Home > Baby Drama(30)

Baby Drama(30)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“What happened?”

“She fainted on the street and cut her head. They’re keeping her overnight to monitor her and the baby.”

“She’s in good hands there. You don’t need to stay.”

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

“I do need to stay, and I am. Whether you like it or not. Dinner will have to wait for another night. And I won’t be in the office tomorrow either. I know you can’t understand because you don’t care about anyone besides yourself. I love her, Dad, and she’s my number one priority right not. Not you, not the company, just her and my child. And if you can’t grasp that, I’m sorry. You were wrong all these years. For once, I let myself feel and I let myself think, and guess what? Everything is falling into place, not going to hell.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

“It seems a lot has changed since our last conversation. We’re going to have to discuss that, son.”

“Yes, and we will. I have to go.”

I ended the call just as I saw the delivery guy walking down the hall with our food.

“Is that order for Thorne?” I asked.


“Thank you.” I pulled some cash from my wallet for a tip and handed it to him.

“Thank you, sir. Have a nice night.”

“Same to you.” I gave him a smile.

I walked into the room and saw Jenna’s eyes were open.

“Just in time. The food just got here.”

“Did I hear you talking to someone out in the hallway?”

“Just my father. He already landed.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine.” I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Taking the food from the bag, I set it on her tray and pulled it closer to her while I sat in the chair and we both ate. When we were finished, I had her make me a list of what she needed me to bring her from her apartment.

“I’ll be back in a flash.” I smiled as I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Are you going to be okay while I’m gone?”

“I’ll be fine. In fact, I might just sleep for a little bit.”

“Good idea. I’ll be back soon.”

When I arrived at the building, I took the elevator up to her apartment. Sliding the key in the door, I opened it and flipped on the lights. I gasped because nothing had prepared me for what I saw.



Chapter 29




I wanted to sleep, but as soon as I’d doze off, a scream woke me up. The screams of a woman in labor. The thought terrified me as it was, and now that I was hearing it from someone else, I was freaked out.

“Here’s some more water for you,” Melissa said as she set the cup on my tray.

“I take it someone’s in labor?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry, honey. Try not to listen or let it bother you. Everyone is different. Your labor might be nothing at all. By the way, that man of yours is very sexy.” She grinned.

“He is, but he’s not my man. We’re just friends who are having a baby.”

She narrowed her eye at me. “Okay. Keep telling yourselves that.” She smirked. “You should listen to this podcast we’ve all been listening to. I was the nurse to this patient last week and she was listening to it. It’s called—”

“Let me guess. Baby Drama?”

“Yes! You’ve heard—oh my God. Wait. Jenna Larson. J. Elle. You’re J. Elle?!” Her eyes widened.

“Shh.” I brought my finger up to my lips.

“Girl. You’re like a celebrity around here! And he’s the ‘friend with benefits?’”

“Yeah.” I bit down on my bottom lip.

Suddenly her phone rang and when she looked at it, she had to leave. “We’ll talk more about this later.” She grinned as she walked out.

I couldn’t believe it was taking Lucas so long to get back. I only needed a couple things and I told him exactly where they were. Another thirty minutes had passed, and he finally walked in the room carrying a large glass vase filled with pink and red roses.

“These are for you.” He smiled as he set them down.

“They’re beautiful. You didn’t have to do that.”

“I wanted to. The red roses are for you and the pink are for our daughter.”

He went to kiss my forehead and I stopped him with my hand and pointed to my lips.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“I’m positive.” I smiled.

He softly brushed his lips against mine.

“Thank you. I love them.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll just set your things over here.”

“I was getting worried. What took you so long?”

“There was just a small problem.”

“What problem?” I narrowed my eye at him.

“Listen, Jenna. When you get out of here tomorrow, you’re going to stay with me in the penthouse.”


“Two reasons. The first reason is so I can keep an eye on you, and the second reason is there’s a huge hole in the living room ceiling in the apartment and you can’t stay there.”

“WHAT!” I shouted.

“Calm down.” I placed my hands on her shoulders. “Apparently, the hot water tank in the apartment above you broke, and the guy has been out of town the last month, so no one knew. The water has been sitting there for—well, we don’t know how long. But it’s been long enough to damage the ceiling and create a huge hole and mess.” He sighed.

“Oh my God, Lucas. My things.”

“Nothing personal of yours was damaged. The couch, the coffee table and the floor took the brunt of it, but who cares about those things. They can be replaced. I’m just thankful that you weren’t in the apartment when it happened. I’m taking care of everything, so I don’t want you to worry.”

“How long until it’s livable?” I asked.

“The landlord didn’t know, but he said he’ll keep me updated.”

“I’m so tired. This day has been awful.”

“I know and I’m sorry.” He leaned over and brushed his lips against mine.

“Good evening, you two.” Dr. Lewis smiled as she walked into the room.

“Hi, Dr. Lewis. This is Lucas Thorne, the baby’s father.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Thorne.”

“Likewise, Dr. Lewis.”

“How are you feeling, Jenna?”

“I’m feeling much better.”

“Your blood pressure is up and looking good and the baby’s heart rate is perfect. I know they did an ultrasound down in the emergency room, but I want to do one more just to be safe.”

I looked at Lucas and he gave me a warm smile as he held my hand. Dr. Lewis pulled up my gown, squirted some gel on my belly and moved the transducer back and forth over it.

“You weren’t here for the last ultrasound, were you?” she asked Lucas.

“No. I wasn’t. I was out of town.”

“Well, here’s your daughter.” Dr. Lewis smiled.

“Wow. She looks so much bigger than her last picture,” he said.

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