Home > A Cowboy Kind of Love (Heart of Texas #6)(30)

A Cowboy Kind of Love (Heart of Texas #6)(30)
Author: Donna Grant

“She doesn’t have the money.”

Boyd chuckled. “Yet. Taryn will do anything for Payton. We’ve seen it time and again.”

“I agree, but I’ve got a feeling this time will be different.”

“You worry too much,” Boyd admonished. “She knows I’ve got Payton’s life in my hands. Taryn won’t run or go to the police.”

“She returned to her hometown. She has friends here. That could mean trouble.”

Boyd laughed again. “You can’t honestly believe that anyone from that town—or anywhere, for that matter—can go up against me and win. I’ve too many men, too many guns at my disposal. If Taryn is stupid enough to try anything, then we’ll take care of the problem. I’ve proven to Taryn that I’m a man of my word. Her father and brother are proof of that.”

“You trust me to carry out your orders and to be honest. I think you should call Taryn home. Immediately.”

There was a beat of silence before Boyd asked, “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Taryn is desperate for the money to save herself and Payton. It could lead her to turn to old friends.”

Boyd made a sound in the back of his throat. “Let her have a little time with them. She’ll come back.”

The call disconnected. Brick set the phone in the cupholder beside him and rested a hand on the steering wheel. He’d been watching the house for hours, and so far, there had been no movement. The sky was darkening, and his stomach rumbled with hunger. At that moment, the passenger door opened, and a man sat beside him, a bag in hand.

Brick stared into green eyes as the smell of food filled the vehicle. “You shouldn’t be here.”

Ryan Wells shrugged his shoulders. “Neither should you.”

“I go where the job takes me.”

The police chief slid his gaze to the house. “Ditto. You aren’t going to sit out here all night, are you?”

“I am.”

“Then I’ll join you.”

Brick sighed loudly. “Get your ass out of my car. If your friends see you, they won’t understand. And you can’t tell them the truth.”

“They’re smart. And they’ll believe me.”

“I can’t chance it. I’ve been embedded with Boyd for too long to have everything ruined now.”

Ryan opened the bag and pulled out a hamburger that he passed to Brick. “You’re the one who had me call off the deputies about to detain Taryn. You didn’t have to let me know you were in town.”

Brick didn’t answer as he unwrapped the burger and took a bite. He closed his eyes and chewed, savoring the amazing taste. He took two more bites before he said, “You would’ve found me eventually.”

“Bullshit,” Ryan said around a mouthful of his grilled tuna sandwich. “You’re too damn good for that. Which means you told me for a reason.”

“You’re reading too much into things.”

“I don’t think so.”

Brick looked at Ryan, their gazes meeting in the darkened interior of the car. “Taryn is inside with Jace Wilder and his friends.”

“Since you’ve been watching Jace’s house since Taryn returned, you already know the answer.”

“You’ve got to stop them from attempting anything.”

“I already tried. So did Danny.”

Brick’s eyes widened. “The sheriff? Did you tell him?”

“He knows nothing. Danny is a good man who toes the line just as I do with our friends. Those men have military training, just as we do. I’ve seen them in action. They’re more than qualified to handle themselves.”

“Which is why you need to put a stop to any plans they have. I know Jace wants to protect Taryn, but there won’t be a happy ending for them.”

Ryan tossed the rest of his sandwich into the bag and wiped his hands. “And you think making Taryn return to Boyd to continue working for him is what she should do?”

“It’ll take some time, but I can use Taryn. It might take another five to ten years, but with her help, we can bring Boyd down.”

Ryan shook his head, anger filling his gaze. “You son of a bitch. Have you forgotten what it was like to be forced to do things against your will? Have you forgotten what you had to do to get away from that? You went from having one asshole controlling you to Boyd.”

“I told you I was going to do great things. I infiltrated the organization of the most feared kingpin in Texas, and I’ll be the one to end his reign.”

“And waste years of your life in the process.”

Brick snorted, his appetite now gone. He folded up the hamburger wrapper and set it gently on his leg. “Your life is so much better? Talk about being told what to do. And let’s not forget that ex-wife of yours.”

“Enough,” Ryan said in a low tone that he always used when he was furious.

Brick chuckled, though he didn’t feel any humor. “You sound just like him.”

“You’re the last person who should be giving me any sort of advice. You work for a maniac. How many people have you killed to keep up the disguise?”

Brick quirked a brow. “How many people did you kill while in the military?”

“That’s different. I was under orders.”

“So am I,” Brick retorted.

Ryan rolled his eyes. “You can’t compare my being a SEAL to you working for a drug lord.”

“The hell I can’t. We’re both fighting against evil.”

“Keep telling yourself that.”

Brick fought the urge to slam his fist into Ryan’s nose. “I was never good enough, and nothing I do will ever be enough.”

“I’m still not sure how you convinced them to make you an agent after you were dishonorably discharged from the military. Do you know what others have to go through before they become FBI agents?”

“I don’t give a shit what anyone else does.”

Ryan snorted and looked out the window. “Yeah, you’ve never cared about anyone but yourself.” He swung his head back to Brick. “You want to make a name for yourself, go right ahead. More than likely, you’ll be killed. Probably by Boyd. He’ll find out you’re undercover. I can’t believe you’ve survived this long. But those people in that house are my friends. Hell, you might even say they’re family. Jace and Taryn love each other. Boyd ripped her away from him, away from her life, and forced her into servitude for the last five years. And you want to keep her there? What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you forgotten all sense of family and love, that you’ll sacrifice anyone and everyone to get your glory?”

There was so much Brick wanted to say in response. Instead, he kept his mouth shut. Ryan wouldn’t listen to anything he had to say anyway.

“Figures,” Ryan said as he shook his head. “When you contacted me, I thought things had changed. But they haven’t. Don’t try to stop my friends. I won’t let you.”

Brick remained still as Ryan slammed the car door and walked to his vehicle before driving away. Only when the taillights disappeared did Brick slam his hand against the steering wheel.

His stomach churned from the memories Ryan had tugged free of their hiding place. And to think, Brick had actually looked forward to seeing Ryan. Now, he wished he hadn’t contacted him. But it was too late to change that now.

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