Home > A Cowboy Kind of Love (Heart of Texas #6)(51)

A Cowboy Kind of Love (Heart of Texas #6)(51)
Author: Donna Grant

Mona shrugged one shoulder. “I knew the moment I heard they’d brought a gunshot victim in that it was you. It was a sign from God. You were delivered to me to give Boyd a second chance at killing you.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if he left? Why chance things?”

“You know too much!”

Mona’s outburst shocked Taryn. The nurse had been mild-mannered at first and calm until just then. It was the first chink in Mona’s armor that Taryn had seen. “You mean because I can give the Feds all kinds of information that will make charges stick?”

“That isn’t going to happen.”

“Your son is a criminal. He will pay for his crimes one way or another.”

Mona threw back her head and issued a bark of laughter. “Why? Because he makes money? Because he is good at what he does?”

“Because he’s a murderer and a drug dealer.”

Mona rolled her eyes. “Everyone kills someone.”

“I never have.”

In response, Mona just stared at her.

Taryn’s blood went cold at what Mona’s silence stated.

“You should see your face,” Mona said with a chuckle. “You have disrupted my son’s life. You’ve taken away his love. And you will pay dearly for it.”

“I’ve already paid by being kept prisoner and forced to sell drugs, watching first my father, and then my brother be killed.” Taryn shook her head. “Oh, I’ve paid.”

The sound of an elevator dinging reached them. Then footsteps. They were distant at first but quickly grew closer and closer. Taryn knew it was Boyd. Mona’s smile was proof of that.

Taryn looked around, trying to find a way to get free or at least defend herself, but Mona had chosen the location wisely. Not only was it isolated from everyone and everything else, but nothing in the room could be used as a weapon—or for protection. And the only way in or out was the door they had entered through, the same one Boyd was about to appear in.

Jace. I love you.

Taryn wouldn’t get to tell him that again, but he knew. He had waited for her all these years. That was proof of his love. The last few days with Jace ran through her head on fast forward—the kisses, the laughter, the conversations, the love. She had found the love of her life, but unfortunately, family and bad decisions had ruined the happiness she could’ve had. At least she’d had a little time with him. It hadn’t been nearly enough, but some was better than nothing.

Boyd’s frame filled the doorway. He no longer wore his sardonic smile. His face was grim and smudged with dirt. His clothes were in disarray. Fury laced his blue eyes. “Thank you, Momma.”

“Anything for you, my sweet.”

Boyd walked to Mona and took the gun from her before he turned to Taryn. “I wish I had time to make you truly suffer as I have suffered this night. It’s going to be enough to watch you die.”

“I’ve had to listen to your mother. I don’t want to hear your whining, as well. Just shut up and pull the trigger,” Taryn told him.

His nostrils flared. “You took my Payton from me.”

“I didn’t pull the trigger.”

“You’re still responsible. You’re the one who brought Jace and the others to my compound.”

Taryn rolled her eyes. “Payton even said you were expecting them. It isn’t anyone’s fault but your own for not being more prepared.”

“She was killed by a sniper!” Boyd shouted, spittle flying from his mouth. He drew in a deep breath and cocked the pistol as he aimed it at her. “And you will die for it.”

Taryn looked down the barrel, steeling herself. She wanted to cry, to beg, to reach out for Jace, but she was alone with two lunatics. And it was entirely her fault because she’d left recovery. All she could hope was that Jace had helped to track down Boyd. She prayed that Cooper and the others would stop Jace from killing Boyd, though, because the last thing she wanted was to have Jace end up in jail over some lowlife like Boyd Walters.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” Boyd said as his finger curled around the trigger.

Near the door, movement drew Taryn’s attention as someone dove for Boyd, taking him to the ground and causing the gun to clatter and slide across the floor.

Taryn looked from the gun to Mona. Without a second thought, Taryn leapt from the chair.



Chapter 32

Jace was the first one out of the stairwell. They had taken the stairs in an attempt to keep from alerting Mona or anyone else to their arrival. Jace’s hands felt empty without a weapon, but right now, all he wanted was to find Taryn—preferably unharmed.

He hated that he hadn’t listened to his instincts earlier and gone to find Taryn himself. If he had, he might have prevented everything that was happening now. Jace knew it was foolish to let his mind wander down such paths. He needed to focus on the facts at hand and come up with ways to defuse the potential situation.

If he got to Taryn in time.

Jace inwardly kicked himself. He couldn’t think like that. So many things could happen. He needed to be prepared for any eventuality. But if Taryn had gotten hurt in any way, Jace would hunt Boyd down and exact his revenge—no matter how long it took.

He glanced behind him, meeting Bobby’s gaze. Despite his and Bobby’s attempts to keep Dr. Patel and Chad away, both physicians were with them. Jace put his finger to his lips to warn them not to make a sound. The pair nodded silently.

Jace looked both ways down the short corridor before turning left and heading to the main hall and the elevator. He heard voices and strained to hear Taryn’s. When he did, he had to stop himself from rushing to her.

As they reached the main foyer, Jace slowed when he heard something. He motioned for the doctors to stay back as he and Bobby took up their positions. Bobby was the first around the corner, his weapon drawn. Jace followed right after—and found himself staring into familiar eyes.

“Jace,” Ryan said in a shocked whisper. “What the fuck?”

“We could ask the same thing,” Bobby replied.

Before Jace could reply, Danny leaned to the side and jerked his thumb over his shoulder to where they could still hear talking.

Jace touched Bobby’s shoulder to get him to lower his gun. Then he whispered, “We need to move fast.”

“Boyd’s here,” Ryan mouthed.

Jace’s gaze moved down the semi-lit hallway, trying to determine which room they might be in. He motioned for his friends and Bobby to move stealthily. Then he looked back and held up his palm to tell the doctors to stay put. Thankfully, Dr. Patel and Chad listened, though they leaned around the corner to watch them.

At the sound of Boyd’s bellow, Jace’s heart skipped a beat. Then he saw the blur of a shadow diving into the room. Without a word to the others, Jace ran.


* * *


In her efforts to get the gun, Taryn had forgotten the wound on her right shoulder and instinctively reached with that arm. She landed heavily on the injury and cried out from the pain that washed over her. Still, she didn’t take her eyes off the gun. She landed inches from it. So close, but yet so far.

Behind her, she heard a struggle. She wanted to look at whoever had come into the room and to see where Mona was, but Taryn didn’t dare. She feared if she took her eyes off the weapon, it would disappear.

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