Home > Falling out of Hate with You(54)

Falling out of Hate with You(54)
Author: Lauren Rowe

“I’m not ready for bed yet.”

“Nothing good will come of you sitting here, alone in a dark corner, drinking whiskey from a bottle, watching Laila get hit on by Colin.”

“Aha! So, you admit he’s been hitting on her! I told you so.”

Kendrick leans back. “I think he’s doing it to piss you off, more than anything else. So, don’t give him the satisfaction. Play it cool, brother.”

I take another long sip of whiskey and mutter, “Tonight was supposed to be a fun last hurrah before I’m not allowed to drink anymore. I thought Laila and I would party together. I never intended to sit here, alone, marinating in whiskey and jealousy.”

“Then get up and join the party. You always do this, Savage.”

“I don’t want to join the party. I want to sit here, alone.”

“Then, that’s your problem.”

“But when I pulled Laila into the laundry room, she said she’d stay in character, from now on. And yet, she’s been playing games with her friends, and Colin, ever since.”

Kendrick blinks slowly. “When you pulled Laila into the laundry room . . .?”

I immediately realize my mistake. “To talk to her . . . about the importance of keeping up the charade at all times. So the truth doesn’t get out.”

He’s onto me. “You told her you’re jealous of Colin.”

“Of course not. I simply told her she can’t flirt with Colin, or anyone else, because someone could see that and post about it.”

“You dragged Laila into a laundry room and chewed her out about Colin, didn’t you? And now you’re sitting here, drinking from a bottle in a dark corner, watching her with him like a stalker. Like Reed behind that bush, however many months ago. Does that summarize the situation accurately?”

I pause, weighing my options. And quickly decide lying to Kendrick isn’t in my DNA. I speak on an exhale, “Yeah. That’s pretty much it. I’ve become Reed fucking Rivers, standing behind a bush.”

Kendrick leans back and rubs his face. “When will you learn?” He takes a second to collect himself before letting out a long exhale and sitting forward again. “Okay, buddy. Listen to me. I know this chick better than you do. Do you want her?”

I groan. “So much.”

“Then, it’s simple. You have to remember she’s exactly like you. I love you both, okay, so this is said with love. But you’re both the same kind of sick fuck. You both always want what you can’t have. The truth is, if you knew Laila like I do, I don’t even think you’d even want her. Not the real her. She’s actually super nice. A sweetheart.”


“Exactly. You’d hate her, if you knew her.”

“She sounds awful.”

“She is. Awfully sweet and cool and funny and surprisingly goofy. None of which you know about her, I’m sure, because you’re always on the outside, looking in. Provoking her. Savage, I’m not trying to piss you off here. I’m saying I think you want her because you can’t have her. Because she’s the one woman who doesn’t fall at your feet. So maybe recognize that’s what’s happening and try to get some perspective here.”

I say nothing.

Concede nothing.

But, instead, take a long pull from my bottle and watch the Jenga game for a long moment, where Laila is just now throwing back yet another shot with her partner, Fish. After a moment, the tower collapses, and it’s clear the current game has ended. In short order, the game gets rebuilt and the teams reshuffled . . . and this time, Laila gets assigned to her new partner, Colin, through no fault of her own.

“Oh, hell no,” I mutter, standing. “I don’t care why I want her. The end result is that I do.”

Kendrick rises and grabs my shoulder. “Sit down. I’m not finished talking to you.”

“No, Kendrick. I need to pull her away and—”

“No. That’s the last thing you should do. Not when you’re drunk and jealous and the press conference is tomorrow. No.” He points at the chair. “Sit down.”

I pause, breathing hard. But sit.

With a sigh, Kendrick resumes his seat. “If you want to sit her down and tell her how obsessed you’ve been since the tour, then do it. But not tonight. Not now. Do it after you get to know her a bit and figure out if she’s who you really want. Because, I swear to God, if you give her that speech and then turn around and dump her, I’ll fucking kill you for hurting her.”

I swallow hard.

“Plus, I doubt your speech would move the needle with her right now, anyway. Because she doesn’t know you any better than you know her. Not really. She still thinks you’re this asshole fuckboy who doesn’t give a shit about anyone else. Because that’s all you’ve ever shown her because you’re scared to death to show her anything else.”

Again, I say nothing. I can’t remember the last time Kendrick bitch-slapped me like this. It’s blowing me away.

He exhales a big breath. “You really want her?”

I nod.

“Then don’t let her know how much you want her. Not yet. And, for fuck’s sake, don’t let her know her attempts at pushing your buttons are working. I know her way better than you do. Like I said, she’s the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. But when it comes to men she actually wants to sleep with—a group that clearly doesn’t include me—she craves a challenge, the same way you do. You can get any woman you want. Well, Laila can get any man she wants. And she knows it. She’s you, in female form.” He sighs. “It’s actually crazy how much you two are similar. So, think, dumbass. If she’s exactly like you, then what will make her want you?”

I pause. “Me not wanting her.”

He touches his nose. “I once overheard Laila talking to Ruby about her exes. And, dude, I’m telling you, she gets off on bringing a player to his knees. But guess what happens when she gets him there? Can you guess, Savage?”

“She . . . loses interest?”

He touches his nose again. “She gets bored and moves on. It’s all about the thrill of the chase for her. Sound familiar?”

“So, what’s your point? Laila and I are gonna be living together for the next three months. You want me to ignore her, while living under the same roof with her?”

“No, but you need to keep your cards close to your vest for a bit. Keep her guessing. For instance, she doesn’t need to know you’re jealous of Colin. Why give her that? Play it cool. Let her chase you a bit. Let her get frustrated that her usual tactics aren’t working. And in the meantime, get to know her over the next few months. Figure out if the attraction you think you’ve been feeling has more to do with Laila, as she really is, or conquering some fantasy girl who doesn’t fall at your feet.”

I take a long chug from my bottle but say nothing.

“Now, go to bed. The longer you stay down here, watching her and drinking from that bottle, the higher the chance some kind of shit will hit the fan. And you don’t want that. Nadine is still here. She’s inside, talking to Reed. Do you want her to hear some drunken screaming match between you and Laila, after you go over there and pick a fight with Colin? Because if you stay down here, that’s where this is headed.”

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