Home > Love Me Like I Love You(113)

Love Me Like I Love You(113)
Author: Willow Winters

“Screw you.” I released my arms as he took a step back, still wishing I could punch that annoying smirk off his face.

He laughed. “Just wanted to make sure you were serious about our girl.”

“My girl.”

He shook his head, chuckling as he walked back to his truck. “Fine. Your girl.” He climbed into the driver’s seat, leaning his arm and head out the open window. "But break her heart again, then the two of us will have a problem.”

As he drove away, I shook my head with a small smile of my own. If I broke her heart again, Wes wouldn’t have to worry, I’d be kicking my own ass, followed by what I was sure would be a line of people.



Damn. I shook out my hands, blowing out a deep breath as I climbed up the steps leading to the porch. What’s wrong with me? I hadn’t been this nervous about picking up a woman for a date since high school.

I’d called Hannah as soon as I got off work to ask her on an official date. With harvest looming in the morning, this was the last evening I’d have to spend with her where I wasn’t dead beat from a long day of work. I rushed home to shower feeling like I was on cloud nine after she said yes. Now, I felt like I was gonna lose my lunch.

I tugged at the collar of my shirt, hoping I wasn’t as sweaty as I felt. As inconspicuously as possible, in case she happened to see me out the window, I sniffed near my shoulder, making sure my cologne and deodorant were doing their jobs.

I raised my fist to knock on the door, but it flung open before I could. Wes filled the frame, his posture hard as steel, chin jutted with his hands on his hips. “Miller.” He gave me a curt nod in greeting, his eyes holding a threat in them.

“Monroe.” I replied in the same manner.

“I suppose you’re here to take out Hannah.”

“Yeah. Is she ready?”


“On what?”

“What your intentions are for toni—”

“Wes!” Hannah slapped at his back, cutting him off. She pushed around his large frame, shoving at his arm to move him out of the way.

He smirked, barely moving an inch as she sidestepped in front of him. “Ignore him. I think he’s slightly demented. I’m not sure why his family hasn’t put him in a mental institution.” She snatched my hand, tugging me down the steps with her.

“If that’s the case, you think it’s safe you’re staying with him?” I teased with a grin, opening the passenger door for her.

“He’s harmless. Just a moron.” She lifted her foot, grabbing onto the door while hoisting herself up, putting that round ass of hers in those skin-tight jeans on display for me.

I placed my hand at the small of her back, helping to support her as she climbed in.

“Hands to yourself, Miller! And I expect her home by midnight!” Wes called from the front steps.

Hannah glared at him over my shoulder. I chuckled, leaning in to drop a kiss to her cheek before closing the door. Facing toward Wes, I flipped him the bird as I walked around to the other side of the truck. He let out a low laugh, disappearing back inside.

“Where are we going?” she asked as I climbed in across from her.

“It’s a surprise. And don’t tell me you don’t like surprises, because I’m pretty sure you liked the one last night.”

She smiled as she buckled her seat belt, her eyes bright as the sun. “Okay. I won’t argue.”

“Good. Now, before you get your hopes up, I want you to know there will be no sex on this date.”

“What if I want sex?”

“Too bad, I’m putting this bad boy under lock and key. You’re gonna have to work for it. Two dates minimum.”

“Technically we could count this as date two. Last night at the water tower could be considered our first date.”

“Sorry, blondie. A date starts and ends with me picking you up and dropping you off at your place.”

A small smirk worked onto her face. “We’ll see,” she said with a rebellious jut of her chin.

“I’m serious. I’m not putting out.” I battled back my own smile, starting the truck and flipping it around toward the main road.

“Mm-hmm. Okay.”



I shifted the truck into park, glancing over at Hannah, wanting to see her reaction. Her eyebrow arched as she grinned back at me, all beauty and confidence.

“I’m starting to think you have an aversion to public places.”

“Or maybe I’m just not good at sharing,” I teased, hopping out of the truck.

I’d said it as a joke, but it was the truth when it came to Hannah. Even if the options weren’t limited in Billingsley, I’d still bring her to a secluded field just to have her all to myself. I didn’t want to deal with the gossiping looks or the interruptions by familiar faces, wanting to chat and catch up on shit they already knew. Hannah was my focus. The only one I wanted to be with, talk with.

I jogged around the front, opening her door and helping her out. She looked around the desolate field of grass, the sun setting over the river that ran through the property, painting the sky with pastels. I dropped the tailgate, climbing up to spread out the blanket, pillows, and picnic I’d brought for us. She waited on the ground, her eyes following my every move.

“You want some help?”

“Nope. Got it covered.” I smiled over my shoulder.

When I had it all set up, I jumped back to the ground, landing beside her.

“You went all out,” she said, her eyes taking in the spread of food and champagne.

“Only the best for my girl,” I said, curling my fingers around one of her hands. I used my other to tuck a few loose strands of her hair that were being whipped around by the breeze.

Her eyes fell to the ground, her cheeks lifting with her shy smile—a complete contradiction to the confident woman I’d grown to know. My chest pounded as I swallowed back the emotion. This woman had me all twisted up inside. Wanting more. Frustrated I couldn’t have it. She’d be my undoing. I was sure of it.

I gripped her chin, lifting her eyes back to mine. Her lips parted. An invitation. I slanted my head, brushing my mouth against hers. She clung to my shoulders and my cock twitched. Taking a step back, I lifted her into my arms. She squealed with a laugh as she latched onto my neck. I gave her one more kiss before resting her on the tailgate.

“Where are we?” she asked as she waited for me to climb up with her.

“Just north of Lottie and Tucker’s place.”

“Are we trespassing again?”

I pulled her into my arms, stealing another touch, staring down at her big, bright eyes. “Let’s just say I know the owner and they won’t mind.”

“Billy Miller, if you get me arrested on any of these dates, I’ll never forgive you.” Her hands slipped into my back pockets. Torturing. Teasing the desperation I felt being completely wrapped up in this woman.

“You mean you don’t like being my Bonnie?”

“Hell no. I’m not taking a bullet for any man, not even one as charming as you, cowboy,” she goaded, a hint of a smile playing on her face.

I smacked her ass before dipping her back to plant another kiss on her. She shrieked, her arms locking around my neck. I pulled her back upright. “I guess it’s a good thing I own it then.”

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