Home > A Cowboy Kind of Love (Heart of Texas #6)(27)

A Cowboy Kind of Love (Heart of Texas #6)(27)
Author: Donna Grant

Hungered for him like no other.

She drew in a breath and brought her heated body under some semblance of control. They had one more night together, and she planned to make use of it.

“Hey,” Cooper said as he came into view.

Jace’s voice was tight as he asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I was hoping to talk to Taryn,” Marlee said.

Taryn turned her head to look at the couple. Marlee seemed nice, and at any other time, they probably would have become close friends. But right now, Taryn didn’t want to see anyone but Jace—so she could strip him and spend hours enjoying his hard body.

“Ah,” Cooper said as he looked between Taryn and Jace. “I think we interrupted something.”

Taryn got to her feet. No matter how much she wished she didn’t have to consider the hours slipping away, the fact was that she had no other choice. “It’s fine. What can I help you with?”

Marlee’s bourbon-colored eyes studied Taryn for a moment. “We saw Clayton as he was pulling out. He told us you gave him some information.”

“You mean Clayton said that Taryn gave a name,” Jace corrected.

Taryn watched as Jace strode to the kitchen and moved out of sight. She pulled her eyes away and focused on Marlee. “I refused to speak any names or locations to Danny or Ryan because there’s a very real possibility someone will leak the information. It was only after they left that I told Jace and Clayton.”

“Will you share it with us?” Marlee asked, her gaze intense.

For the first time, Taryn recognized that Marlee was excited about the case. And with Marlee’s PI skills, there was a good chance she could help.

“We’re trustworthy,” Cooper said with a smile. “Just ask Jace.”

Taryn smiled, happy that it came so easily. “Coop, I know how close you and Jace are. And if you love Marlee, then she is just as honorable. I’ll tell you, but I will ask that neither of you share the information with Danny or Ryan.”

“We won’t,” Cooper and Marlee said in unison.

“The man who took us is Boyd Walters.”

“Shit.” Marlee’s face paled as she looked at Cooper. “I’m not from Texas, and even I’ve heard that name.”

Cooper frowned as he looked over his shoulder toward the kitchen. “It sounds familiar, but I’m not sure why. Jace?” he asked and turned on his heel to follow his friend.

“Sorry. I told Cooper to knock before barging in,” Marlee said as she walked into the living area.

Taryn motioned for her to take a seat. “It’s fine. Really. Don’t worry about it.”

Marlee quirked an auburn brow as she lowered herself onto the couch. “You didn’t see your face. Or Jace’s. I’d say you two definitely need some alone time.”

“We had a little, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough.”

“I understand. Believe me,” Marlee said with a small laugh.

Taryn shrugged. “I’m happy with any time I get with Jace.”

“If I’ve learned anything since coming to Texas, it’s that there’s always time for those you love. What’s another thirty minutes or an hour? There are things the rest of us can do while you two have some time together.”

Taryn had to admit, that sounded nice. “Maybe.”

“At least you had last night.”

Taryn smiled, recalling every second of it. “Yes.”

“Ah.” Marlee sighed wistfully. “I know that look.”

Taryn continued smiling.

Marlee glanced into the kitchen, where they could hear the guys talking. “I know we don’t really know each other, and you’ve known Jace and Cooper much longer than I’ve been around, but can I say something?”

Taryn issued a firm nod. “Absolutely.”

“Jace loves you. It’s written all over his face. It’s in his voice, in his actions. None of us know what you’ve been through, but I think Jace might have a clue.”

“He does.”

Marlee grinned and leaned closer. “You might have to remind him that he doesn’t have to be a gentleman all the time.”

A giggle escaped Taryn. She nodded to Marlee. “Thank you for that.”

“Anytime.” Her expression grew serious. “How are you holding up?”

Taryn briefly thought about lying but decided on the truth. “I’m barely holding it together.”

“I’ve personally seen what those guys are capable of. Trust them. They’ll figure something out.”

Taryn’s stomach churned when she thought about what could happen. “And when one or more are injured or killed? Everyone will blame me.”

“Not going to happen,” Jace stated as he walked into the room.

Taryn rolled her eyes. “You keep saying that, but words don’t make it true.”

“He’s saying that no one will blame you,” Cooper replied. “We make our own decisions.”

Marlee shrugged and nodded. “If something happens to Cooper, I won’t be angry with you. I’ll be furious with Boyd and his men, who are to blame.”

“That’s right.” Jace sat beside Taryn and offered her a glass of sweet tea. “None of this is your fault.”

She wanted to argue, but it would take too much energy she needed to use elsewhere. Taryn accepted the glass and drank deeply. When Jace put his arm around her and drew her close, she and Marlee exchanged glances.

“All right. Since I’m apparently behind the times on this Boyd character, someone fill me in,” Cooper said.

Jace twisted his lips. “The guy is a millionaire. He owns several businesses and is known for giving huge sums of money to charities all over Texas.”

“That’s his public persona,” Marlee said. “I still have friends on the police force. They made mention of Boyd Walters being named in some drug dealings, even out in California. He might be trying to expand his territory.”

Cooper shrugged. “People are named in drug dealings all the time. That doesn’t mean they’re part of it.”

“He is,” Taryn said. “He runs the largest drug operation in Texas and most of the south.”

Cooper sat back in the chair and stretched out his legs. “Well, shit. That means it’s a massive organization.”

“It is.” Taryn rubbed her finger through the condensation on the outside of her glass. “In the years I spent working for Boyd, they kept many of the specifics of the operation from me. I also had very little contact with others working for him.”

Marlee’s gaze was steady as she asked, “I gather they kept you around the same individuals?”

“Yes. Two guards rotated watching me. And they rarely spoke to me. They were there to make sure I didn’t follow in my family’s footsteps and do anything stupid.” Taryn twisted her lips, thinking back to everything. “My main contact was Brick, Boyd’s go-to man. Brick answers only to Boyd. If something needs to be done, Boyd sends Brick to do it.”

Jace glanced down at their joined hands. “But did you see anything?”

“Oh, yeah. Once I had finished for the day and they escorted me to the accountant.”

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