Home > Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(58)

Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(58)
Author: Allie Everhart

"Remember that girl who tortured me back in junior high?"

"I kind of remember you talking about her. The one who was only here a few months?"

"Yeah. Her mom bought the salon and she's helping to run it."

"It's Kari," Brad says to Nate. "The girl you set me up with."

"No shit?"

"Yeah, I went to the salon today to get my hair cut and there she was. She was being a total bitch to Riley. I would've quit too."

"You quit?" Nate asks.

"Yeah," I say. "And so did my mom. I can't work for Kari. I'll find something else."

"Like what? Riley, you've looked for jobs before and nothing pays as well as the salon."

"I don't care. I'd rather work three jobs than have to work for Kari."

"So you and your mom are both out of work," Nate says, sounding annoyed.

"We didn't have a choice. We can't work for them."

"Riley, nobody likes their boss. That doesn't mean you quit."

"Let it go, Nate," Brad says. "This is Riley's decision, not yours."

"But it's the wrong one. And as her friend, I have to tell her that."

"As my friend, you should support me," I say, my voice cracking. I don't want to cry, but I'm about to after hearing Nate second-guess my decision, making me feel stupid for leaving my job when I have no money.

"Nate, we have to go. We'll see you at the pool." Brad ends the call. "Don't listen to him."

"But what if he's right? What if I made the wrong decision?"

"You made the decision that's right for you. You can't go there every day and be treated like that. Kari will only get worse. You made the right decision. Forget what Nate said." He slows down, then does a U-turn, heading toward the road that goes to the pool. "You need to go back and get anything?"

"No. My stuff's in my locker."

I'm quiet the rest of the ride, wondering if I shouldn't have quit. Nate always does this to me. He makes me question my decisions and doubt my ability to make them.

Why can't Nate be more like Brad? Why can't he support me, even if he doesn't agree with me?

"It's been a good day," Brad says as he parks in the lot outside the pool.

"Good?" I look at him like he's lost his mind. "It's one of the worst days ever."

"Even the part where I told you I love you?"

"Well, no. That part was good."

He takes my hand. "Think about that and forget the other stuff. It'll all work out. You said so yourself."

"Only to make April feel better. I'm not sure I believe it."

"Guess you'll have to wait and see." He lets go of my hand and we get out of the SUV.


I turn back and see Nate racing up to me. "Hi, Nate."

He glances at Brad. "Go on inside. I need to talk to her."

I nod at Brad to go on without me. When he's out of earshot, Nate says, "About what I said earlier. Brad's right. It's your decision. I just didn't want you quitting because you don't get along with someone."

"It's more than that. If I stayed, Kari would go out of her way to make my life miserable. And her mom is just as bad. I told you how she—"

"Yeah. I know. So do what you need to do, okay?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Let's go." He walks off, motioning for me to follow him. I do, but I don't feel any better after what he said. His words were right, but his tone wasn't sincere. He still thinks I shouldn't have quit.

When the pool closes at five, Nate invites me to go to dinner, but I tell him I'm tired and want to go home. Brad tells him he's going out for drinks with a guy he met at the gym. We're both lying. The truth is, Brad is picking me up and we're going out.

I used to feel bad lying to Nate, but I don't anymore. I'm tired of feeling guilty for being with Brad. Just because Nate wouldn't like it doesn't make it wrong. It's not wrong to be with someone who makes me happy. Someone I love and who loves me back.

I can't believe Brad loves me. I keep thinking it was a dream and he didn't really say it.

"How's your mom?" Brad asks when he picks me up. I was waiting outside and jumped in as soon as he pulled up.

"Better than I thought she'd be. She wasn't drinking."

"Did you guys talk at all?"

"No. She didn't want to. She went in her room to sleep. Lou's coming over at seven, so the later we stay out the better."

"How about all night? We could sleep in the back."

I laugh. "Yeah, okay."

"I mean it. This thing's got plenty of room. If I put the seats down, it's just like a bed. I even have a sleeping bag if you get cold."

"I think Nate's mom would notice if you didn't come home."

"I'm an adult. I can do what I want."

"But she'd worry. She'd call police and have them looking for you. Or she'd call your parents. Hey, are they still coming here this weekend?"

"They say they are, but I'll believe it when I see it. You're still coming to dinner with us, right?"

"I will, but I'm nervous they won't like me. I guess it doesn't matter. They don't know we're dating. They'll just think I'm Nate's friend."

He rolls down his window. "It's a nice night. You want to get some dinner and eat at the lake?"

"We don't have a lake."

"Not in town, but there's that one just outside of town. Let's try it. It's something we haven't done before."


We stop and get dinner, then drive out to the lake. Nobody's there because it's just a lake. There's no picnic tables or benches to sit on. But the lake's pretty to look at, and it's nice having the place to ourselves.

When we're finished eating, Brad puts the seats down in the back of the SUV and we lie there, looking out at the lake.

"I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow," I say, watching the ripples in the water.

"You have the pool."

"Not until the afternoon. I'm used to getting up early and going to the salon."

"You'll find another job."

"But what if I don't?" I turn on my side, facing him.

He does the same, his eyes locking with mine. "Come with me."


"To New York. Come with me. It's a huge city. There are plenty of jobs."

"Brad, you know I can't leave here. Not when my mom's such a mess."

"Your mom will be fine. If you come with me, we could be together. This wouldn't have to end after the summer."

"Is that what's going to happen? We're breaking up?"

"I wasn't planning on it but..." He looks down. "I guess I don't know."

"We can't really keep this going if you're halfway across the country. So I guess that's our answer." I choke up at the thought of having to tell him goodbye. Up until now, I haven't let my mind go there, choosing to believe the summer would never end. But it will, and soon. It's July. Brad's leaving next month.

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