Home > Goldilocks(38)

Author: Jay Crownover

One of his arms struggled free from the comforter and reached for the nightstand. He grasped a familiar square packet and ripped it open with his teeth.

I shifted in his hold, throwing a leg over his hip, and wiggled closer to his warm body. My chest pressed against his, nipples hardening at the contact. I felt his hands move quickly and efficiently between us. He was still hard, and every time he moved, all my sensitive places brushed against either his hands or his erection. All it would take was for him to lean forward just a little bit, and the tip of his cock would be rubbing against my soft center.

Once he was situated, he ran his palm over my hip. His fingers skated over my skin until they hooked behind my elevated thigh and lifted it up even higher on his waist. He braced his other arm underneath my head, wrapping me up, so I was surrounded by his heat and his intoxicating scent.

Huck rocked forward just slightly, dragging the tip of his cock along my slick opening. I felt my body quiver in response. It didn’t take much for him to turn me on, and as soon as he purposely used his hardness to bump against my clit in folds that were getting damp and hot, pleasure shot down my spine and sizzled along all my nerves.

I dug my nails into his shoulders as my hips started to undulate against him. My body had a mind of its own when we were together like this. My head always warned me not to read too much into it. My heart screamed that it had finally started to heal. But my body became a mindless, writhing mess that just wanted to feel everything and fall apart under Huck’s talented hands.

He slid his palm up and down the back of my leg, which made me giggle because it tickled. However, the more he rubbed his stiffness against my fluttering opening, making sure to graze my stiff clit with each pass, the less I felt like laughing. It was hard to breathe as desire started to bubble uncontrollably throughout my limbs. I tightened my hold on him, moving my head to the side when I felt his lips land on the side of my neck. One thing I’d quickly picked up was that teeth on a cock weren’t fun, but when they dug into the tender spots on the rest of the body, they were more than welcome. Huck liked to use his all over my body. So far, I knew I would lose my mind when he nibbled on my neck, and when he raked them over my nipples. I knew I nearly came out of my skin when he used them to carefully nip at my clit. He was better with the biting than I was, but I was bound and determined to get better.

I gasped his name when he started to slide inside of me. My body had just started to soften and loosen up at his gentle teasing, so it was a tight fit. I stiffened in response and dug my fingers deeper into his skin. As he worked his way in, the stretch and intrusion was a new sensation, one that made my breath catch and my back bow.

Huck made a deep, soothing sound and kept rubbing his hand up and down my leg, pausing to squeeze a handful of my ass as I rolled my hips instinctively against him. My body clenched down on him as his cock pressed deeper and deeper. Eventually, he was seated all the way inside. We were so close that there wasn’t room for anything but sex and satisfaction between us.

He groaned as I wiggled in anticipation against him. Hips shifting eagerly to find some kind of relief. I felt full. Of him. Of Pleasure. Of desire. Of want and need. Of something that was probably love, but I was too far gone to give that thought the attention it needed.

“Huck.” I moaned his name as he started to move with intent. He was no longer playing around or teasing me to get a reaction.

He grunted into the curve of my shoulder, and I felt his tongue flick against the spot where my pulse was pounding. I was slick and slippery where he moved in and out of my body. We were still wrapped up like a burrito in the comforter, so he didn’t have a full range of motion and couldn’t get as deep as he normally did when he pounded into me. The short, fast strokes were still intense and enough to have me move against him wantonly so I could feel as much of him as possible.

His hand sneakily ventured toward the crevasse that divided my backside. I went still at the foreign caress and felt Huck’s answering chuckle all throughout my body. A moment later, that same hand found its way between my legs, and his knuckle brushed against my clit as he continued to move within me.

The light touch was playful and sweet, but it sent my head spinning. It only took a couple more strokes and the press of his thumb as he rubbed tight little circles over the sensitive nub to send me over the edge. My orgasm was quick and intense. It made my entire body go languid and loose, so I barely moved when Huck maneuvered me onto my back and started to thrust in earnest, chasing after his own completion.

It didn’t take long until he was panting and pressing hard against me, his body going tight as he pulsed through his orgasm.

We lay still and quiet for a long moment until Huck’s phone rang from the nightstand. It was stupidly late, so he immediately frowned and reached for it. He untangled himself from the blanket and got up to go toward the bathroom. I assumed he was going to clean up until he came back with a towel that he dropped on my head as he switched his call over to the speaker.

“What do you mean, you stopped by the house the other day?” Huck’s low voice sounded tense and surprised as another rumbly male voice came over the line.

“I need my Social Security card for a thing at work. I can’t find it here anywhere, so I drove to the house and was going to look for it in my old room. You never told me you rented it out. Also, I can’t believe you still haven’t had time to fix those squeaky stairs. I banged a few loose nails in while I was there because the noise still drives me crazy.”

I sat up with a start and blinked at Huck in shock.

“Fisher, are you telling me you came in and didn’t leave a note or any damn thing while you were here? Did you really not stick around to see any of us, but took the time to fix our squeaky stairs?” Huck sounded pissed and looked angry as he rubbed his own towel over his head.

“I did leave a note. I put it on the kitchen counter. I couldn’t stick around and wait. I was surprised the house was empty, honestly. I had work stuff later, so it was really a quick trip. I’m going to come and see you guys on my next long weekend, I promise. And don’t get pissy with me. You moved a chick into the house and didn’t tell me. I couldn’t even go into my old room and look for my stuff. I didn’t want to invade someone’s privacy.”

“You son of a bitch.” Huck barked out the words and scowled as our eyes met. “You have no idea what kind of mess those stairs caused in this house the last week or so.”

“I was doing you a favor. You should say thank you, you rude asshole.” The other voice scoffed, and I could see that he and Huck were close by how they insulted each other back and forth.

“I’m about to murder you, not thank you.” Huck sighed heavily and sat down on the edge of the mattress. “It’s late. I know you waited to call when you knew I would be home from the bar and that you have to work in the morning. I’ll find your card for you. And I’ll fill you in on the roommate and what’s been going on when you make time to see your friends. It’s honestly too much to get into over the phone.”

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. “Are you guys okay? Do you need me to come back to town?”

I bit back a little gasp at the offer. These guys really were ride or die for each other. Their bonds were unbreakable. I didn’t know much about Fisher, other than he was the oldest of the four of them and that he was working at some kind of development company several hours away in Chicago. The way Huck talked about him, I knew he looked up to his friend, and hearing Fisher offer to drop everything if the boys needed him, I understood why.

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