Home > Royally Fake Fiance (Royally Wrong, #2)(37)

Royally Fake Fiance (Royally Wrong, #2)(37)
Author: Lee Savino

The breath leaves my body. This is it.

My aunt’s shoulders wilt. Her aura of power slips for a moment, leaving nothing but a petite, forty-something woman with a worn expression. “They still don't know, Benedict. Oh, a few of them might guess. But your secret is safe. For now.” Her voice hardens. “I told you to fix it. I trust in your ability to shoulder responsibility. To do your duty.” She fixes me with a gimlet stare. “Can I count on you?”

There’s a lump of coal in my throat. I swallow and nod. “I’ll fix it.”

The queen continues to stare at me for a long moment, then shakes her head and swans past me, heading back to her advisors. “See that you do.”





“You never told me,” Mina says. I’m sitting in one of the manor’s many parlors, on the couch with my laptop in front of me and my legs tucked up under a duvet. “I always wondered why you left home so young and never really went back.”

Benedict is still in audience with the queen. Daniel had to leave to run interference with the press, but not before making sure I felt supported. He encouraged me to talk to someone trustworthy about everything—he even offered a therapist, which I declined. Instead, I promised to reach out to Mina. To prove it, I set up my laptop and messaged her right in front of him. Even with the time difference, she was awake—probably never went to sleep.

Daniel was right. Sharing my secret shame with trusted friends did make me feel better. I wish I hadn’t waited so long.

“I think,” I say slowly, still turning my reasons over in my head, “I was sure the Cawthornes would get my parents fired. My folks worked at the resort for years—it was the biggest employer in town. If they lost their jobs, they’d probably lose our house.” I shrug, and grab a tissue to blow my nose. I’ve already cried a few tears, now I’m feeling more calm. “I was young; I didn’t know what else to do.”

Mina’s silent for a second. Then she growls, “I want to destroy these motherfuckers. Starting with Douchey McDouche face.”

“No, it’s all right.” I wave the tissue. “Please don’t.”

“Are you sure? Cawthorne Holdings might be worth billions, but I bet their computer security is crap. I can sneak in, find their vulnerabilities. Create a zero day exploit and sell it to the highest bidder…” She’s typing on her computer now, so fast, it sounds like her fingers are crashing on the keys.

I wrinkle my nose. “I don’t know what that means but it sounds bad.”

“It is.” She stops typing for a moment and looks straight into the camera. Her grin would make a shark swim in the opposite direction. “We could topple their entire business, and make a fortune.”

“No.” I sit up. “Nothing illegal.’”

“It’s only illegal if we get caught,” she singsongs.

“Absolutely not. Mina,” I say in a firm tone, channeling my inner duchess. “I don’t want you risking anything for me. Besides,” I add in a softer voice, “I don't want to spend another second thinking about that family.”

“Fair enough. But the offer stands.”

The murmur of deep voices just outside the door catches my attention. Benedict’s back, for better or worse.

“I have to go.” I blow Mina a kiss. The call ends and I close my laptop, setting it aside. I haven’t dressed up for my day yet.

When I step out into the hall, only Daniel’s there. I have to call his name twice before he answers. His fists and jaw are clenched.

“Daniel?” I approach with caution. “Where’s Benedict?”

“His Royal Arrogance is in the study,” Daniel grits out. “You can go in when you’re ready.”

I move past him, but on impulse, I put my hand on Daniel’s rigid arm. “It’ll be okay.” My heart is sinking but my voice is steady.

After a second he sighs and shakes his head. “I told him we could find another way. If he’s not willing to fight for you at least as hard as he’s fought for the throne then he doesn’t deserve—”

I raise a hand to stop the torrent. “Don't be hard on him, Daniel. He was raised this way.”

“That’s no excuse.”

“Not for someone like Chadwick. But Benedict’s trying to do the honorable thing. Besides, things were clear from the beginning. This was always meant to come to an end.”

Daniel’s shoulders lower an inch. “I suppose. We’ll take care of you, Frankie. As far as I’m concerned, you upheld your end of the deal.”

I hold back a snort. “We both know I made things worse.”

“Yes, well,” he glares at the closed door to the room Benedict’s using as his study, “I won’t abandon you.” Unlike him, is his unspoken addition.

“It was fun while it lasted.” On impulse, I pop up on tiptoe and kiss Daniel’s cheek. “Time to exit stage right.”

He watches me sadly as I go into Benedict’s study and close the door.

The only light is from the window. Benedict stands in front of it, his large form framed by the dark curtains.

This is it. The final act.

I open my mouth and try to remember my lines.

“I know it’s time for me to go. I’ll coordinate with Daniel in case you need anything else from me.” I run out of words, and Benedict still hasn’t turned around. Maybe it’s too painful for him.

I know this is for the best. I know our relationship was all an act. If there was a moment I thought I could play the part perfectly enough to make it real, I was only fooling myself. In another life, we might belong together. What I told Daniel was true—I had fun. It was a game, and I enjoyed some of it: sparring with Lady Ursaline, fooling dignitaries, and seducing Benedict.

I’ll miss those things. But most of all, I’ll miss being with Benedict. Not His Grace. Not the Minister of Finance or future Crown Prince. Just Benedict.

But at least I got the chance to be with him, even for a little while.

“Thank you,” I say. “For everything.”

The duke’s shoulders are strong and square, filling the window frame. I wait another minute and then nod to no one. He’s not going to turn around. Maybe it’s his way of making things easy. Sucking all his emotion inside so he can do his duty.

It hurts my heart, but it’s not my place to help anymore.

My hand is on the door handle when I hear him say, “If I could change things, I would.” His voice is rough and low.

But he doesn’t say any more, and he doesn’t turn around.

“Goodbye, your Grace,” I murmur, and leave.



Chapter 14





The press conference in which Daniel announces my break up with Frankie was brief. It went well, I’m told. I wanted to do it, but Daniel said this was better. My next appearance in public should be focused on new initiatives from the Ministry of Finance. Focus on playing the part of a responsible leader for this country. I didn’t realize how much I was faking until Frankie entered my life and turned it upside down. Like a movie in black and white flipped to technicolor—I didn’t know what I was missing until I had more.

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