Home > Reckless Refuge (Wrecked #4)(39)

Reckless Refuge (Wrecked #4)(39)
Author: Catherine Cowles

And what the hell did I do with that information? Michael might be playing pretend, but the truth was that it didn’t matter. Not unless he knew where Shay was. “How do you feel about stepping things up?”

“In a way that might be slightly less than legal?” Dante asked, a grin in his tone.

“I need to know if he has any idea where Shay is.”

“I should be able to get to his computer while he’s at work. He doesn’t take it with him. Might be able to break into his phone search history as well if it’s linked to his laptop.”

It was exactly what I needed to breathe easier. “Am I gonna owe you hazard pay for this?”

Dante chuckled. “You’re paying me enough already. And something about this guy sets my teeth on edge. I want to make sure your girl’s safe.”

He’d called Shay my girl the first time we’d spoken, and I hadn’t corrected him. Because I’d wanted her to be. From the first moment I’d laid eyes on Shay’s gold-flecked ones, there’d been a pull. And it had only grown stronger. Now, I knew I had zero chance of breaking free. I was done for, and that was fine with me.









Phoenix26: What does one wear to a BBQ?

I drummed my fingers against the desk as I waited for E to answer. How had I gotten myself into this mess? A sexual haze, I realized. All Brody had to do was put his mouth on me, and I went stupid. And now, a bunch of virtual strangers were headed to Harbor for a barbeque.

Evergreen13: Hold the phone. Are you going to be social?

I scowled at the screen as if E could see me through it.

Phoenix26: Don’t be a smartass.

Evergreen13: But it’s my native language.

Phoenix26: Are you going to help me or not?

I didn’t have long to get ready, and as usual, my options were limited. The weather had turned, spring starting to work its way through the islands. But when you lived on the water, that didn’t exactly mean shorts and tank tops. I crossed to the dresser and pulled out my nicest pair of jeans. They’d have to do the trick. My computer dinged, and I looked back at the screen.

Evergreen13: Jeans and a shirt that shows some boob. Give that man a peek at what he might get if he makes a move.

I let out a snort of laughter and then grimaced at the chat box. I hadn’t shared the latest update with E. With anyone. I felt like if I just kept it to myself, then I could keep him safe. If no one knew that I’d fallen in love with Brody, there was less chance harm would come to him.

Evergreen13: You aren’t responding…HOLY CRAP! Did you guys kiss? Tell me everything!

I covered my face with my hands as if I could make her message disappear. When I peeked between my fingers, the entire screen was filled with ridiculous emojis.

Phoenix26: There was a shift in the status of our relationship. But I really can’t talk about it right now. I have to get ready in five minutes. Signing off.

It was mean, leaving her hanging like that. And I would likely get an earful the next time we talked, but I wasn’t ready to discuss Brody with anyone. At least not the intimate details.

I slipped on my jeans under my robe and moved to the closet in search of a top. I had a few button-down type shirts for when I had dinner with the Dowds when they were on the island. One of those would have to work. I settled on a pale pink one that I knew skimmed my curves. Putting that on, I gave my lips another quick swipe of gloss before checking my full reflection.

It seemed normal. But what did I know? Maybe all the women would come in sundresses, and I’d feel completely out of place. I pushed the thought away, chanting over and over in my head that everything would be fine. I checked my watch and knew that dragging-my-feet time was over.

I headed out of the guest room and down the stairs. Brody called out when he heard my footsteps on the hardwood floor. “I’m in the kitchen.” I made my way towards the sound of his voice. He looked up from where he was popping the top on a beer. His dark eyes flared as he took me in. “Come here.”

I arched a brow. “Ask nicely.”

His lips quirked. “Come here, please.”

“That’s better.”

I crossed to Brody, and he pulled me into his arms in one swift move. He brushed a strand of hair away from my face, his hand skimming down the side of my face to my neck, sending delicious shivers across my skin. His mouth brushed mine. “You look amazing. I want to send everyone home so I can paint you.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me.” I’d much rather have Brody on our island with me alone.

He pressed his lips to my forehead. “You’ll survive a dinner. I promise.”

“I might die of awkwardness.”

He chuckled. “You’re incredibly charming when you want to be.”

“You think I’m charming because we’re having sex.”

Brody’s fingers wrapped around a strand of my hair and gave a little tug. “I might be a little biased. But you did great at The Catch the other night. Had a whole evening of conversation.”

But that was different. There had been music and people slipping in and out of the discussions. I could’ve made an excuse to leave at any time. Here, I was trapped. Brody’s expression sobered. “You’re really nervous, aren’t you?”

“I’m not good with crowds.”

“I don’t know if this really qualifies as a crowd.”

“Eleven people is a crowd in my book.” I hadn’t been forced to talk to that many people since my recital days.

“Three of those people are kids, and one is a baby,” Brody said, his eyes dancing.

I widened my eyes comically. “Babies are the scariest of all. What if I drop her or she pukes all over me?”

“I promise to save you from all baby encounters.”

I brushed a hand over my forehead. “Phew.”

Brody pulled me closer. “I promise. I won’t leave you alone. Not until you’re ready.”



It was hard to believe, but I was having fun. It hadn’t been instant. The first hour the group of Caelyn’s and Hunter’s friends had been here, I’d been stiff as a board, and things had been awkward as hell. But Brody had kept his promise. He’d stayed by my side and helped ease me into conversations.

Caelyn’s siblings that she and Griffin had custody of helped, too. The littlest one, Mia, had a million questions for me about my job and this island. It was mind-boggling to her that there was only one house on the whole place. She’d then taken it upon herself to teach me how to do a cartwheel. Once I’d mastered that, the spell had been broken, and I no longer felt out of place.

We’d balanced plates heaped with food on the arms of Adirondack chairs or the corners of a picnic table. I’d met Caelyn’s friends, Kenna and Crosby, who’d brought with them their daughter, Harriet, who was just a few months old. I had to admit she was adorable. And she hadn’t even puked on me.

They headed back to Anchor not long after dinner to put the baby down, but the rest of the crew stayed, pulling up chairs and blankets to a fire pit Brody and I had hauled out of storage earlier in the day. Caelyn passed out the makings for s’mores, stopping to help her two youngest siblings with their marshmallows and sticks.

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