Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(165)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(165)
Author: Cora Reilly

Giovanni surprised me with a hug when he stepped into the room. “I’m so happy for you two.”

I nodded. Livia headed straight toward Val who lay in bed but looked impatient to get out.

“I’ll have to give my father a call.”

Giovanni went over to Val and embraced her. Seeing Val being cared for, I stepped outside and called my father back. I’d sent him and Pietro a quick message yesterday telling them about Anna, and while Pietro had immediately congratulated me and Val, Father hadn’t replied.

“Father, what is it?” I said in an as neutral a tone as I was capable of knowing what he’d say.

“It’s a shame,” he mused. “But maybe next time you’ll finally be gifted an heir. You shouldn’t wait too long to try for a second child.”

I gritted my teeth against the anger boiling up. Val had only just suffered through a C-section and Anna would need weeks to catch up, but he already wished for another child. “I’m happy with the child Valentina gifted me yesterday. Your granddaughter is beautiful and doing well, considering the circumstances.”

“That’s good. Your mother sends her regards.”

I made a non-committal noise. “Will you come to visit?”

“You know how your mother can get when she’s in a hospital. We’ll wait until the child is home.”

I hung up shortly after and took a deep breath as I loosened my hold on my phone. I wouldn’t allow my parents to diminish the joy I felt over having Anna.

The phone rang again. As usual, Ines had the perfect timing.

“I’m so happy for you! Congratulations from Pietro and me. We’re so excited for you!”

“Thank you. Pietro already sent me your congrats.”

“Per message! That’s not enough. I’m so happy for you. I wish I could hug you and Valentina. How’s Anna? Is she all right?”

I smiled slightly at Ines’ excitement. She was usually more poised. “The doctors are happy with her. She’s breathing on her own and she’s well developed for a preemie.”

“Wonderful,” she said softly. “We’d love to come visit. It’s been too long. I know you’re busy now but maybe Pietro and I can come over with the kids next week? We’d even stay with Mother and Father if you’d rather have the house to yourself.”

“No, you’re welcome in our house. Last time Father didn’t appreciate the boisterous nature of the twins.”

Ines huffed. “They’re only eight, of course they’re a bit wild. Let me guess, he didn’t congratulate you on your daughter?”

“You know how they are,” I said.

“So Mother did what she does best and just followed Father’s example.” She made a small disgruntled noise. “I’m glad you got yourself a wife with her own head. I think it’s exactly what you need.”

“That’s what you think?”

“Yes. You need someone who draws you out of your shell and occasionally kicks your prideful Capo behind.”

My mouth twitched. “You think I’d allow anyone to do that.” Serafina and Samuel screamed in the background, followed by Sofia’s cry.

“Wonderful, they woke the baby.”

“Take care of your children.”

“And you of yours and your wife.”

I returned into the room where Valentina perched on the edge of the bed, her face twisting in pain. Giovanni gave me a worried look. I rolled the wheelchair over then helped Val into it. “You can’t walk all the way to the ICU yet.”

Val’s face made it clear that she was unhappy with her body’s refusal to obey her command. Sometimes she could be as prideful and stubborn as me.

Seeing Anna in the incubator with all the monitors tracking her vital functions, my heart squeezed tightly. A nurse hurried over to us and lifted Anna out of the incubator then put her down on Val’s chest. Val beamed up at me then her parents. Livia started crying once more. Giovanni leaned down and lightly touched Anna’s hand. “Those small fingers…”

Val hadn’t only been a good choice because of who she was, but also because of her parents. Giovanni was a man I liked and could trust to some extent. And Livia would be a far more loving grandmother than my own mother could ever be.

“I think we’ll give you some time now,” Giovanni said after a few minutes. Once he and Livia were gone, I pulled up a chair beside Val and stroked Anna’s cheek. “Did the doctors tell you how long she’ll have to stay here?” she asked, not looking up from our girl.

“Two to three weeks. She’s a fighter, so despite her early start they are confident she’ll be strong enough to come home with us soon.”

“Good. I want her home with us. I feel safer in our house.”

I kissed Val’s temple. “You are safe, Val. My men are watching every entrance. They patrol the corridors, and I’m at your side.”

Val glanced up with a soft smile. “Why don’t you hold her for a bit?”

I nodded then carefully lifted Anna from Val’s chest and cradled her to my own before I reclined on the chair. Val watched us, her eyes glassy. I linked our fingers and squeezed gently. She needed to know that this meant as much to me as it meant to her, even if I didn’t express it in the same way.

* * *

Three weeks later, Anna could finally come home with us. I carried her into our mansion because Val still wasn’t allowed to carry anything heavy.

Zita and Gabby waited in the lobby, obviously curious. They hadn’t seen our daughter yet because we’d kept visitors to an absolute minimum. Only Ines and Pietro with the kids and Bibiana had visited beside Val’s parents.

Zita came closer with a motherly smile. “She’s precious.”

Val nodded. “She is.” They exchanged a smile. Their initial animosity had turned to mutual respect, thanks to Val’s patience.

Gabby slowly approached, as usual shy around me. “She’s so small.”

“She’ll grow quickly,” I said. I held the carrier out to Zita who took it at once so I could help Val out of her coat. She still moved a bit stiffly but she was trying to mask her pain from me.

“Your father called, Master,” Zita said as I took the carrier once more. My mouth tightened. “He and your mother want to come over for dinner to meet their grandchild.”

Val raised her eyebrows. She had pretended not to mind my parents’ disinterest for our daughter but I wasn’t blind.

“I wasn’t sure what to do but I bought everything for a grand feast just in case,” Zita said, glancing between Val and me.

I tried to control my anger. Val brushed my arm, giving me a smile, and some of my fury evaporated. “Please prepare something delicious, Zita. We’ll have them over.”

Zita nodded but regarded me questioningly as if she waited for me to confirm. I gave a terse nod.

“Let’s take Anna upstairs.”

Zita and Gabby headed into the kitchen while Val and I moved upstairs. Taking the steps, Val’s face flashed with discomfort but she quickly masked it when she noticed my gaze on her.

Once Anna was settled in her crib, I touched Val’s shoulders. “Val, don’t hide your pain from me. You can lean on me. I need to know when you’re hurt.”

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