Home > Royally Fake Fiance (Royally Wrong, #2)(41)

Royally Fake Fiance (Royally Wrong, #2)(41)
Author: Lee Savino

I make a noise of protest and she waves it away. “You make a living moving around and living alone, with no one to talk to but a dog, or cat, or the occasional parrot. You never even leave the houses you stay in, if you can help it.”

She’s not wrong, but the best defense is a good offense. “Oh, like you can talk, Mina,” I scoff. “You told me you once didn’t leave your apartment for six months. You would’ve gone longer if the roof hadn’t leaked.”

“That’s different.” Mina waves it off. “I’m different. I’m a mushroom. Or a vampire. A mushroom vampire. I do best in darkness and solitude. As long as I have computers, I have friends.”

I start to argue, and she overrides me. “But you, Frankie,” she shakes my shoulders lightly, “you weren’t meant to hide. You were meant to shine.”

Her compliment hits me hard, and I bite back tears.

“You've been hiding, Frankie. And you’re too gorgeous and wonderful to hide away. You had more thorns around you than Sleeping Beauty’s castle. And then a handsome duke broke you out.”

“Technically, Elvis the parrot did,” Daniel puts in.

“Whatever.” Mina is undeterred. “He broke you out, and put you in the spotlight where you belong. And then you,” she shakes my shoulders again, “you returned the favor. You set him free.”

“He’s been happier than he’s been in years,” Daniel adds. “Ever. Since I’ve known him. When he was with you, he smiled. He used to smile only when it was time to audit the War Department. Now, he smiles for no reason.”

“Not no reason,” Mina corrects Daniel, and looks back at me. “You’re the reason.”

“You’re the reason,” Daniel agrees. “It’s a fairytale.”

“It’s a fucking fairytale,” Mina repeats. “You even sing with birds, like a Disney princess. It’s so cute, it makes me want to puke.”

I laugh and wipe my eyes. “You guys are too nice,” I whisper.

“No, we’re not,” Mina says. “But it’s for your own good.” She winds her arm around me. I think she’s trying to hug me, so I reciprocate. She says something else, but it’s muffled by our hug.

“Pardon me?” I draw back.

“Don't run away.” Her dark brown eyes are deadly serious. Her arms clamp around me tightly.

A mic on stage squeaks. A man has taken the stage, approaching a podium that wasn't there three minutes ago. He’s tall, dark, and sinfully hot in a suit.


Now Daniel has an arm linked with mine. He and Mina are hanging on to me as if I'm about to rear and gallop off like a wild horse.

But I don’t move. I can't take my eyes off the stage.

Benedict looks a tad thinner. He’s the only one wearing a suit to an outdoor movie night. If he could legislate Casual Fridays out of existence, he probably would. I bite my lip. I had planned to introduce him to the concept of leisure wear if we ever moved in together.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Benedict announces, and the crowd quiets down. “Welcome to the first classic movie night and fireworks in the park. The first of many. Made possible by our Treasury department.” He takes a deep breath, and looks straight at me. “But first, we need to thank the woman who made it all possible. She gave me the idea, you see.”

My heart seizes. Mina and Daniel let go of my arms.

“Go,” my friends urge.

I rise on shaking legs. It’s just theater. It’s just an act. But I don’t know what part I’m supposed to play.

All I know is the man I love is on stage, and I might be terrified, but I can’t walk away.

The stage creaks a little under my first step. But I gain confidence as I walk. Enough to pull off my headscarf. There’s a gasp from the audience but I don’t waver. Benedict is waiting for me.

I’m glad Daniel did my hair.

I halt a few feet away, not sure what to do. Benedict steps away from the mic, but when he speaks, his voice carries like he’s been theater trained. Or maybe the hillside acoustics are just that good. “Lady Beatrice, have you wept all this while?”

The reply comes to my lips automatically. “Yea, and I will weep a while longer.”

“I will not desire that.” His gaze is tender.

“You have no reason. I do it freely.” My lips part and my eyes flutter. I know what Benedict is going to say next.

He takes his time, swaying carefully forward so we’re inches apart. “I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange.”

“Wooohooo, yeah!” Mina shouts from the audience.

I open my mouth but I can’t remember my line. Benedict is holding me, and looking at me like I’m the only person in the world, and I’m falling, falling…

And then I remember. “I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.” I gasp the words, and cover my mouth so my heart doesn’t leap out. The words scare me so much, but I couldn’t keep them in any more than I could keep my heart from beating.

And Benedict is right here. His hand on my arm steadies me.

“I will live in thy heart,” he draws me close, “die in thy lap,” he cups my cheek with his right hand, “and be buried in thy eyes.”

“Die in my lap, huh?” I gaze up at him, chest heaving like I’ve run a mile. I summon a wicked smile “You know, that is a very naughty reference.”

“Stay with me, Frankie.” His breath caresses my lips. “Be naughty with me.”

“Smooch! Smooch! Smooch!” Mina cheers. The audience picks up her chant.

His arms slide around me, and I rise to tiptoe. The crowd bursts into cheers. Our heads slant, and our lips touch right as the first firework pops, and lights up the night.






Deep in a conservatory room masquerading as a jungle, two grey-haired women sit over tea. One is as stout as she is tall, with ruddy cheeks and a no nonsense look about her—Lady Ursaline. The other is Lady Ursaline’s oldest and best friend, Lady Drey. Lady Drey is tall and thin, with an African Grey parrot perched on her shoulder.

Both have a stack of digestive biscuits on their plates. Lady Drey is feeding her stack to her parrot, Elvis.

Lady Ursaline sips her tea loudly and smacks her lips. “It was lovely, Tiffy. So sorry you missed it. This country hasn’t had a good defenestration since 1866.”

“Really?” Lady Drey arches a delicate eyebrow. “I’m surprised you know that.”

Lady Ursaline puffs up. “Of course I know it. It was my bloody ancestor who did the defenestrating. Benedict’s namesake, actually. The same one who triumphed in the schnitzel eating contest and won the throne.” She heaves a sigh that ruffles Elvis’ feathers. “My, those were the days. They don't make royals with the stuff anymore. Not until Benny, and he’s, well, he’s a bastard.” She sounds proud of his illegitimate status.

“He’s doing very well at the Ministry of Finance, from what I hear,” Lady Drey says. “And using his personal funds to host movie nights at the parks was inspired. I hear they are very popular. In a few years’ time, he might have enough goodwill to run for President or Prime Minister.”

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