Home > Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(23)

Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(23)
Author: Bree Wolf

Raising her chin, Leonora held his gaze. “I understand, and I agree.”

Surprise lit up his eyes, and for a long moment, he simply stared at her. “Are you certain?”

“I am. I have tried everything I can think of myself and failed. I am tired of feeling helpless, of constantly looking over my shoulder. I simply want it to stop, and your suggestion does have merit. It makes sense.” She heaved a deep, exasperated sigh. “For the first time in so long, something makes sense. I cannot walk away from it.” She eyed him curiously. “And I think you know that. Otherwise, you would not have written to me, that sense of urgency between the lines.”

Lord Pemberton nodded in agreement. “Very well.”

“When shall we begin?”

“As soon as you feel comfortable.”

Biting her lip, Leonora turned away and began to pace in front of the windows, the curtains now drawn. “I suppose I could slip away in the afternoons,” she mumbled to herself as she continued to move. “Everyone will be busy doing one thing or another.” She glanced up at him. “I often spend my time with Louisa, but now that she has been married, I suppose I will have free time. I’ll speak to Grandma Edie. She will help me and cover for me if need be.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Leonora noticed Lord Pemberton taking a step toward her, a quizzical expression upon his face. “Your grandmother knows that you come over here?”

Leonora smiled at the memory of that mischievous look upon her grandmother’s face. “She does,” Leonora confirmed, enjoying the way his jaw dropped. “In fact, she’s the one who encouraged me to trust you, trust myself, my heart, my judgment.”

Something flashed over Lord Pemberton’s face that Leonora wished she could understand. It spoke not merely of surprise or even disapproval but suggested a deeper meaning as though her words had touched him somehow…and he knew not what to do with it. “I suggest in preparation for our training,” Lord Pemberton stated all of a sudden, his voice very matter-of-fact, “you begin lifting weights in order to give yourself more strength.”

“Weights?” Leonora frowned. “What do you mean?”

His eyes darted from side to side as he thought. “I suppose, a jug of water will do. Begin with a small one or one not filled to the top. Try and lift it, repeatedly.”

Leonora nodded eagerly, feeling a surge of energy at the prospect of stepping out of that passive corner and finally doing something. “I will.” She heaved a deep sigh. “Thank you.” She smiled at him before she moved her gaze to the door. “I better return home.”

Lord Pemberton nodded, then took a step back in order to let her pass. His eyes remained on her though, and she could feel them upon her even when her back was turned, and she stood by the door. Once more looking over her shoulder, she bid him a good night and left. She slipped the hood of her cloak once more over her head and pulled it deep into her face, hoping she would not encounter another soul on her way back.

When she finally sank into bed, her head finding its place upon the pillow, Leonora was exhausted…but her heart felt lighter than it had in a long time. That night, she fell asleep with a smile upon her face.



Chapter Thirteen



Preparing for an Attack



From Lady Leonora, Drake knew what functions she and her family would frequent, and in order to keep a better eye on her, he decided to attend as well. He kept reminding himself that his sole motivation was to watch over her, to fulfill his promise and ensure that she was safe. However, deep down, Drake knew that he was simply curious. He wanted to know more about her and her family. He wanted to see them together, to see them interact, to see her in a social setting.

And so, Drake found himself in a darkened corner of Lady Weatherby’s ballroom, perfectly content to stay back and merely observe. Never had he been one to mingle for he simply did not enjoy mingling and conversing with others. He disliked the superficial chitchat that passed between acquaintances at social gatherings. To him, it was a waste of time for it did not lead to a deeper understanding of another’s character.

Yet, that night afforded Drake a thorough insight into Lady Leonora’s family. They were, indeed, rather loud and boisterous, cheerful people. They laughed and danced and talked to one another, never drifting far apart. They truly seemed to enjoy one another’s company, whispered words passing here and there and secret glances exchanged often between the two youngest sisters. Indeed, Drake also noted Lord and Lady Whickerton’s watchful eyes constantly sweeping over all their children. It was subtle as both seemed very much devoted to one another. Still, they never seemed to miss anything.

Except for the night of the masquerade.

Only the dowager countess had somehow taken note. Drake still could not be certain what had happened, and he did not wish to pry. Quite obviously, Lady Leonora did not wish to speak of that night, which was understandable.

At some point during the evening, Drake caught the dowager countess’ eye. He could not help but think that a fair amount of mischief rested in her gaze, rather unusual for a woman her age. If he was not at all mistaken, she even grinned at him once before her gaze moved over to her granddaughter. What had Lady Leonora told him? That her grandmother had been the one who had encouraged her to place her trust in him?

Drake frowned. Why would the dowager countess do that? After all, she did not know him. She did not know his character. They had spoken to one another a grand total of one time. How could she be certain that he deserved Lady Leonora’s trust? That he would not betray it? That he—?

Drake tensed when he saw a young lord move across the dance floor toward Lady Leonora. He recognized him immediately as Lord Sedgwick, the young man he had deterred more than once at the Christmas house party.

Immediately, Drake’s gaze moved to Lady Leonora, trying to determine how she felt about the other man’s approach. He could see her shoulders tense and her fingers close more tightly around the glass she was holding. Nonetheless, she lifted her chin, and he could see her inhaling one deep breath after another. For a moment, her lips seemed to move as though she was whispering something to herself, and then Lord Sedgwick stood before her, offering her a kind smile and no doubt a polite greeting.

Words were exchanged, and Drake wished he could hear what was being said. Still, Lady Leonora remained safely cocooned in the presence of her family, her demeanor kind and brave. So brave. For Drake could see the fluttering of her nerves and the way she sometimes dropped her gaze, the way she shifted on her feet and the way she would every so often look in his direction, her eyes meeting his. He wondered why she did so, unable to believe that he could be the one giving her strength in that moment. Why was it that she trusted him?

It was a mystery to Drake, and he was not quite certain he deserved it.

Deserved to be trusted.

Deserved her trust.

Over the course of the next week, Drake attended two more of these social functions, observing how Lord Sedgwick as well as Lord Gillingham occasionally approached Lady Leonora, offering to fetch her a drink or asking her to dance. The first offer she generally accepted while she always declined the second. Drake took notice of her family’s watchful eyes, slightly confused frowns appearing on their faces here and there. Still, Drake was glad to see that neither parents nor her elder brother urged her into a match.

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