Home > Kill Game(60)

Kill Game(60)
Author: D.D. Prince

These men watch the room and communicate with the floor team, the door team, and the exterior team. I have extensive security. Not only do I not want to be ripped off, I also don’t want women getting drugged at one of my places or any other bullshit like that. Tonight is invite only, but that doesn’t mean people or their plus ones won’t get up to shit.

“It’s your lucky day, Raymond,” I say and jerk my chin. ”Follow me. Let’s get outta here so these guys can do their thing without further distractions. Tony, hang back until I knock. Night guys. Carl, good work.”

Carl jerks his chin while Tony nods. The other guard opens the door for me and then Raymond rises and follows me to the hallway while blowing out a long breath.

The door clicks shut behind us.

This guy is sweating bullets. His forehead is full of sweat beads, his hair is damp with it, and his skin tone looks halfway to gray.

I get right in his face and he visibly shrinks.

“I wanted a minute more to talk to you without Violet,” I stare without expression.

He eyeballs me. Wary. Freaking out. Shaking.

If he thought he was getting released without a chat after his colossal fuckup, he’s wrong. He’s lucky it’s just a chat at this stage. My guys took him downstairs to sweat it out for a little while first. Part of the punishment.

“You get a lucky break tonight, man, because that girl asked me to give you another shot.”

Hope flares in his eyes. And I wanna rip his fuckin’ face off. I hold myself calm instead.

“But you owe me for this. For this concession. You know I shouldn’t have given you the second chance, never mind a third. Don’t know where the fuck your head is at, but again she’s the reason you’re getting one last chance.”

“I,” he rasps. “I appre-“

I cut him off, “But I’m taking something extra for my kindness.”

His eyes widen as he waits. He has no fucking idea how he’s gonna come up with my money and worries I want more.

I lean in closer. “I’m gonna make a play for her tonight. And I wanted you to know about it. You go home knowing you got away with breaking the rules, but you also go home knowing there’s a chance that gorgeous woman will be crying my name into my sheets tonight.”

He’s holding his breath.

“I’m gonna make it clear I want inside that pussy. Tell me, Ray: is it tight?”

He grinds his teeth.

I smile wide. “I bet it is. Any luck, I’ll find out. Guess that’ll be between me ‘n her. But I’m tellin’ you it might happen tonight because this is the price you pay for my kindness. Do not mistake it for weakness. You’re free to go. Clock’s ticking Raymond. Better hurry and get me my money. Got five days before the vig kicks in, twelve days remaining total. Tick tock. You message me if you’re gonna be early and we’ll finesse the time and place.”

“If she turns you down tonight-”

I cut him off with a shrug. “If she does, she does. But gotta say, man... She loves my place, likes it when I hold doors for her and make her coffee just how she likes it in the mornings. Little things like that, women appreciate. You know?”

I know he doesn’t. Or he’s allowed himself to forget.

“Bought her some pretty things. Got the jewelry you hocked out of the pawn shop for her. And man, she was fuckin’ relieved. Thought it was lost forever because of you. Threw her arms around me for it. Riddle me this: what kind of loser move is it to take your woman’s jewelry that she’s kept since a baby, saving it for her future kid, and put it at risk like that? For a couple hundred bucks? Are you fucking thick? You really think she’s gonna let you be the one to put that kid in her belly?”

His mouth contorts painfully. He knows he’s a fucking loser. But he’s also pissed right now and he’s probably feelin’ brave considering I’ve said he’s off the hook, mostly, for his stupidity tonight. That’s okay. His false confidence is going to be his fucking downfall.

“Puttin’ lots of smiles on that pretty face, Raymond. Seein’ those dimples every fucking day. When’s the last time she gave you a dimpled smile?”

The guy looks like I just socked him in the gut.

Fucking turd.

I continue. “Be surprised if she turns me down. Real surprised if she chooses to remain faithful to a shmuck who hocks her baby jewelry, who loses her because of gambling debts. Or is she already done with you, man? Because she doesn’t seem too bothered about being mine.”

He swallows thickly.

“Better get the fuck outta here and work on getting my cash together. Before I change my mind, put a bullet between your eyes, and then go home and fuck your girlfriend anyway.” I give him a blinding smile.

He licks his teeth behind his lips, looking like he wants to deck me.

He’s too fucking afraid of me. A) He knows I can fight. Beat the snot out of him no less than three times in his life so far. B) He knows I’ve got a long reach to make him pay if he manages to get the better of me, which is highly fucking unlikely.

“You’re not gettin’ that gun back, either. Fuck off. Go catch your train.”

I rap on the door and Tony pops his head out.

“Walk him to the MAX.”

“Got it, boss.”

I watch them walk down the hallway. Ray looks over his shoulder at me just once.

I smirk as I grab my cock, give it a jiggle and jerk my chin up.

He sways, then puts a hand against the wall to try to catch his balance.

Fuckin’ asshole.

Yeah, go home, ass-wipe, and have nightmares about me fucking Violet.

I call my old friend Tino and arrange to meet him.


I meet Tino in the back office at a coffee shop owned by my buddy Dario’s family, give him the gun Tony took off Ray and tell him to hold it pending further instructions. I also tell him to pay a visit and make sure Sully files all the paperwork properly so that the gun gets registered to Ray. If that isn’t doable, there’s gonna be a swap.







I’m panicked.

I wake, knowing I’ve been dreaming. Dreaming of Ray with a gun. He pointed it at me and then Killian was there between us and Ray had the gun against Killian’s forehead.

I feel the bed move and I see the shadow of someone climbing under the covers. It’s dark, still, but the city lights are twinkling outside, letting enough light in that I can see it’s Killian beside me.

I let out a big breath.

“Violet,” he says. “Hi.”

He’s awake. Not sleepwalking.

“Hey,” I whisper.

“I have to sleep here,” he tells me. “I need to sleep here. Okay?”


“You’re shaking,” he observes. “I scare you?”

I feel the heat from his close proximity. It’s like he’s a furnace and I’m freezing, every bit of me wanting to get closer to that heat.

“I had a bad dream. I think it’s the aftermath of … all that.”

“Is it okay that I’m here?”

“Yeah,” I whisper and nuzzle into the blankets, trying to warm up.

My teeth chatter.

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