Home > Namesake (Voiders #1)(24)

Namesake (Voiders #1)(24)
Author: Marie Harte

Vicki responded to his mouth with undiluted desire. To his surprise, her natural sensuality ensnared him as if she were a true Ravager. He could almost imagine her guer pulling at his, as if trying to claim him.

He licked and sucked and shoved a finger inside her as he gave her the ultimate in oral pleasure. Each taste bound them closer together. Their scents mingled and became one. His seed saturated her skin. Her cream lingered on his tongue, sweet and perfect, the final piece of a puzzle now complete.

Shoving his tongue inside her, he licked and retreated, wanting more. He wanted to smell his seed here, to know it entered her body and coated his womb. He could easily imagine her round with his babe, and the thought shocked him. The Ravager prime with a human mate to carry his child? No one would accept such a joining.

But his body’s demands overcame his senses. He sucked her clit while adding another finger deep inside her. Vicki screamed as she came hard. Unable to stop himself, Eric mounted her and thrust deep.



Chapter Twenty-One



Eric rocked into her with a savagery he’d never before felt, a primal urge to take possession of this treasure who belonged to him and him alone. Thoughts of pack, of the clan and his responsibilities, faded as he climaxed inside his woman.

He seized in a huge nova of bliss, caught in the strength of passion magnified by his very own Conduit.

She cried his name as she rode her orgasm and his, clenching him with tight.

It took him several moments to come down from his high, and when he did, he swore. Vicki had passed out from the intensity of their joining, and if he weren’t mistaken, the damn woman wore his sigil on her left breast, where he’d first jetted his seed against her. The scent of Savage Prime was strong there. It would never fade.

I’ve claimed a human.

Despite his strides within the clan, there were many who itched for a reason to return to Nev and his bunch. Eric liked change, but he also respected the past, wanting his heritage to remain alive in his brethren and in their progeny. Female Ravagers claimed their males. The women held the power in their packs, and in that Eric held fast to tradition.

The only male able to claim a female was the prime, whose duty to claim a suitable female would lead to prosperity among the clan. Custom held that only a true Ravager queen could enhance the fertility in the females of her clan. The Ravagers hadn’t had a true queen in decades, not since they’d landed in this foreign world.

Female births were almost nil. Most of their women came through the Voids, and even those were few and far between.

Claiming a human as his mate would surely be a sign he’d gone over the edge.

Another thought struck him, and he staggered with the force of the stressful blow.

Could Vicki even bear his children? And if so, would they be Ravager or something else?

That above all needed to be addressed. Motherfucker, I knew she was going to be trouble.

Eric withdrew from his new mate and sat beside her on the table. He clutched his temples and groaned but couldn’t resist a glance at Vicki’s naked body sprawled beside him. Her breasts rose and fell with every breath. She lay open, vulnerable, fully his to do with whatever he wanted.

His cock hardened as if he hadn’t just filled her with enough seed to repopulate the entire Ravager species. He wanted her again, right now. But this time he’d take her ass before Dom could get to it. Clan politics, heirs, his entire existence ceased to matter next to Vicki’s arousing essence.

Lost in a fogging desire, Eric leaned over her, intent on taking her again when he caught his scent powerfully strong. Too strong. The difference shook his guer and woke him from his sexual enthrallment.

Holy shit.

He’d found what no one had in a very long time—a true queen.

Yet she was also a human, one who didn’t exactly like it here among his kind, and who would most likely escape at the earliest opportunity.

He wished he understood how it had happened in the first place. From wanting to protect her, to screwing her, to claiming her, all in one powerful sexual union?

How the hell could he fix this? Worse, why didn’t he want to?


Dom would know what to do about this. Then again, Dom had advised him to mark Vicki in the first place, resulting in a definite addiction growing more potent every time he touched her. My human mate. He really should have fired Dom ages ago. His guard gave fucked-up advice.

But a true queen. Could it be? Or was his guer just screwed up by Vicki’s wacked out energy?

Talk about trouble in paradise, he thought as he stroked Vicki’s soft skin while she slept. Eric called for Dom via the intercom on the table and waited, trying to make sense of the chaos spreading through his pack.

Diana wanted to mate with a non-Ravager, another human.

Kate suddenly had issues that made Sean look tame.

Vicki didn’t want to be owned, and now the stubborn woman owned him. Void love him, but if she ever found out how a real Ravager relationship worked, he’d never get a moment’s peace. She didn’t take shit from anyone, but he liked that about her. He could only hope the rest of the clan would feel the same way. Because if they didn’t, his life would be worth next to nothing when the Savages turned on him. Maybe Nev was on to something about ruling strictly through fear and intimidation. Though Eric was the strongest in the pack, he remained prime because his clan believed in what he intended for their future.

Would they feel the same about him with Vicki by his side? Because he couldn’t undo what he’d done. Hell, he wouldn’t undo it, even if he could.

Eric lowered his head, wishing once again for the peace he’d found in Vicki’s warm body.

“By the Voids, what else can go wrong?”



Chapter Twenty-Two



Three days later, Vicki glared at the indentation where Eric’s head had rested hours ago, more than annoyed he’d closeted her inside his room with orders to stay put. She hadn’t been allowed to see anyone but him since he’d taken advantage of her in that blasted conference room.

She refused to admit, even to herself, that she enjoyed spending time with the ill-mannered werewolf.

Worse than her confinement, she’d succumbed to him two nights in a row, doing any and everything the damn Ravager demanded. For a woman raised to be independent and powerful in her own right, she was acting like nothing more than his sexual slave. Vicki wanted to blame the marking thing he’d done, but she’d wanted him even before he’d bitten her. The man was a walking sexual dynamo. That guer he talked about made her energy sit up and take notice. Perhaps if she’d been a normal woman, she wouldn’t want him so much. But Vicki was a Conduit.

Her power remained a part of her at all times, a sixth sense as important to her as seeing and hearing. Manipulating energy since she’d been old enough to walk, Vicki had grown up with an uncanny sense about people. The same reason she’d convinced Sean to take on their last client told her she’d found something special here with these Voiders, and with Eric in particular.

She rubbed the spot on her breast that burned. Her hand over it eased the sting, and the fiery hurt turned to a gentle throbbing. Nothing marred her flesh, not even a bruise, despite Eric’s rough handling. But she felt a flare of alien energy all the same. Has to be Eric’s doing, the sexy, controlling bastard. I’m never going to be normal after him.

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