Home > Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(62)

Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(62)
Author: Allie Everhart

The doorbell rings.

"Nate, would you get that?" my mom says, knowing it's Riley. She wants us to be friends again, but I doubt that'll happen. I don't think it's even possible after what she did.

"Brad can get it," I say.

"Nate," my mom says in her warning voice.

I reluctantly walk to the door and open it. Riley is there, wearing a sleeveless cotton dress that's white with little pink flowers on it. She's going for the sweet and demure look for Brad's parents, but it won't win them over. They'll still think she's trash when they find out she lives in a trailer and didn't go to college.

"Hi, Nate," she says, glancing at me.

"Hey." I'm trying not to look at her, but I keep doing it. She looks beautiful. If I wasn't so mad at her, I'd tell her that, and then give her a hug like I used to when we were friends. It's hard not to do that when I'm around her, which is why I can't be around her.

"Riley, come on in," my mom says. "I want you to meet Brad's parents."

She walks over to them.

"This is Brad's mom, Sheryl, and her husband, John."

"Hi, I'm Riley."

They all shake hands.

"You're Nate's friend?" Aunt Sheryl asks. "The one he talks about all the time?"

"Yes." Riley looks over at me. "We've been friends forever."

"It's nice when a boy and girl can be friends without it becoming more." Aunt Sheryl looks at me, smiling. "Or IS it more?"

"They're just friends," my mom rushes to say.

I narrow my eyes at Brad. "Riley already has a boyfriend."

His eyes lock on mine. "Nate, why don't we—"

"She's dating Brad," I say.

Aunt Sheryl laughs. "Oh, Nate, you're such a kidder. Why don't we all get going? We don't want to miss our reservation."

"I wasn't kidding, Aunt Sheryl. Brad's dating Riley. They've been dating all summer."

"Is this true?" Uncle John says to Brad. He'll be even more upset than my aunt that they're dating. He's a total snob. He keeps trying to set Brad up with the daughters of his rich snobby friends.

"Yeah," Brad says, his eyes going to Riley.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Aunt Sheryl asks.

"I never tell you who I'm dating."

"Sheryl, you were right," my mom says. "We should get going."

My mom walks to the door while my aunt and uncle give Brad a look that says they'll be talking about this later. Brad pretends not to notice and follows my mom to the door. His parents go next.

Riley and I are last to leave, and as I'm locking up, she whispers, "You really had to tell them?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm not a liar. I believe in telling people the truth."

"That's why you waited years to tell me you love me? I thought we were just friends, but the whole time you were planning a future with me. You don't consider that lying?"

"I was figuring out my feelings. I didn't know for sure how I felt until just a few months ago." I walk off.

"Liar," I hear her say.

We get to the restaurant, and as we're eating dinner, Brad's parents start questioning Riley, which I knew they would after I told them she's dating their son. They already know a little about Riley from what I've told them over the years. They know she's poor, didn't go to college, and has a crazy mom. That alone is enough for them to not approve of her, and their disapproval might be enough for Brad to break up with her.

"Where do you work?" Aunt Sheryl asks Riley.

"At the pool." Riley chews on her lip, which she does when she's nervous. "I'm a lifeguard with Nate and Brad."

"And where else?" Aunt Sheryl asks. "I assume you have another job?"

"I used to. I worked at a hair salon, but it didn't work out so I'm looking for other jobs."

"Do you plan to stay here in town?" Uncle John asks.

"I don't think so." She looks at Brad, who's beside her.

"You're moving?" I ask from across the table.

Brad puts his arm around her. "She's moving to New York with me."

"She's WHAT?" I shove my chair back to stand up, but my mom grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Nate," she says under her breath.

I remain seated and push my chair back in, the whole time glaring at Brad. He stole Riley from me and now he's taking her away? To New York? That was supposed to be ME. I was the one who was going to get her out of this stupid town. Get her away from her mom. But she refused. She said she had to stay here. What she really meant is that she didn't want to go with me.

"That's quite a surprise," my mom says.

"It certainly is," Uncle John says. "Brad, I think we need to discuss this before you make any plans."

"The plans are already being made," he says. "Instead of living in the dorms, Riley and I are getting an apartment. We've already started looking."

Uncle John clears his throat. "Brad, you're aware of our financial constraints. Apartments in New York are—"

"Expensive. I know. Which is why I'll be using some of my college money to pay for it. Riley will get a job to help out, and if I'm able to, I'll get a job too."

Aunt Sheryl looks at Uncle John, then back at Brad. "We'll discuss this later. When we get home."

"Mom, there's nothing to discuss. We've made our decision. Riley and I are moving to New York. I don't know why this is an issue. I'm still going to medical school. The only thing changing is I won't be living in the dorms."

"Honey, this isn't the time," his mom says. "We'll talk when we get home."

"About what? What else is there to say?"

Uncle John sighs and sets his fork down. "We have some things to tell you. That's why we're here. We didn't want to tell you over the phone."

"What do you need to tell me?" Brad asks, pushing his plate aside. He barely touched his meal, and neither did his parents.

"Wait until we get back to your aunt's house," Uncle John says.

Brad tosses his napkin on the table and leans back in his chair. "Just tell me now."

Uncle John looks across the table at Aunt Sheryl, who's sitting next to Brad and Riley. I'm sitting next to Uncle John with my mom on my other side. Up until now, I hadn't even noticed Brad's parents aren't sitting together.

I think I just figured out why they're here.

"Your father and I have separated," my aunt says to Brad. "He's already moved out. This week we'll be filing the paperwork for the divorce."

Brad folds his arms over his chest. "That's it?"

Riley looks at him, along with the rest of us.

"What?" he says. "I knew this was coming. It's not like it was a surprise."

"Honey, things will be changing," his mom says. "I'll be selling the house."

"I figured you would." Brad takes a breath. "Anything else?"

My aunt and uncle exchange glances.

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