Home > Clearer, Closer, Better How Successful People See the World(61)

Clearer, Closer, Better How Successful People See the World(61)
Author: Emily Balcetis



4 Becoming Your Own Accountant



        For that album the band: Bird Songs, the Grammy-nominated recording, is the twenty-second album by Joe Lovano, featuring Francisco Mela, Esperanza Spalding, James Weidman, and Otis Brown III, released by the Blue Note label in 2011.

    Perhaps this trainer had followed: Hollis, J. F., et al., for the Weight Loss Maintenance Trial Research Group (2008). “Weight loss during the intensive intervention phase of the weight-loss maintenance trial,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 35, 118–26.

    Drawing from the largest nutrition database: Olson, P. (February 4, 2015). “Under Armour buys health-tracking app MyFitnessPal for $475 Million,” Forbes, www.forbes.com/​sites/​parmyolson/​2015/​02/​04/​myfitnesspal-acquisition-under-armour/​#352145e46935.

    But within a year, running: For more information on Nathan DeWall’s running career, see his New York Times article “How to run across the country faster than anyone” (October 26, 2019), www.nytimes.com/​2016/​10/​26/​well/​move/​how-to-run-across-the-country-faster-than-anyone.html.

    In 2007, less than half a million: U.S. Courts (March 7, 2018). “Just the facts: Consumer bankruptcy filings, 2006–2017,” www.uscourts.gov/​news/​2018/​03/​07/​just-facts-consumer-bankruptcy-filings-2006-2017#table1.

    As of September 2018: Center for Microeconomic Data (November 2018). “Quarterly report on household debt and credit,” www.newyorkfed.org/​medialibrary/​interactives/​householdcredit/​data/​pdf/​HHDC_2018Q3.pdf.

    At about the same time, Americans: Ibid.

    Numbers released from the Federal Reserve: ValuePenguin (March 2019). “Average credit card debt in America,” www.valuepenguin.com/​average-credit-card-debt.

         As Ariely explains, we give precedence: For more from Ariely’s interview, see www.nytimes.com/​2016/​04/​13/​technology/​personaltech/​googles-calendar-now-finds-spare-time-and-fills-it-up.html.

    But in his research: Ariely, D., and Wertenbroch, K. (2002). “Procrastination, deadlines, and performance: Self-control by precommitment,” Psychological Science 13, 219–24.

    In one study, amateur chefs: Kruger, J., and Evans, M. (2004). “If you don’t want to be late, enumerate: Unpacking reduces the planning fallacy,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40, 586–98.

    People who believed that: Buehler, R., Griffin, D., and MacDonald, H. (1997). “The role of motivated reasoning in optimistic time predictions,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 23, 238–47.

    Scientists from the University of Waterloo: Koehler, D. J., White, R. J., and John, L. K. (2011). “Good intentions, optimistic self-predictions, and missed opportunities,” Social Psychological and Personality Science 2, 90–96.



5 In Sight, In Mind



        or their project Dear Data: Lupi, G., and Posavec, S. (2016). Dear Data. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. To see Lupi and Posavec’s postcards online, visit www.moma.org/​artists/​67122.

    Some choose based on snacks: The Senate has archived records of the candy desk. Learn more here: www.senate.gov/​artandhistory/​art/​special/​Desks/​hdetail.cfm?id=1.

    But more commonly, senators: Roubein, R., and National Journal (June 1, 2015). “How senators pick their seats: Power, friends and proximity to chocolate,” The Atlantic, www.theatlantic.com/​politics/​archive/​2015/​06/​how-senators-pick-their-seats-power-friends-and-proximity-to-chocolate/​456015.

    When we look at our electric bill: Thaler, R. H. (2009). “Do you need a nudge?” Yale Insights, insights.som.yale.edu/​insights/​do-you-need-nudge.

    In 1909, a Hungarian physician: Battaglia-Mayer, A., and Caminiti, R. (2002). “Optic ataxia as a result of the breakdown of the global tuning fields of parietal neurons,” Brain 125, 225–37.

    This is called automaticity: Wood, W., and Ruenger, D. (2016). “Psychology of habits,” Annual Review of Psychology 37, 289–314.

         There was a brief period: Clifford, S. (April 7, 2011). “Stuff piled in the aisle? It’s there to get you to spend more,” The New York Times, www.nytimes.com/​2011/​04/​08/​business/​08clutter.html.

    Researchers went door-to-door: Cohen, D. A., Collins, R., Hunter, G., Ghosh-Dastidar, B., and Dubowitz, T. (2015). “Store impulse marketing strategies and body mass index,” American Journal of Public Health 105, 1446–52.

    This is why, in 2011: Federal Trade Commission Cigarette Report for 2017, www.ftc.gov/​system/​files/​documents/​reports/​federal-trade-commission-cigarette-report-2017-federal-trade-commission-smokeless-tobacco-report/​ftc_cigarette_report_2017.pdf.

    In a one-year analysis: Nakamura, R., Pechey, R., Suhrcke, M., Jebb, S. A., and Marteau, T. M. (2014). “Sales impact of displaying alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in end-of-aisle locations: An observational study,” Social Science & Medicine 108, 68–73.

    Among Australian youths: Dunlop, S., et al. (2015). “Out of sight and out of mind? Evaluating the impact of point-of-sale tobacco display bans on smoking-related beliefs and behaviors in a sample of Australian adolescents and young adults,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 761–68.

    In 2010, Anne Thorndike: Thorndike, A. N., Riis, J., Sonnenberg, L. M., and Levy, D. E. (2014). “Traffic-light labels and choice architecture: Promoting healthy food choices,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 46, 143–49.

    The company has its own fleet: Stone, M. (November 2, 2015). “Google’s latest free lunch option is a fleet of 20 fancy food trucks—and the food looks incredible,” Business Insider, www.businessinsider.com/​googles-latest-free-lunch-option-is-a-fleet-of-20-fancy-food-trucks-and-the-food-looks-incredible-2015-10; Hartmans, A. (August 26, 2016). “21 photos of the most impressive free food at Google,” Business Insider, www.businessinsider.com/​photos-of-googles-free-food-2016-8.

    At the snack stations: Kang, C. (September 1, 2013). “Google crunches data on munching in office,” Washington Post, www.washingtonpost.com/​business/​technology/​google-crunches-data-on-munching-in-office/​2013/​09/​01/​3902b444-0e83-11e3-85b6-d27422650fd5_story.html. For more of Google’s health nudges, see abcnews.go.com/​Health/​google-diet-search-giant-overhauled-eating-options-nudge/​story?id=18241908.

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