Home > Goldilocks(34)

Author: Jay Crownover

While friends had previously been my favorite role to play, there was no denying that lovers had benefits I wasn’t familiar with before our steamy encounter. I honestly didn’t know sex could feel so good. I didn’t know it was powerful enough to sweep away all other emotions. I didn’t know it was going to let me see a different side of Huck and myself. We’d always been innocently honest with each other as kids, but there was something even more truthful and open about being naked and joined together. It felt like it would be impossible to hide anything from him anymore, and I hoped after today, it would be easier to read him. Staring into his gold-tinted eyes as his body moved with mine, it was the first time in forever that I felt like I was seeing the real him, the Huck without all the barriers he’d built over the years to protect himself.

He was still very different than the little boy who’d been my everything, but I was starting to get used to the colder, harder version of him. And I realized I wanted him to know the real me. I was no longer the wide-eyed girl who blindly followed him. I was only partially the shell-shocked teenager making snap judgments out of guilt. Now, I was more of a young woman who was admittedly scared, but determined to take control of my own life. I just didn’t know how to do that. I was confused and lost, but instead of needing him to guide me like he had when we were younger, I wanted to be able to walk out of the fog that shrouded our past together—side by side. I wanted to be able to stand on my own next to him.

I wanted to dance in the rain, not run from it.

I was scrambling into my now-dry clothes, trying not to stare at Huck’s bare backside, and he did the same. Then, I heard the backdoor rattle open. I hurried into the rest of my clothes and yanked my damp hair into a messy ponytail when Mercer poked her head into the room. Her eyes got big and curious when they skimmed over me and landed on Huck, who was just tugging his shirt down over his ripped abs.

“We got caught in the storm on the way back to the house. I dragged him here to wait it out. Huck, this is my boss, Mercer. Mercer, my roommate, Huck Snyder.” The introductions were awkward because Mercer’s look was downright gleeful when she turned it on me. I had no doubt she was filling in the blanks as to why we were both disheveled and fixing our clothes when she came in.

“No problem. I know you can’t stand it when it storms. I’m glad you were close by and could take shelter. It’s nice to meet you, Huck. I’ve heard a lot about you lately.” She stuck out her hand, bracelets jangling merrily as Huck gave it a polite shake. She gave me an obvious and over-the-top look of approval over his shoulder.

She was literally just seconds away from flashing a cheesy thumbs-up sign, so I cleared my throat loudly to distract her before she could embarrass me further.

“Mercer took me in when I first came to town and helped me find my footing. She’s the first real friend, aside from you, I’ve ever had. I don’t know where I would be without her.” I frowned at her. “At least when I can get a hold of her. That’s been harder to do these days.”

Huck grinned, which dissolved the tension that followed my sharp words. “It’s good to find a friend like that. I’ve been lucky to find a few of my own over the years. They helped me keep it together when I wasn’t sure what I was doing with my life anymore.”

Mercer lifted an eyebrow knowingly and flipped her long, colorful hair over her shoulder. “Oh, I know all about you and your group of friends. I think everyone in this town does.”

Huck cocked his head to the side and gave me a look out of the corner of his eye. It was clear he had no clue just how popular he and his crew were on the Internet but was willing to play along. “We’re just a group of guys who had it a little tougher than others. We happened to find each other when we needed each other the most. We all think we’re pretty lucky. Once upon a time, Ollie and I actually used to be closer than I am with the guys. We were best friends.”

Mercer hummed a little and dipped her chin in a bit of a nod. “I heard you guys were tight. It looks like you’re getting back to that. I have to say, I’m glad to see it. Ollie needs more than me to keep an eye on her. She’s the type that seems to attract trouble whether she wants it or not.”

Huck gave me a look that silently agreed with everything Mercer said. “That hasn’t changed since we were kids. I got sidetracked this morning and missed my first class. I have a test in my next one, so I have to go change and get to school.”

“Oh, it’s still raining out. You must’ve been distracted and not noticed the storm is still going strong.” She smirked at me, and I rolled my eyes so hard I was surprised I couldn’t see the back of my skull. Mercer hooked a thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the back door. “I have an umbrella if you want to use that. Or you might wanna call for a ride. I don’t have a car or I’d offer to take you.”

Huck shook his head. “I’m fine. I’ll run for it. Like I said, I’m headed home to change anyway. It doesn’t matter if I get wet.” He turned his attention to me. “Are you going to be okay?”

I nodded. “I’m going to hang out here until the storm passes.”

Plus, I needed a minute or two to get my thoughts back in line. I’d gone from running away from him to having sex with him quick enough to give anyone whiplash. And it seemed Huck hadn’t forgotten why he’d had to chase me in the first place.

“Don’t disappear again.” His tone was filled with warning.

“I won’t. I swear.” I tried to sound earnest, but Huck’s look indicated that he couldn’t decide if he was going to believe me or not. I couldn’t blame him. It wasn’t like any of my choices lately had made much sense.

Regardless, Huck gave me a final warning look and headed out the door. Once he was gone, Mercer turned and clapped her hands on my shoulders, giving me a hard shake.

“You really did it. You slept with him, and now he won’t kick you out of the house. I didn’t think you had it in you, Ollie.” She smiled at me as she wiggled my body back and forth. “I think that very handsome boy might bring out the best in you.”

I shifted free of her grasp and frowned at her. “I didn’t sleep with him so he wouldn’t kick me out of his house.” I found the idea kind of appalling now that I’d actually had sex with him for no other reason than I wanted to. Silently, I was chastising myself for even considering it when last Mercer and I spoke.

I didn’t want the moment turned into something that was tainted with cheap manipulation and suspect motivations. I wanted the memory to remain pure and untouched in my mind forever.

Mercer lifted her eyebrows. “Then, why did you? You aren’t the type to jump into bed with someone on a whim.”

I sighed and shoved my hands through my hair. The damp curls stuck to my fingers, which made the gesture look clumsy and uncoordinated. Which was pretty much how I was feeling at the moment.

“I slept with him because I really wanted to. He makes me feel good. He makes me feel like I matter. He’s the only one who made me feel like I was enough on my own. It’s hard to think straight around him.” And he came after me, not once, but twice today when I tried to run away. I regretted more than anything that I hadn’t done the same for him back in the day. I finally understood what it was like to have someone care enough to come after you when you were headed in the wrong direction. “He makes me feel safe.”

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