown up in the South Falls neighbourhood. If Harmony Falls had had a train track, the South Falls neighbourhood would have fallen solidly on the wrong side of it.

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