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Namesake (Voiders #1)(20)
Author: Marie Harte

“Your point?” Sean asked through gritted teeth.

“His point,” Eric said as he entered the room, “is that you now belong to us. You’re pack for as long as we say you’re pack. Salinas will look the other way. They don’t want trouble. Your government in the States won’t interfere either. They haven’t acknowledged your existence in over fifty years,” he said with disgust. “No loyalty there. But here you’ll be treated as family. Here you’ll be able to quench the fire burning in your belly. No reprisal, no judgment or scorn for being the animal you truly are. Why would you possibly fight this?”

“Because it wasn’t my choice to be here.” Sean’s voice rose with each word.

“You don’t like Diana?”

“I like Diana just fine, but I never asked to be marked. Or claimed,” he muttered.

“Claimed?” Eric sought Dom for confirmation.

Dom nodded.

“I’ll talk to her.” He didn’t look happy about the pronouncement, and Sean seized on his discontent.

“Don’t bother. Look, you’re Prime. I get it. I’m not trying to screw with your authority. Just let me and Vicki out of here and—”

“No. Vicki’s mine.”

“The hell she is.” Sean’s eyes glowed, a sure sign of trouble brewing. Energy flared around him, licking at Vicki to join in.

She did, but only to calm him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she tried to pull away the violent energy of his anger. “Sean, easy. Not like this. Gran wouldn’t like it. She wants you to call her, by the way.”

Mention of Gran did the trick. “What?” His anger fizzled, but before he could ask more, Dom had him by the throat.

“You do not threaten the prime and live.”

She stared agog at the lethal predator holding her two hundred plus pound cousin off the floor. Not an hour ago, Dom had been giving her pleasure beyond belief. Right now, Sean dangled from Dom’s clawed hand as he closed off her cousin’s airway.

“Dom, stop!”

Eric watched dispassionately, but when he turned to regard Vicki, his eyes burned with anger. “Well, Vicki? Are you mine or aren’t you? Make it easy for your cousin to understand.”

The prick. “Another choice, hmm? First the Salinas, now my cousin. Fine, I’m all yours,” she snarled and stepped right up into his face. “But be careful what you wish for. You harm one more hair on my cousin’s head, I’ll carve your balls from your body, Prime.”

For some ungodly reason, the scent of him turned her on despite her anger.

Eric confounded her by smiling. “Perfect. Dom, easy. Don’t hurt our new packmate. Diana wouldn’t be pleased.” He whistled.

Jesse and Logan opened the door and stepped inside the room.

“Hey, Vicki,” Jesse said with a smile. He caught Sean when Dom tossed him. “We missed you.”

“We did,” Logan agreed and grabbed Sean’s other arm, holding her sagging cousin between them. “What say we meet up in my bedroom in a few hours. You can show me that thing you do with your tongue again.” He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled, so charming she smiled back as she flipped him off.

“In your dreams, furball.”

“A pet name. I told you she likes me better,” he said to Jesse.

Something growled outside, and everyone turned to the door.

Jesse blinked in bewilderment at the doorway through which he’d come. “What the hell is her problem?” he asked no one in particular.

“Oh hell. How long does the stubborn woman think this can go on?” Dom excused himself.

Eric gestured to Jesse and Logan. “Before you two go on break, take Sean back to Diana’s room. Gently,” he added when Vicki continued to frown at him. “Vicki and I have a few more things to discuss. She’s got a long day ahead of her.”

Their naughty expressions warned her to be wary, but to her bemusement, they glanced out the door, away from her.

“Yes, Prime,” Logan said with sigh and left with Jesse and Sean.

Great. What can I expect today? Another orgy? Or maybe they’ll throw me to whatever—whoever—growled and watch the bloodfest.



Chapter Eighteen



“I’d love to know what you’re thinking,” Eric murmured as he approached. He stood close and sniffed. “I take it Dom gave you the tour this morning?” To Vicki’s astonishment, he dropped to his knees and stuck his face in her crotch. “Good man.” He stood and kissed the breath out of her, licking her lips and stroking her tongue with a promise of more to come.

“What the hell was that about?” she asked when she could catch her breath.

“Just checking on something. Now let’s clear up a few things before we get to the good stuff.” He seated her at the cracked table and moved uncomfortably close.

The direction of his perusal, which lingered on her breasts, told her what to expect, but she couldn’t stop herself from asking. “Get to the good stuff?”

“Before I fuck you until you can’t walk. Then we’ll all do it again. And again.”

“We all?” she said weakly.

“My marker is there, but it’s new. It needs to be stronger. Another few rounds with the four of us should do the trick. Then it’s just you, me, and Dom.” He grinned, showing her sharp white teeth. “There’s a hierarchy. You’re mine, and as such, you belong to my guard too. He’s mine.”

Don’t ask. “Jesse and Logan?”

He shrugged. “Part of my pack, but they’re healthy, unclaimed males. They don’t belong to me or a female.”


“My guer isn’t tied to them, not the way it is to Dom.” He frowned. “Look, if you’d prefer we mark you again in private, rather than publicly, as most Ravagers do, you need to talk now. I’m through waiting.”

“We are talking.”

“I suggest you tell me about Chen and what you—”

“I’ll tell you what you can do with your suggestions.”

“Malcolm?” Eric called.

“Prime?” Malcolm entered from the front doorway he’d been guarding.

“I’m sure Malcolm would be more than happy to watch while I prepare your sweet little ass for penetration.”

She could feel herself blushing. “Talk, you bastard,” she grumbled half under her breath.

“Never mind, Malcolm.”

“Damn.” Malcolm left, but not before asking Eric, “Maybe later?”

Eric chuckled. He sobered after meeting Vicki’s furious stare. “Tell me what the hell you took from Tommy Chen that has his men scouring the city for you. And make it fast. I’m hungry, and I need to be fed.”

“You can take your appetite and go to hell.” She itched to toss his ass back against the wall, her power greedily absorbing the sexual energy he exuded all the time.

Eric leaned closer over the table until they touched nose to nose. “You use that sexy energy against me and I’ll make you beg for a taste of me. You know I can.”

Begging any man wasn’t something she looked forward to, but begging this man—this Ravager who’d kidnapped her—rubbed her the wrong way. Especially because some stupid part of her wanted a man strong enough to reduce her to whimpers. No, not just any man. Eric. God, I need my head examined.

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