Home > Baby Drama(34)

Baby Drama(34)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“You’re right. She is pressing really hard on my bladder. Can you help me up?”

“Of course, babe.” He held out his hand and the moment I stood up, a gush of fluid hit the bathroom floor.

We both looked down and then up at each other.

“I don’t think that’s pee,” Lucas said.

“I don’t either. I think my water broke.” I sighed.

“I’ll grab your bag and call Thaddeus to meet us downstairs.”

“OH MY FREAKING GOD!” I yelled as I doubled over in sudden pain.

“Are you okay?” Lucas came running into the bathroom.

“DO I LOOK OKAY?” I shouted.

“Shit. Come on, babe. We really have to go.”

He grabbed my bag and hooked his arm around me as we slowly walked to the elevator.

“Oh my God, Lucas.”

“It’s okay, babe. Just get in the elevator and we’ll get you to the hospital.”

I was highly agitated. Not just from the pain, but from the way the damn elevator kept stopping on different floors.

I grabbed his shirt.

“I just want you to know that I hate you for living on the 82nd floor. Hate you!”

“Duly noted, babe.”

When the elevator finally stopped on the floor of the lobby, I had to stop for a second while another contraction hit.

“OH MY GOD!” I doubled over in pain.

“Not need to panic. She’s in labor.” Lucas smiled at the people who were staring.

“Do you need help, Mr. Thorne?” Russell came running over.

“Thaddeus is waiting outside for us. We need to get Jenna to the hospital.”

“Okay. It stopped. I can make it to the car,” I spoke.

We were on our way to the hospital and the contractions were coming four minutes apart. I could barely breathe I was in so much pain.

“Are we almost there because I feel like this baby is coming right now!” I shouted.

“Jenna, you are not having our baby in the back our car. Hold her in.”

“Oh okay, Lucas. You idiot.” I slapped his chest.

“Listen, don’t get an attitude with me. You’re the one who just told her it was okay to come now.”

“You’d be wise not to say another word to me!” I shouted.

The car pulled up to the entrance of the ER, and Thaddeus ran inside to alert someone while Lucas tried to help me out of the car and into the wheelchair a nurse had brought out.

“I’m going to take you up to Labor and Delivery,” she spoke as she wheeled me inside.

“Listen to me, lady. I won’t make it. This baby is coming NOW!” I shouted.

“Okay.” She pushed the button on the wall while I let out a couple more screams. “What’s going on here? Why aren’t you taking her up to Labor and Delivery?” a doctor asked as he walked over.

“She said the baby is coming right now.”

“Is this your first baby?” he asked me.


“Of course. First time moms.” He sighed.

“What did you say!” I shouted and Lucas gripped my shoulder.

“Get her in room four and in a gown so I can take a look. Call me when she’s ready.”

“I feel the need to kill him, Lucas.”

“No you don’t, babe. It’s the pain talking. Just try to breathe through it,” he said as he and the nurse helped me change into a gown.

“I need this kid out of me right now, Lucas. Just go down there and get her out. Please.” I begged.

“I’m going to check you, Jenna. Okay?” the nice nurse said. “Oh boy. You are having this baby now.” She ran out of the room.

Another contraction hit and I had to push. I couldn’t help it as I let out a scream.

“Breathe. Breathe through it,” Lucas spoke.

“Tell me to breathe again and I swear to God I’ll scratch your eyes out.”

The doctor and nurse came running in. He pulled up a stool and sat down.

“You weren’t kidding. Your baby is coming.”


“Get the fetal monitor hooked up,” he said to the nurse. “I’ve called Dr. Lewis and she’s here at the hospital. She’s on her way down now.”

“Thank God. Oh God, here comes another one.”

“Push, Jenna. One big push!”

I pushed with everything I had as Lucas supported my back and tightly held my hand.

“I see her head, babe. She’s coming.”

I fell back on the bed and I wanted to die. I felt like I was being ripped in half.

“Hello, Jenna. Oh look at that, I see a head.” She smiled. “I can take over from here. All I need from you is one more push. The biggest push you got and then it will all be over. Okay?”

I nodded my head as Lucas helped me up and I let out a scream as I pushed my daughter out. Instantly, I felt relief when I heard her cry.

“And here she is. Two weeks early. I guess she couldn’t wait to meet her mom and dad.”

Tears of joy fell down my face as Dr. Lewis laid her on my belly.

“You did it, babe. She’s beautiful. Look at how beautiful she is.” Lucas cried as he kissed my cheek.

“Hey there, Scarlett Elyse Thorne.” I reached out and touched her tiny hand.



Chapter 33



Two Weeks Later




Life with a newborn. What could I say? It had been a tough past couple of weeks. We were sleep deprived and Scarlett was feeding every hour and refusing to sleep. Jenna started pumping into bottles so I could relieve her every now and again. Especially in the middle of the night so she could get some rest.

I had worked from home the past couple weeks so I could be here for Jenna and the baby. But now it was time for me to get back into the office. I tried to hire a baby nurse to help her out while I was gone, but Jenna wouldn’t hear of it. I kept the number close by just in case she changed her mind.

“I have to go now, babe. I’m sorry.” I kissed her lips as she stood in the kitchen holding Scarlett.

“Don’t be sorry. We’ll be fine.”

“I’m going to miss you girls so much.”

“Babe, I know you’re secretly excited about getting out. You can’t fool me.”

“How dare you say that. That is not true.” I kissed her forehead and then kissed Scarlett goodbye.

Once I hit the doors to the outside, I let out a sigh of relief. I loved them both so much and they consumed me. But fuck yeah, I was looking forward to going to the office.




I’d finally got Scarlett down for a nap and sat behind my desk to record a podcast about the first two weeks of parenthood. As I was talking, I started to cry. I wasn’t sure why except I knew I was exhausted, both mentally and physically. Instead of stopping the recording, I cried my way through it for I promised my listeners I would be open and raw about my experiences. Just as I finished recording, I decided to lay down and try to take a nap. Grabbing the baby monitor, I quietly entered our bedroom. Peeking into the bassinet that sat next to the bed, she looked like a peaceful little angel. So I carefully laid down on the bed and smiled when my head hit the pillow. My eyes weren’t closed for a minute before the ear-piercing cries started.

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