Home > A Cowboy Kind of Love (Heart of Texas #6)(52)

A Cowboy Kind of Love (Heart of Texas #6)(52)
Author: Donna Grant

Something slammed into her left ribs, knocking the breath from her lungs. She gripped that side, only realizing when she was hit again that Mona was kicking her. Something warm and wet dripped from her wounded shoulder. Taryn ignored it and tried to push herself to the gun with her feet and her good arm.

She moved slightly, but it wasn’t enough. And she couldn’t take another kick from Mona. Pain blinded her, but she knew if she didn’t get the gun, she was dead. She had no choice but to push through the agony that radiated through her body. Out of the corner of her eye, Taryn saw Mona swing back her leg to kick once more. Taryn shifted onto her side and swept her right leg forward, knocking Mona on her ass, hard. Taryn used that to her advantage and pulled herself forward with both hands. She got close enough to put her fingers on the gun, but before she could get the weapon in hand, Mona’s foot connected with her head. A moment later, a loud crash sounded as the wheelchair toppled over, and Boyd and whoever fought him crashed onto her legs.

Taryn couldn’t hold back the yell of pain. Tears stung her eyes as she looked at the gun, once more only a few inches from her. But with the men rolling around on her legs, she couldn’t move.

She heard a snap, and the men stopped moving. Taryn glanced over her shoulder to see Boyd’s head hanging at an odd angle as he sat on the floor. Her gaze lifted, and Taryn found herself staring into Brick’s brown eyes. She wasn’t sure she registered the truth of what was going on through her haze of pain.

Mona let out a half-scream, half-bellow at the sight of her dead son. Taryn swung her head around and stretched out her wounded arm for the gun, but Mona’s fingers wrapped around the grip and lifted it, firing three shots into Brick’s chest.

Taryn watched, horrified, as Brick’s body jerked with each impact. With tears streaming down her face, Mona turned the weapon on Taryn. Taryn steeled herself, knowing this was likely the end. When the gun went off, she jerked, expecting to feel more pain, but there was nothing. A heartbeat of silence passed, then multiple rounds were fired—all into Mona. The woman’s feet slipped out from under her as she slid to the floor, the gun falling from her fingers as her lifeless eyes stared at Taryn.

Relief slammed into Taryn, but it was quickly drowned out by the surging pain radiating throughout her body. All Taryn wanted to do was close her eyes and sink into the waiting darkness.

“Baby? Baby, I need you to look at me. Come on, Taryn, turn those beautiful green eyes my way.”

She pulled herself from the brink as she registered Jace’s voice. She met his gaze and saw happiness fill his face as a tear fell from his eye. Her own tears came then as it dawned on her that, somehow, she had come out of this alive.

Suddenly, people swarmed the room. A woman barked orders from somewhere behind Jace. Dimly, Taryn heard someone tell her to ready herself. She was about to ask what for when they moved her. Taryn cried out, dark spots dotting her vision. Somehow, she managed to stay conscious. Jace didn’t let go of her hand even when they put her on a gurney and wheeled her out of the room.

As they left, Taryn saw Ryan and Danny near Brick as hospital staff worked to save him. But by the looks on their faces, it wasn’t good.

“It’s over,” Jace murmured next to her face.

She looked at him and saw the lights over his head moving faster and faster. He smiled and said something, but she couldn’t make it out as she lost consciousness.


* * *


Jace had washed Taryn’s blood from his hands and arms again, but it was still on his clothing. He paced the area, waiting to hear from Dr. Patel for a second time. FBI agents were stationed all over the hospital now. Not that it mattered since Boyd and Mona were both dead. But the remaining men in Boyd’s organization might think to attack.


Jace turned to find Cooper standing with a cup of coffee extended in his direction. Jace accepted it. “Thanks.”

“She’s going to be fine.”

Jace took a drink, not caring that it didn’t have nearly enough sugar in it. He was drained emotionally, mentally, and physically. All he wanted was to hold his wife in his arms. He forced himself to sit in one of the chairs. “Did you find out anything from Ryan or Danny?”

“Did I,” Cooper said with his brows raised. He sank into a chair diagonal to Jace’s. “Turns out, Brick is Ryan’s cousin. He was also the undercover agent.”

“Well, shit.”

Cooper nodded. “I’m pretty sure I said that exact same thing. By the way, you can thank Ryan for Payton. He was the sniper.”

Jace leaned forward and braced his forearms on his knees. “Son of a bitch.”

“He saved Taryn, and I’m certain he saved our asses, as well.”

“I’m in agreement. How is Brick?”

Cooper’s smile faded as his lips twisted ruefully. “I haven’t heard. By the time Myles and I got to the basement, they had already taken Brick into surgery. I don’t know where Ryan is. Danny was there and filled us in on everything. If y’all hadn’t gotten there when you did…”

“I know.” Jace dropped his chin to his chest. “I’ll never forget hearing those gunshots. When I turned the corner and saw Boyd’s mother aiming the gun at Taryn, everything went into slow motion.” Jace raised his head to look at Cooper. “I didn’t have a weapon, but I was going to do whatever was needed to stop Mona. Ryan was right behind me and got off the first shot before Mona could pull the trigger. Danny and Bobby joined in, ending any attempt Mona had at killing Taryn.”

Cooper blew out a breath. “It’s been a hell of a day.”

Jace was about to reply when Dr. Patel filled the doorway. She was still in her scrubs, a cap covering her hair, and a face mask around her neck. He jumped up and rushed to her. It was only when she smiled that he allowed himself to breathe.

“I’ve repaired the damage to Taryn’s shoulder,” the doctor said. “Her ribs are bruised from the kicking, but there is no other damage. We also gave her some blood to help with the amount she lost. She’s in recovery now if you want to see her.”

Jace hurried past her. Then he looked over his shoulder and said, “Thanks, doc!”

His heart pounded with excitement as he found Taryn. He exchanged a smile with the nurse currently checking Taryn’s vitals. Then his gaze landed on his wife. She was still unconscious, but just looking at her made him happy.

He didn’t want to think about how many people had tried to kill her or the trauma she had endured, but they would have to face it. He had some experience with these kinds of things, so he could help. Taryn was one of the strongest people he knew. She would get through it, and he would be there to help her through both the good days and the bad.

Her hand twitched on the bed. Jace walked around to the side and slipped his fingers around hers. Her lids fluttered open, and her beautiful green eyes met his.

“Hello, darlin’. ’Bout time you joined us,” he said with a smile.

Her lips curved in response. “Jace.”

“I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

“Love you,” she whispered as her eyes closed once more.

Jace leaned over and kissed her forehead. And though she couldn’t hear him because she had drifted back to sleep, he said, “And I love you.”

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